Will you beat HL:S before playing HL2?

HL:S before HL2?

  • Yes, I'll beat HL:S before i play HL2.

    Votes: 29 19.0%
  • No, I'll play HL:S after i beat HL2.

    Votes: 124 81.0%

  • Total voters


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
I was thinking since the game comes out the 16th (Tuesday)..then that entire next week we have off for thanksgiving (senior in highschool). So, I'm most likely going to rush through HL:S before even touching HL2, anyone else? And yes ive played and beaten HL about 3 or 4 times, i feel i should again....
No way. I'm waiting for HL2, not HL:S. Beating HL:S wouldn't be much different than beating HL yet again - it would only look a bit prettier, and then not in all areas. It's HL2 we're waiting for!
HL:S isn't much of an update to HL, so playing HL:S won't be a whole heck of a lot different from playing HL -- which I've played many times. Nope, HL2 will be loaded at the first moment possible.
To be honest i don't think i'll have the patience to play through the whole of HL again. I know what happens so might as well crack on with HL2.
How do you know that HL:S will be released before HL2?
Supposivly HL:S is out on the day HL2 is out. Also, it will be extremelly hard for me to play it too, i really don't know if i can when i see the option HL:S and HL2...SHIT!

EDIT: That'd be awesome if valve released HL:S a week or two before HL2....
If even couple of days before HL2 wuld b gr8 so ppl can complete it on easy b4 playing hl2
I'm playing through OpFor right now. After Half-Life 2 is released, I'll play through it at least once, then play through Half-Life: Source immediately followed by another play through of Half-Life 2.
Mountain Man has a good idea. More than likely I'll follow his example. :P

Personally I've been recently playing through Opposing Force and Azure Sheep (yeah I know, Azure is a 3rd party game, so what?)

Good times.
I wont bother with HL:S. I might give it another go after there have been some full scale updates (IE: High rez textures!) by the mod community. Physics and Water arn't enough for me to want to play it again. I've played HL1 enough :)
im not getting hl:s, and i never completed hl, only played for 30 mins, so i doubt ill be able to complete hl:s coz of thise 2 reasons, so, NO

i completed it recently, its seriously worth playing till the end rf. When you get to Xen especially...its real class.
i mite when i played hl2, i know the storyline (basic), cause i saw the hl in an hour video, v.amazing

I think like a lot of people I'll start HL:S with every intention of finishing it, then get about an hour in and get fed up of it. It's so scripted that it doesn't really bear playing more than a couple of times IMHO.
yeah, because hell I bought the silver package, why not?

and hl1 only takes a couple hours to beat on the hardest difficulty.
I almost have to. My girlfriend is buying me the silver edition as an anniversary present on one condition. That I don't play HL2 until she can watch me play it for the first time. She's at college and won't be back till November 19th. So I'm going to do a quick run through of HL:S first. I was going to buy it myself so I wouldn't have this problem but she really wanted to do it for me. Oh well. At least she's a cool girlfriend for buying it.
No, I'll play HL:S after i beat HL2.
Raziel-Jcd said:
No, I'll play HL:S after i beat HL2.

I will be doing the same thing, I am going to play HL2 at 12:00AM!!!! I am so staying up! I can't wait I am soooooo freakin excited about this game!!!!! I hope I can hold out!!!!! :bounce: :bounce:
We've already started work on fully overhauling HL:Source with textures, sounds, models etc :)

Give us a while and will have it all suited up. Will even work on some nicer quality versions of the maps, although making sure they don't ruin the gameplay experience or the storyline.

Anyone else interested in helping post over in the HL:S section :)
Yeah I originally thought it would be a really good idea to do hl:s first, and I probably will try, but I know somewhere in the first half of the game I am going to be too tempted to go to halflife 2, it will always be in the back of my mind.
Only if HL:S comes out b4 Half Life 2, other wise I will be playing HL:S next year lol
Democritus said:
HL:S isn't much of an update to HL, so playing HL:S won't be a whole heck of a lot different from playing HL -- which I've played many times. Nope, HL2 will be loaded at the first moment possible.
I've got go agree, however if they released it before HL2 (Hint hint.. Valve.. :naughty: ) then, yes I would love to play that first.

jheaddon said:
We've already started work on fully overhauling HL:Source with textures, sounds, models etc :)

Give us a while and will have it all suited up. Will even work on some nicer quality versions of the maps, although making sure they don't ruin the gameplay experience or the storyline.

Anyone else interested in helping post over in the HL:S section :)

Count me in...
HL2 first of course because I want to know what surprises HL2 has for me, and I know HL from the beginning to the end. But after finishing HL2 I think I will try it, or when I'm stuck in a HL2 and I want something else to do for a few hours.
Nope, I've been through HL so many times I can't stand it anymore. I'll go straight to HL², that's what I've been waiting for :p
Nov 1st-16th I'm going to play the original Half-Life, Blue Shift, and Op Force to prepare for HL2. :cheers:
could you please send me a link for the half life in a hour video?
could someone send me a link for the half life in an hour video?
ya i will beat hl s also cuz i want to play through the whole story from very beginning to very end. Cuz its cool like that.
well i dont go back to school till january so il be playing 1 and 2 in 10 weeks. But what sucks is that im looking forward to metal gear solid 3 and it comes out a day after half life 2 :-(
I'm gonna wait until after i play through HL2. Perhaps if they had update EVERYTHING in HL1 (for example, being able to see Eli's younger self as a Source model) i could have the patience to play through it first. But naw, i'm stayin' up all night, and cutting class the next day. I'm going to Adderall through all 36 hours of that biatch.
^ haha you suck...you add/adhd or abusing it? I might get a few from my friend to play HL2, just so it's even a better experience. I don't know how stoners want to smoke up and get high as hell and play HL2, i wouldn't dare do that, it'd ruin the experience.
tokin said:
^ haha you suck...you add/adhd or abusing it? I might get a few from my friend to play HL2, just so it's even a better experience. I don't know how stoners want to smoke up and get high as hell and play HL2, i wouldn't dare do that, it'd ruin the experience.

true adhd, baby.

and yeah, dude... with the adderall my concentration is SO high i'll be able to notice EVERY minute detail. jesus...i sound like a druggy..."dude..colors taste better when your high" ... "the schnozberries taste like schnozberries!"
where's the option for "I'm not going to play HL:Source, cause it's exactly the same as HL1 which i've already clocked a zillion times"?
Teddy said:
where's the option for "I'm not going to play HL:Source, cause it's exactly the same as HL1 which i've already clocked a zillion times"?

no dude.... the water looks so much COOLER in HL:S... heh heh
I thought about playing through HL:S before HL2 long ago, but then I thought...why should I do that? It would be best to just play through the original HL the day before HL2 is out.

I mean, if you REALLY want to go WOW when you start up HL2....best to play through HL first, in all of its 6 year old glory.
lol unless they release hl:s before hl2 there is NO WAY IN HELL anyone is gonna play ANYTHING ELSE while HL2 is on their HD :P
Yeah, this poll needs another option: "Only if they unlock HL:S before HL2."

I've fired off an email to valve asking if they will. Here's hoping for a response. Because once I've got HL2 on my computer, you can be damn sure I won't be playing anything else for a while.
I don't care for HL:S. :) Not that I don't like it, I just didn't really find the time to really play the first one.
i made a post about this awhile back, it's called Half-Lfe: Hardcore