Will You Ruin HL2 for yourself?

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First of all let me say, "Yay, I'm not ERASED!!"

Ok, the real reason why I’m here. When a game I’m really anticipating gets announced I tend to...well go to gaming websites everyday and download the latest screenshots/movie and read all the news. The only prob is when the day finally comes the game is not as great as I hoped. This is because my imagination of what the game will be is so great.

It happened to me with Perfect Dark, Hitman 2, GTA: Vice City, and many many more. Usually when a game I had no idea was coming out or wasn't excited about is good it blows me away, I still play Goldeneye, and I had no idea about it coming out. And since I knew very little about Half-Life when it came out, it too blew me out of the water, with its realistic feel. (The intro train ride took my breath away, it made me feel as though I really was entering the Black Mesa Complex.)

I promised myself when I realized I was visiting ever HL2 website 3 or 4 time a day I wouldn’t let myself do that to HL2. That is the main reason why I don't frequent these boards so much. I pop in every month or so and look at news. I've only downloaded the E3 demo and I still feel this is too much. I'm sure no matter what I will be impressed with the graphics and such, but when I anticipate a game so much I don't feel it will match up to my hopes.

Sorry it's so long, That is all.
i think everyone will over hype the game for themselves and utimately be disapointed.
that´s the same to me. I always so anticipated of a game and when it comes out...i´m disappointed. and that happened to me for almost all games I looked forward to since I got internet. and I don´t link myself for that.;(
Originally posted by Peks
i think everyone will over hype the game for themselves and utimately be disapointed.

True... a'la Black & White.
That's what so scary. The game promises to be one of the longest FPS out there. With 30-something hours (don't know exact number) but when it is all over, for some people it just won't seem long enough.

I know some people don't really care about the game and are mainly looking foward to the mods that follow, but not me. I really really am looking foward to this game. Like everyone else, I've been waiting for 5 years!
I dunno, I think a game that's this revolutionary will dissapoint few.
Unreal 2 :(
I been trying to controlly myself. I hope after all the e3 vids come out on high quality, i will have teh strength to not look at anymore media.
I ruined a few games before this one, like Perfect Dark, with knowing too much about the game. Knowing about it isn't too bad, but when you know too much, it just ruins the discovery and experience of the game. It's like the equivalent of using a walk through, although not as bad.

Before the E3 Gamespy movie came out, I was determined to not watch any movies (screenshots were OK). The idea of finally seeing it moving for the first time, also coinciding with the first time playing it would be awesome. Of course, one of my friends downloaded the gamespy movie, and I watched it at a LAN, ruining that plan. Now I'm going to do the same thing I did with Zelda: WW, Super Mario Sunshine, and so forth, a 1 or 1.5 month information blackout before the game comes out. That's where most of the indepth information comes out, and it's too close to when I'm actually going to play the game. If I don't see anything about it for that time, it'll make playing the game that much better...
It happened to me with RTCW, i was totally dissapointed in it. HL2 though, i doubt ill be dissapointed, even if i am there will be a million mods.
The same think happened to THE MATRIX RELOADED everybody is over hyped with its story, but it turned out to be crap.

Do not think of HL2 as it is god of all games....hehe

I am talking shit am I?:cheese:
There is no way for me to be disapointed with this game , Ive seen the movies and I really want to play it.
I really doubt this game will dissapoint me, how can it not? If its what they say it is I will love it.
this is a good thread, and it's a valid point, but sometimes, the anticipation can be the best part. I'm going to enjoy it, and the we'll see how hl2 is. the only thing i'm limiting myself from reading are reviews until i've played the game.

kind of a conundrum as to how i'm going to report and quote new reviews without reading them... oh well :cheers:
Originally posted by SpuD
I really doubt this game will dissapoint me, how can it not? If its what they say it is I will love it.
The imagination tends to take things further than they are. Try not to get your hopes to high, thats exactly how games usually always get ruined.
well, all I want is a good FPS with top notch graphics, great gameplay and decent physics. HL2 will deliver!

I'm not too interested in the single-player. I will play it, just like the original half-life, I'll probally only go through it once. we all know that multiplayer is where it's at. Half-life 1 would have been long forgotten if it weren't for MP and mods.
I am fairly certian if you try and run it on anything but the best system you will be dissapointed.
VALVe's strategy is irregular, and they choose what they do to keep the game from being a dissappointment... (Announcing it late, giving out very little information, releasing videos for a quite old build, being 100% honest to the community +++) We can only hope that their strategy has succeeded. But no matter what, the game will have many positive sides that we don't know about. For example multiplayer, story, weapons aso...
at part of the fun is to get hyped... dont think i can get too "over hyped" if a games looks good, i don't judge it to be a good game but the grafics will have to be nice :)
Honestly, I don't care. I see HL2 only as something worth playing in the following months. The same way I feel towards stalker, halo, and max payne 2 for example. I don't see HL2 as revolutionary, but I'm looking forward to it. Just not as much as others.
I'm pretty sure HL2 will be right at my expectations. Hopefully it's better than my expectations
Ehh, I will play it and have fun. RTCW sucked. Only 1 level I liked in the whole game. Multiplayer was fun though.

Back to hl2. I will buy it, i will play it. And thats it. I liked Unreal 2. I just randomly buy stuff. Dont even know why i would post here. Just something else random. Ehhhh. Back to what ever i was doing.
wouldnt it be really funny if there actually wasnt any HL2? that it was all some clever illusion by valve. Id laugh so hard, then shoot myself.

im allready too excited about HL2, the story itself could be crap for all i care, i want to play around with the physics, the poibilities really are endless!!
To be honest, I probably had just as much fun anticipating HL2's release as I will have playing it.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
To be honest, I probably had just as much fun anticipating HL2's release as I will have playing it.

i second that

if you have had this much fun watching the videos you will have mor efun playing them. Ultimitly i think now the only thing having a chance at being bad is the stroy , but thats only the 50/50 of a game, half story, half gameplay

just like the leaked version of jedi knight 3 i donwloaded today, it has a great story and great gameplay. :cheese:
I really dont hype games up myself that much, I try not to think about the game much. I just watch the videos, and never read previews.