Willdo follows up...

Some of the Questions sound a bit forward don't you think. It sounds like he was pissed off when he wrote it.
He didn't write them. They were suggested in another thread.
Those are the worst questions ever...
I'm sorry but those questions are pretty dumb.

"In what ways do you think you 'pwn' FarCry?"

Horrible questions. I mean WTF: "how much will HL2 you pwn far cry?"...lamest question ever!
That's 6 posts in a row about the stupidity of those questions... I would seriously be embarrassed to have to present those to Gabe..
lans said:
Horrible questions. I mean WTF: "how much will HL2 you pwn far cry?"...lamest question ever!

I doubt gabe even understood that. :(
Where did he ask Gabe these questions? In real life face to face, or through email?

If it is face to face, what exactly does he mean by saying that Gabe 'Didn't anwser', after asking a question? What did Gabe do, just stand there blank faced, as Willdo moved on to the next question?
Adam said:
Where did he ask Gabe these questions? In real life face to face, or through email?

If it is face to face, what exactly does he mean by saying that Gabe 'Didn't anwser', after asking a question? What did Gabe do, just stand there blank faced, as Willdo moved on to the next question?

LOL, oh my, I just pictured that in my mind.. that'd be funny to see
Adam said:
...what exactly does he mean by saying that Gabe 'Didn't anwser', after asking a question? What did Gabe do, just stand there blank faced, as Willdo moved on to the next question?

Willdo:Can holes be dug into walls? Is this done in any manner similar to the "cut" tool in the HL1 Hammer?

Gabe: >_> <_<

*crickets chirp*

Willdo: Erm...yeah...You have said so many different things about the physics you wish to have and are going to have, precisly how much will the physics be enabled?

Gabe: >_> ._. -_-

*Willdo coughs*

Gabe: O_O >_> ._. ~_-
Shuzer said:
LOL, oh my, I just pictured that in my mind.. that'd be funny to see

Hell, it would be funny to eat!!
hmm... I seriously don't get the "eating" part... sorry.
wildo gave half-life2 fans a bad rep :(
Well anyways...I think that some of those question were a bit off, but i dont think that it was some special interview from gamespot or anything so.......yeah
What a dumb lot of questions to ask. Jeez. Makes me wanna email God (aka Gabe Newell) and apologize... ;)

Seriously though, if I was there I would probably do some ad-hoc questioning about future mod-support etc. At this stage that would be the most relevant questions.

boglito said:
What a dumb lot of questions to ask. Jeez. Makes me wanna email God (aka Gabe Newell) and apologize... ;)

Seriously though, if I was there I would probably do some ad-hoc questioning about future mod-support etc. At this stage that would be the most relevant questions.


I emailed him and apologized for myself and Shuzer about an hour ago..
I'm think Maui is right, and Gabe didn't answer half of those questions because he didn't understand them :rolling: He just stared blankly at Willdo when he asked them. Then, after the akward pause, Willdo just moved onto the next question, as if nothing happened :LOL:
Lol, when the 'weird' questions were asked, Gabe just asked Gordon to answer them, who is a master at staring and being mute.

Willdo: Is there such thing as a elasticity of materials, can we bounce realistically on a surface. If not do you think that will be one of the modular updates?

Gordon: *stare*

Willdo: .... Wait... what does that mean? Is that a yes or a no?

Gordon: *stare*

Willdo: ... Right...

Gordon: *stare*
Frosty207 said:
I'm think Maui is right, and Gabe didn't answer half of those questions because he didn't understand them :rolling: He just stared blankly at Willdo when he asked them. Then, after the akward pause, Willdo just moved onto the next question, as if nothing happened :LOL:

Oh, I'm sure Gabe knew what he was talking about - Gabe used to work as head programmer or something at Microsoft and was fairly well known there, I believe - maybe he just thought he was being an asshole, so he pulled a Gordon. I don't know. It would still be great to watch though. What would Willdo be thinking?

"He's quiet. Again. OMFGWTFNOOBLOLLMFAOBONKZORZ i leik froot!!$!12"

EDIT: 63, eating? :hmph:
Maui said:
Oh, I'm sure Gabe knew what he was talking about - Gabe used to work as head programmer or something at Microsoft and was fairly well known there, I believe - maybe he just thought he was being an asshole, so he pulled a Gordon. I don't know. It would still be great to watch though. What would Willdo be thinking?

"He's quiet. Again. OMFGWTFNOOBLOLLMFAOBONKZORZ i leik froot!!$!12"

EDIT: 63, eating? :hmph:
Well he probably understood them, but some of them were just worded so strangely :rolling: Maybe what I meant to say was, "I think Maui's right, and Gabe didn't answer half of those questions because they were so stupid :p"
Six Three said:
I emailed him and apologized for myself and Shuzer about an hour ago..

..e-mailed who? And apologized for what? What'd I do? ... ... :|
Shuzer said:
..e-mailed who? And apologized for what? What'd I do? ... ... :|

I emailed Gabe to say sorry on for the embarrassment that was that interview. I included you, you're off the hook..
I love the one about diggin into walls..like wtf!?
Six Three said:
I love the one about diggin into walls..like wtf!?

I think he meant the cutting type tool in Hammer...which would be boneheaded not to be included, as every game past Wolfenstein 3d had this. (I know not really, but you get it.)

Crappy, crappy questions.
Maui said:
I think he meant the cutting type tool in Hammer...which would be boneheaded not to be included, as every game past Wolfenstein 3d had this. (I know not really, but you get it.)
Surely nobody would ask a question as redundant as that.. he might have meant 'can holes be made in walls in-game', as in Red Faction. Either way, those are simply terrible questions.

"So, uh... do things... you know... bounce?"
Gabe: *sigh*
Willdo: "So Gabe...is the game in colour?"

Gabe: *blinks and stares*

Willdo: "Will there be any wildlife for me to shoot?! Playing 'hunter' is so 1337!!"

Gabe: *raises eyebrow*

[long silence before Willdo's face raises a smile at a new question]

Willdo: "Will you sign my butt?!"

Gabe: [instantly] "Get out."
RoguePsi said:
Willdo: "So Gabe...is the game in colour?"

Gabe: *blinks and stares*

Willdo: "Will there be any wildlife for me to shoot?! Playing 'hunter' is so 1337!!"

Gabe: *raises eyebrow*

[long silence before Willdo's face raises a smile at a new question]

Willdo: "Will you sign my butt?!"

Gabe: [instantly] "Get out."
ahahaha :E
Wow, I read the posts here about the interview being stupid and still went ahead and read it anyway. What a waste of Gabe’s time to even answer that guy. Those questions were horrible and offered absolutely no important or new information. And people on that site were eating it up. First they post a bunch of really blurry, low-resolution pictures of them just standing with Gabe and things on walls and all. Then after a pretty long time (Interview was short) to get the interview posted its so horrible. I understand that he's not a real reporter or anything and just a kid but if you compare him to Merc or others who have visited Valve from HL2.net that kid on HL2 Central gets an F.

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