Willdo follows up...

So now we have a new era of the silent treatment. It's called the "Gordon Treatment"! Fear it's evil and unsurpased powers to suppress even the most difficult, insignificant, absurd and inane questions any fanatic fanboy could ever throw!
Wow I feel bad for Gabe...

Was he that aggressive right to Gabe's face, or did he change the questions after he got home?
Unfortunately, I think Gabe is not going to allow anymore visits to Valve anymore after this encounter.
Adam said:
Unfortunately, I think Gabe is not going to allow anymore visits to Valve anymore after this encounter.
lol stupid ^^ of course he will...
Maui said:
"He's quiet. Again. OMFGWTFNOOBLOLLMFAOBONKZORZ i leik froot!!$!12"

This has to be the funniest mickey-take on lamer speak i've ever heard :LOL:

Back on topic

I don't think it should be left to the people that visit valve to ask any questions, as we get stuff answered over email anyway - asking face to face probably just puts the valve staff in a bad situation - i.e. being asked for information that they can't reveal.
Man, those questions made my head hurt. Ouch.

Gabe, If you are reading this:
We stand alongside you with our reaction of "WTF???"
I'm not very funny at all. I should stop making silly jokes.
Mr-Fusion said:
I'll second that.

That interview reminded me of towelie.

Don't forget to bring a towel!
It's like brain damage, only it is Brian that is damaged.

*EDIT* Brian wtf is that mutant ISA card it's huge!
pvtlon said:
It's like brain damage, only it is Brian that is damaged.
Yeah its just that in young ones, the russian land lord Belowski's twin brother, Brian Damage plays a psychotic, criminal madmaaaan, who takes four students hostage during a riot caused by a flying snot landing on a bald man's head.
And then Neil's parents show up.
See? I had a logical explanation for that guess.
pvtlon said:
It's like brain damage, only it is Brian that is damaged.

*EDIT* Brian wtf is that mutant ISA card it's huge!

Oh, thank you.

;( *Sniff*

I'm damaged goods...

And yes, I love my massive, spiky, hand-shredding mutant sonofabitch of an ISA card. Nobody's really sure what it is. Comes in handy for cutting sandwiches, though...

AJ Rimmer said:
Yeah its just that in young ones, the russian land lord Belowski's twin brother, Brian Damage plays a psychotic, criminal madmaaaan, who takes four students hostage during a riot caused by a flying snot landing on a bald man's head.
And then Neil's parents show up.
See? I had a logical explanation for that guess.

Is this that old show with the guy that had studs in his forehead?
Brian Damage said:
Oh, thank you.

;( *Sniff*

I'm damaged goods...

And yes, I love my massive, spiky, hand-shredding mutant sonofabitch of an ISA card. Nobody's really sure what it is. Comes in handy for cutting sandwiches, though...

Is this that old show with the guy that had studs in his forehead?
Yeah. Great show.
Ah, I think we have some tapes of that somewhere...

That dude'd have a go at anyone or anything, wouldn't he?
[on topic]
[/on topic]

Brian, your ISA card is a video card. I used to run a server that had a card like that. The RCA jacks are video out, and the one that looks like a monitor plug is for the monitor.
This was back in the day when the idea of running multiple displays on one pc was ludacris (hehe, ludacris)
Is there a date on that monsta?
Hold on, I'll see if I can find the bugger and check...

[EDIT]: There's a six digit number that could either be "060185" or "581090". I dunno, it's written like the numbers on an alarm clock...

I suppose it could have been made on the 6th of January, 1985. Either that, or the 1st of June, 1985.
Brian Damage said:
Hold on, I'll see if I can find the bugger and check...

[EDIT]: There's a six digit number that could either be "060185" or "581090". I dunno, it's written like the numbers on an alarm clock...

I suppose it could have been made on the 6th of January, 1985. Either that, or the 1st of June, 1985.
Crap! That outdates my 1986 microsoft mouse compatibility card.
You all need to lighten up a bit, forums are about having fun and not seeing how you can insult the other guy as much as possible.

Especially the people at the beginning of this thread.

my question "In what ways do you think you pwn farcry" It's a valid question. When I program, I compare my programs to programs I am competing with and you always have your ideas on what you think is better about somthing you created. For example, most of the people here would say that hl2.net is better than hl2c in terms of userbase and post activity. Just because i choose not to be formal in my suggestions makes the question stupid?
Would you rather every post on the internet have no expression? And PS gabe did answer it, and said it he would sell more copies.

As I said before, it's about having fun.

And I didn't mean Hammer's cutting tool(that would be retarded to ask, and I dont even understand why anyone would want that tool because it sucked balls ruined everyother object you used it with), I meant somthing else that I don't care to go into detail with.
The PC Nerd said:
You all need to lighten up a bit, forums are about having fun and not seeing how you can insult the other guy as much as possible.

Especially the people at the beginning of this thread.

my question "In what ways do you think you pwn farcry" It's a valid question. When I program, I compare my programs to programs I am competing with and you always have your ideas on what you think is better about somthing you created. For example, most of the people here would say that hl2.net is better than hl2c in terms of userbase and post activity. Just because i choose not to be formal in my suggestions makes the question stupid?
Would you rather every post on the internet have no expression? And PS gabe did answer it, and said it he would sell more copies.

As I said before, it's about having fun.

And I didn't mean Hammer's cutting tool(that would be retarded to ask, and I dont even understand why anyone would want that tool because it sucked balls ruined everyother object you used it with), I meant somthing else that I don't care to go into detail with.

You're talking to the Co-Founder of Valve, not some 12 year old kid on a CS pub.. You should be formal.
i agree. im getting a little tired of people going to valve and asking stupid questions. merc was the only person i've seen have a decent report. at least i have some experience with the whole modding aspect, and i have a background in journalism so i can form some coherent questions.
gh0st said:
i agree. im getting a little tired of people going to valve and asking stupid questions. merc was the only person i've seen have a decent report. at least i have some experience with the whole modding aspect, and i have a background in journalism so i can form some coherent questions.

Be the first person to return with an oustanding report then :p
i probably wont want to return. im going august 21'st at 1:30 :) very excited.
gh0st said:
i probably wont want to return. im going august 21'st at 1:30 :) very excited.

Really? Same day I go..
Six Three said:
You're talking to the Co-Founder of Valve, not some 12 year old kid on a CS pub.. You should be formal.
"Hello, how are you doing Mr. Newell"
"I have a few questions that I would like to ask only if you feel comfortable answering them though, may I go ahead?"
"Every programmer has thier ideas on how they think somthing they made is better than someone elses, what are your thoughts in this manner torwards farcry"

Professionalism is somthing that is sometimes overrated, I'm sure the single word "pwn" didn't trigger the police to come and arrest him.

Oh and if you ever ask anything that would give new information, he just won't answer it's that simple, I doubt anyone but somone who mods is going to come back with good enough report. And modders asking questions through somebody doesnt always get the real feel of what you meant somtimes.

Hopefully ghost will be able to have a good time with him and be able to actually have ideas from his own mind that he understands rather than the non-modders (smirks in disgust :) )
thats typically how you interview someone. professionalism in this case really isnt overrated. using "pwn" (god knows how you prounounced it) actually made me blush.

"how does half life 2 pwn farcry"

just like interviewing a sports star or something you dont say "how do you pwn the opposing team". valve obviously isnt feeling any rivalry toward companies they just want to make a good game.

uh.. i am a modder by the way.
I'm sure the removal of 100% formality is fine in this case and that adding the word "pwn" which is used 99% in a mod for his first game (cs) isn't too informal.

I knwo you are a modder, check the last part of my post.
The PC Nerd said:
I'm sure the removal of 100% formality is fine in this case and that adding the word "pwn" which is used 99% in a mod for his first game (cs) isn't too informal.

It's not just that, it's the questions too.
Here's my version:

Willdo: You have said so many different things about the physics you wish to have and are going to have, precisly how much will the physics be enabled?

Gabe: *blank look*

Willdo: Are you okay Gabe? Are you having a stroke?

Gabe: *blank look*

Willdo: Okay...moving on...

Gabe: *slowly gives Wilco the finger*
gh0st said:
i agree. im getting a little tired of people going to valve and asking stupid questions. merc was the only person i've seen have a decent report. at least i have some experience with the whole modding aspect, and i have a background in journalism so i can form some coherent questions.

What? Merc didn't even ask any questions and took like 6 blurry photos. All he seemed to really care about was 'trying to pwn people at CS: Source.' I personally liked the trip made by Spito-cd-fry or whatever his name was. He went to Valve before going to Valve was cool!
DarkStar said:
What? Merc didn't even ask any questions and took like 6 blurry photos. All he seemed to really care about was 'trying to pwn people at CS: Source.' I personally liked the trip made by Spito-cd-fry or whatever his name was. He went to Valve before going to Valve was cool!

Spitcodfry and yeah he was the first I think :)
DarkStar said:
What? Merc didn't even ask any questions and took like 6 blurry photos.

yeah i was thinking of someone else. just looked at his stuff.
gh0st said:
i probably wont want to return. im going august 21'st at 1:30 :) very excited.

Heh a late august visit eh? Maybe it'll be like spitcodfry's visit, where you ask at the end 'is the september xx date still on?' and Gabe answers 'we'll see, we'll see'
Ah, history repeats itself, repeats itself. :)

And Willdo, face it, your questions just sucked, no offense (well offense against your questions, not you personally) :D

With a little bit of research, you could have eliminated half of your questions. I mean, you could have know things wouldn't have elasticity because HL2 only features rigid body physics. Furthermore, your question about 'digging' could have been answered by a little research, it was known that you couldn't dig into walls in a Red Faction style, or if you meant something else with it: I can guarantee you that it would have been impossible anyway and you could have answered your own question.

And you could have known that any question about competition would have been answered with 'we're gamers too, we're looking forward to them and we're gonna play the games when they come out if we have time. We feel that each game has its own qualities'. It's the answer Valve always gives to these questions (I'm even sure they mean it) what did you expect 'laff we pwn teh puny gmaes liek dis FatCyr and Hell0 2 shite lolz!!1!~ kthnxbye!1' ?

And really, did you seriously expect him to answer question #5 regarding the AI? Specially because it involves the source code leak, and calling it 'lying' about the AI isn't a very tactical choice of words either.

But honestly, take this criticism lightly, cause questions don't really matter, you should visit them as a fan, not as a reporter/tourist, and you did. :cheers:

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