Win 7 - Jumplists Bug


Feb 3, 2005
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A week ago, all my jumplists disappeared. Anyone else have this bug yet? What do I do to get it back?

For example, If I pin something to it, it simply doesn't show up on the list - there is no list.
Do you have any third party software installed that 'tunes' or messes with your task bar?
I noticed this problem after installing CCC. (ati control center)

Having a look at programs and features, that's the only thing I installed in the past 4 weeks, and I noticed the problem a week or two ago.

I don't know what the best answer is. I need CCC in order to adjust my video card. ATi Tray Tools doesn't work with Windows 7 because Microsoft wants people to pay for a license.

I don't like this OS more all the time.
Right click on your taskbar and go to properties. Under the start menu tab make sure that both check boxes are checked for "store and display recently opened items in the start menu and the taskbar".
Thanks. Yes, they're checked. I unchecked them just now, pressed apply, then re-checked them and re-applied, to see if that might help. Didn't fix it. Thanks anyway.