WIP: M3A1 Tank for 1944: D-Day

Lo all

Sergey is doing a great job on the team.

With regards to poly counts.

First thing they are not polies but tris, there is a difference between both. ;)

10,000 tris for vehicles is a good setting, as this will be the 0 LOD and from that there will be LOD's created dynamically and cached. The caching enhances performance, so as the player moves away the LODS are pulled from the cache and performance isnt a concern.

Bear in mind that we have some high powered tech behind the game, and the usage of Tri's is not limited, what is limited is the time for the draw calls to the rendering pipeline. We are confident that we can fit 20 of those tanks and 40 characters in our map at any one time.

Our current development flow


10,000 tris
2048x2048 Diffuse, Specular, Normal (Potential for a bump if needed)


10,000 Tris
1024x1024 Hands & Head - Diffuse, Normal (Specular and Bump if needed)
1024x1024 Uniform - Diffuse, Normal (Specular and Bump if needed)
Gear @ Various Sizes
Ranks, Badges and Paints at variious sizes


4000 Tris
2048x2048 Diffuse and Specular only

We have a very agreesive caching system and have stress tested these elements. So we know they work, a huge benefit of our caching system is that a 2048x2048 can be scaled to 512x512 if required.

The game is as fast and efficient as possible.

Always on the look out for more texture artists. Have you any sample works etc?
i have 3 very old samples that are online the rest are on corrupt hd's . do u guys have a hotmail address so that i can talk to you on msn.