WIP: Minigun

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score

2300 polys at the moment (should be able to reduce to below 2000)
is this a minigun or a chaingun. I cant remember the diffrence
Originally posted by EVIL
is this a minigun or a chaingun. I cant remember the diffrence
A chain gun got a chain of ammo, the minigun... Its very small. So this isnt either, its a BIG gun.
so just a standard impressive fierce BIG style gun ala the doom classic chaingun
More like an actual minigun - IMMENSE firepower, but with the limitation that there's no way on earth you can fire it while moving.
Originally posted by PiMuRho
More like an actual minigun - IMMENSE firepower, but with the limitation that there's no way on earth you can fire it while moving.
And its easy to fire it standing still? The bigass minigun on those M113 AA tanks nearly tips the tank over when they let it rip :D
Damn sight easier to fire it while in a supportive stance than while running/jumping/leaping out :)
looks prity good. I don't like the back of it though. It needs some kinda mold. U know so u havn't got this jagid circle in your hip when firing :(
you'll never see the back anyway.. and remember those 2000 polys you're working towards? Well, you can always remove poly's you wont be able to see from the first person perspective, which would probably be about 35% of them. So you could even add more detail to the top, ammo guage, or wherever.
all i know is i dont wanna be on the opposite end of that bitch
hmmmm, well when happens when u reload some weapons? normally u get to see the end of them.

Also won't u be able to see your weapon in a 3rd person view?
this is belt-fed, so for the reload anim, all you'll see is a new belt being attached - the gun itself won't be particularly moved.

The 3rd-person model won't have anywhere near the detail of the first-person one.
Originally posted by EVIL
is this a minigun or a chaingun. I cant remember the diffrence

Chaingun = M230E1 Chain Cannon® = the gun on the apache helicoptor. The linkless ammo is fed by an electriclly powered one piece chain to reduce jamming.

Mini-gun = multi-barreled gun or cannon derived from the gatling principal.

Blame Doom for confusing people about this.