WIP - Samurai Sword


Jan 19, 2005
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I'm working on this model right now... so far its 328 polygons... might've waisted some on the handle... can I get some suggestions or critics? Thank you!


  • sword01.jpg
    87.5 KB · Views: 400
  • sword02.jpg
    83.2 KB · Views: 351
  • sword03.jpg
    88.1 KB · Views: 313
What images did you use for reference? That doesnt look like any Samurai sword I've ever seen. Basically, the modeling is sound, I suppose (having not seen a wireframe) but it is just really inaccurate.
Really? I know that its not perfect but I just dont see the actual thing I can fix... do you have any suggestions?


Here are the images I used:


  • samurai_sword.jpg
    74.1 KB · Views: 341
i would make the loops by the handle smaller, and also look in to making the blade itself more accurate. It looks a little on the cutlass side, at least at the end.

Otherwise, keep it up ;)
Oh yes, the blade is a bit too quarish :eek: I had two ways of doing it but i guess i took the wrong one. Do you think that maybe I should replace the hand guard (dont know the real name) to a more traditional? What about the poly count so far? Too big for a sword? And lastly, do you want to see the wire just to comment on it too?

edit: here are some wire renders

ps: this is my first time modeling a sword so any suggestions will be appreciated
I see your problem- the loops are way too big- and way too thin... Try and scale them down- and thicken them a little bit :)
A real Katana Never had any guards, it was considered dishonorable
Oh! Thanks for your input. I'll make one with scaled down guards and another one w/o any guards... just to see which one looks better. I never knew that it was dishonorable to have guards though. Thanks!
Do you think that maybe I should replace the hand guard (dont know the real name) to a more traditional? What about the poly count so far? Too big for a sword? And lastly, do you want to see the wire just to comment on it too?

Like you said, you can remove the handguard or just scale it down. It all depends on what you want. Hell if you want to try and make it unique, do that.

As far as the polies go, its looking well optimized. I think a good way to get a better looking curvature would be to keep the subdivisions at the tip with the same spacing as the rest of the sword. That way, you wont be able to overemphasise the curve and you wont have the cutlass look. Also, I think you have a notch on the blade side by the handle, i dont know if you wanted it there, but i think it is another factor that adds to the cutlass look.

All this makes me want to model a sword hehe :E
looking ok

how did u manage to get the blade to bend in, so it goes from fat to sharp??, cant figur it out for the life of me
Trippywippy, I'm not sure what you mean but I'll guess... if you mean the little "slide" that goes through the middle of the blade, I only used smooth groups. I can draw an image for you with smooth groups that I have on the sword if you want to.
ahh, i get u, did u just select the faces??

no need for a drawing, but cheers
After I thought that I was done with the model, I selected all the faces and made sure that none of them are part of any smooth group. Then I went and selected individual faces that I wanted to belong to one smooth group and assigned the to a group. To have faces have smooth transition when you have a triangle face between them, you can have a group inbetween then that will be assigned to both of other groups... sorry, getting confusing but if you have any questions, I'll try to explain better :)