

Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Handgun, so far its 1800 triangles.
Some small additions and finishing touches and this is done and ready for skinning.




Pritty good clean model. Nothing more really... Bring along the skin :D
Yeah I got so much to do lately, no school, no parties until weekends. And its christmas soon lol :devil:

blackeye said:
how many models have you done in the last 4 days?

I started on this one yesterday but I didnt want to finish it once the clock hit 5am. Time goes by so fast... im so bored now that the M4 is done and just waiting for Unwrap and skin.
Well here it is, finished version unskinned.

Polycount Triangles: 1920



C&C Welcome
No.I dont wana see a silencer.I think that wont fit.Post the model as it is.Id love to test it.
Is it for any mod?
Or do you just make these for fun?
Modelling is strangly addictive once you get into it. I've been taking a bit of a vacation from it atm, but can't wait to get into it again...once I learn XSI (I trying to broaden my 3D Program knowledge ) or maya.

And Shadow; He uses Max 6.

Oh yeh, And Great job dude! Very clean models. How long you been modelling for?
Its not for a mod
3D Studio Max R5
Modeling on and off for 7 years soon
Right now im using my own modeling style, more or less based on poly by poly modeling, spline and surface.
ah I stand corrected :p
Well, teh fact that you've been modelling for so long is making me feel a little better. ( only have under a year under my belt, and I can say that it wasn't a very productive year :hmph: )
do you Texture much? I havn't seen your UV mapping techniques/texturing techniques yet.
My UV mapping techniques suXors to say it like that hahaha, id rather get all :cheers: than uv map
hehe, remind me to come to the pub with you then :p

unwrapping aint so bad, depends on how your brains works.
pilsner_head said:
No.I dont wana see a silencer.I think that wont fit.Post the model as it is.Id love to test it.

If its a replacement for the usp in cs:s then it needs a silencer for the special weapon function.
random.hero said:
hehe, remind me to come to the pub with you then :p

unwrapping aint so bad, depends on how your brains works.

My brain doesnt work :bounce:
Looks like I had to get into skinning eventually, here is my 2nd ever skin WIP. Decided to practise on the USP.

Quite nice, its a good idea to may be up the ambient of your scene so we can see the weapon. Unless it suposed to be that dark?
Yeah should be pretty much black/dark dark grey. The top one looks too light, unless it's supposed to be a stainless steel slide in which case it's not nearly light enough.
I decided to redo the whole bodyskin, there is still a part on the triggerguard that pisses me off. But im just done with that now so haha il just let it be til I wanna fix it.


looks nice, although a bit clean, and the slide looks like its been sprayed with some black paint... dont ask me, i dont know how to make it looks better :p

but yeah, nice... especially for your 2nd skin.
Texturing metal is blooody hard hey? I Really need to do more research on cubemaps/raytracing in CSS....
But yes, It does look a little cloudy, as though you've tried to make it less boring (exactly what I've done with my past Metal texturing efforts :sleep: )

Still, the UV mapping looks great. Keep it up mate :thumbs:
Could you post the .mdl of the unskinned model? I would love to skin it myself :p
You guys have to excuse me for bumping this old treadh. Ive been working some more on detailing the model right so here is a small update. Ive also gotten a better tutorial on UVWmapping so the texture artists that gives this ago (including myself) will have a better time doing so.




A shame we cant edit our treadhs after a set ammount of time

Final Update for today, first map is done and body and rest of the parts being unwrapped and skinned tomorrow. Now im tired and my head hurts lol... well here it is so far.



That looks really nice! The slide still has some kind of weird cloud things going on but it's not that noticeable. Also, you might want to make the words on the silencer a little duller, there are some pictures of the KAC silencer here: http://www.mark23.com/MPPKSD/silencers.html you can see the text isn't so bright.
looks damn fine to me, but i agree with mika, please do a version with the socom thingy... its just naaasty
There is a great gap of texturing skill fromt he first and your last. it looks ALOT better already.. keep it up!