With a Sept 30 release, shouldn't there be a flood of new media?


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
I mean, that's 7 days away. A week. It doesn't even feel like it because I've been staring at the same old movies the last few months. In 7 days don't you think it would be wise for valve to release some new goods to make anyone who has lost interest over time, to salivate and yearn for the game yet again?

7 Days.

Usually the big gaming sites have previews and playtests, screenshots and movies to dump on us.

Why is valve being so discreet about HL2?
Nope, because Valve works in mysterious ways.
Oh I hope we dont get any more. I could have made it without the current videos. Now my "hyped up"-phase has gone long ago.
With alot of people starting up school again (espcially university and college students), it's easy to push HL2 to the back of your mind. I admit I lost interest the end of august and september. I'm still not totally "feeling it" and probably wont till I pick up the game.

I don't even have a stressful workload like alot of people I know. I sometimes have to remind them that it's coming because they're so busy with schoolwork and other things now.
I had never heard about HL when it came out, and look how well it did. On the other hand, there has been very little publicity over HL2 (at least in conventional terms) and just about everyone is gagging for it to be released.
Gabe: "Sorry guys, no HL2 on Sep30, but we got you new videos!!!"

uh...no :\
If this game is delayed who wanna go to the valve studio and make gabe use the stairmaster ?
If it does get delayed ill probably set myself on fire in the middle of the street.....or just play Halo until HL2 comes out.
It might seem like everyone's hyped about it but that's also because you're posting on a HL2 message board. Of course people posting here are going coo-coo for HL2. Same goes for other non-HL2 sites. It's the more "casual gamer" that doesn't take the time to read boards and post messages that has probably lost all sight of HL2.

Maybe valve has a big post-release campaign planned.
I've been "feeling it" since the first time i read an intricate article about HL2 in the Swedish Ed. of PCGamer. The 'feel' will probably drop down to 1% if the game's not released at The Golden Date.
With HL1 , i saw it in a store and bought it the week it came out. never heard about it before that.
Ive been feeling it since the first time I saw that scanned image of a crowbar against a white background with the shadow making it look as if it was a "2".
I am still "feeling it". I check the forums constantly throughout the day to get any new information available. I feel like a crack addict, HL2 is my crack.
Originally posted by Digital.dk
If this game is delayed who wanna go to the valve studio and make gabe use the stairmaster ?
If it's delayed it's delayed. There's no reason to direct aggro at Valve - and certainly not such rude, personal insults.
Originally posted by el Chi
If it's delayed it's delayed. There's no reason to direct aggro at Valve - and certainly not such rude, personal insults.

True, but they could at least share some info.

two things

1. Valve doesnt need to advertise (HL2 advertises itself)

2. They dont want everyone to become too hyped, otherwise the game wont meet the persons expectations:(

I think they are trying to use the "ATTACK OUT OF THE BLINDSPOT"
technique,but it is hard because of all these hardcore fans

hmm.. 7 days? Sept 30 release? Isn't HL2 supposed to be released 28 November 2003..
"I am still "feeling it". I check the forums constantly throughout the day to get any new information available. I feel like a crack addict, HL2 is my crack."

Exactly how i feel.
I agree for the most part ...

I KNEW NOTHING when I bought the original Half-Life ...

I was hoping the same would happen for me when it's sequel came along but unfortunately I got the internet !!!!
heres one thing to think about:

spitcodfry went to valve. supposedly he heard that a week before it comes out, you can download an encrypted hl2 over steam, its less than a week before the 30th. well theres one of 2 possibilities you have to choose

A. spitcodfry made it up(even though he WENT TO VALVE)
B. Hl2 is not coming on the 30th

which is more plausible?

And still is :cheese: :cheers: :cheese:
spitcodfry went to valve. supposedly he heard that a week before it comes out, you can download an encrypted hl2 over steam, its less than a week before the 30th. well theres one of 2 possibilities you have to choose

In the US, today is the 23rd... which is 1 week till the 30th. No one said the game HAD to be sent exactly a week before HL2's release. It could happen 4 days before the release. Maybe even 3. No one really knows except Valve.

Originally posted by Baal
spitcodfry is a liar?

wtf... no

they probably said "about a week"
which means NOT TO THE EXACT ****ING SECOND !!!!!

just wait and we will see:cheers:
I don't think spitcodfry is lieing. Gabe could so easily call his bluff and he would be forever banned from this place for causing such a publicity stunt. That is all my opinion of course, reality is always much stranger than fiction.
strange how he 'forgot' such an important piece of info

Methinks he likes the media attention he got so he made the week before thing up.

Originally posted by Jones`
strange how he 'forgot' such an important piece of info

Methinks he likes the media attention he got so he made the week before thing up.

The GABENATOR would have destroyed the rumor :cheers:
The sooner everyone accepts the "fact" that HL2 probably won't be coming next week, the better of this community will be. It's more fun to lose hope anyway (it happened to me last night) because then there are no worries anymore. THere just seems to be too many loose ends for a game that's supposed to be released in 7 days. And if by a miracle I'm wrong, then so be it. A week from now I'll be happily playing Half Life 2. No harm done...

Originally posted by dis
The sooner everyone accepts the "fact" that HL2 probably won't be coming next week, the better of this community will be. It's more fun to lose hope anyway (it happened to me last night) because then there are no worries anymore. THere just seems to be too many loose ends for a game that's supposed to be released in 7 days. And if by a miracle I'm wrong, then so be it. A week from now I'll be happily playing Half Life 2. No harm done...

NOOOOOOOOO dont give up hope (gabe if u are reading this dont listen to them WE STILL WANT IT ON 30)
Ive got an idea, lets all start beliving it is delayed and then when it is released we will all be really suprised and happy, and if it is delayed(which i really doubt) we will be like 'yea thats what i thought'

just an idea thats all.