Woman Cheaper Than Men

Yea its one of those 'whats right' issues, imho. Is it more correct to charge an equal rate to everyone and disregard all statistics and categories, or is it more correct for them to do their best at judging the chances of you getting into an accident.
Because women are nature's designated drivers.
Thats what I thought... but with all the statistical evidence thats been amassed over the last 30 years or so... this is actually the most equitable way to do it. heh.

Would the most equitable way of doing it be to give safer drivers less on their insurance than none safe drivers i.e. you have an accident and your insurance goes up.
Statistics is the lump of turd insurance companies hide behind.

You're more than 50% likely to have a crash in your first year, male or female.

However that said, males have a tendency to drive more, making them more prone to an accident (law of averages)

You get boy racers, you get girls who apply lipstick and powder there nose while driving.

No claims lowers your insurance, so does being a home owner, having a family (wife/husband kids), and being over the age of 25.

Without a doubt men get shafted. I've been driving for well over a year and a half and have yet to have even a minor bump after 20k miles (one or two close calls mind you, but that was first 6 months) Yet, my sister who has had 7 accidents her first year, has totally mangled the car and is under the age of 25 (I'm over) gets a lower quote than me cause of statistics.
Just because your sister or girlfriend or mother are prone to car accidents doesnt make them the statistical equivalent of all women. The insurance companies KNOW the statistics... after all they are getting the records of the accidents right on their front door step. If they have higher rates for young men, its because young men cost them more money from accidents, statistically.

I think the misconception is because women may get into more accidents, but their probably more minor (bumps/scratches), while men may get into less accidents but they tend to be pretty costly (huge crashes in high speeds), which costs the insurance companies loads more.
lol wtf?

Car Insurance Company != Government

Anyways it goes purely off statistics, if suddenly it changes that women are in statistically more crashes then it'll reverse. So it's not sexist, it just sucks they go strictly by percentages/numbers.
"We are getting the shaft $.50/hr?!?!

We get our insurance cheaper?! Sweet! no arguing there!"

I would just like to point out that I have been keeping track of people that piss me off or do stupid shit on the road.
This is purely an observation, but the vast majority of them are women.

Your results may vary, obviously.
Guys just try to race me or block me into my lane, women pull out in front of me, cut me off, run me off the road, sit at green lights (happened today some dumb bitch STOPPED at a GREEN light to look around. WTF???)
They are the ones on their cell phones, looking in their damn personal mirrors, eating, shit like that.

Women are equally as aggressive if not moreso than the men around here. I like to accellerate at a cool pace and the women behind me try to NASCAR around me.
I'll have none of that.
Luckily I have 250horses kicking them in the face.
Sexism is discrimination without basis. But there is a statistical basis for charging males higher insurance premiums.

Of course, knowing the politically correct assholes out there, if the situation was reversed and men had less accidents than women, I bet they wouldnt dare charge women more for insurance.
The average male and female driver are most probably no worse than each other in reality. Guys and gals have different habits and shortcomings when it comes to driving.

It is however the small minority of guys that have no regards for safety and drive like their hair is on fire, yet cannot control a car, that ruin it for the rest of us men.
You don't look around when going into an intersection?

You missed the point entirely, she stopped at a GREEN LIGHT! She was obstructing traffic to take a look around:rolleyes: .
You missed the point entirely, she stopped at a GREEN LIGHT! She was obstructing traffic to take a look around:rolleyes: .
If you don't look around at an intersection you're an idiot. What if some maniac going 100MPH was coming from the right but you failed to look around because it was a green light.
I dunno about Ireland.. But if you stop at an intersection here you're asking to be rammed in the arse.
If you don't look around at an intersection you're an idiot. What if some maniac going 100MPH was coming from the right but you failed to look around because it was a green light.

If you stop at an intersection when you have a green light you are an idiot. What if some maniac was going 100MPH behind you and you stop?

I came in expecting to read something about male prostitution vs female prostitution...
You don't look around when going into an intersection?

It wasn't exactly an intersection.

Downtown Anchorage has a very strange one-way road system. On 5th Avenue, the road I was on, there are 3 lanes. There is a lot of foot traffic so there are stop lights placed periodically in some areas even where there is nowhere to turn.
This woman driving in front of me pulled her tiny car to a complete stop directly under a green light to look at something while I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting her.
I was in a 10,000lb truck loaded with stuff.

Half of the shit in my cab fell over I braked so hard.

Obstruction of traffic is very much illegal here as well. She would have been cited.

Today driving home in my car, some chick in an Accord was behind me most of the way. She was on her cell phone the entire time. It's like a 25 minute drive.
It's illegal to be on your mobile while driving here, and I think that's a good thing.

Well, it's 3 points on your license and a fifty quid fine - so.
Women can't drive for shit. Whether it's because of their vast genetic inferiority or tendency to become distracted by shiny objects, they do seem to cause a lot more minor accidents than men ... usually at intersections or when attempting to turn onto a busy street.

Men however have skill and balls and therefore drive much better, faster, and ultimately riskier. Hence when we do get into accidents, things break.

It's not sexism though, purely statistics, don't act so persecuted.