Woman fined $1.9 Million for illegal downloads

Wait so she just downloaded the song thats all??
Thats stupid i mean 80k for one song D:

I could understand if she was downloading movies,Tv Shows,CD's and them selling the again illegly but this ?
24 songs?
Good thing I've not downloaded music in a while.
How does that work? Every now and then something like this happens, when some random person is jumped by the RIAA and gets an ungodly fine to pay. And it's not like this is systematic in anyway, it's not consistent and the people are not some big downloaders/uploaders.

Do they make a meeting at the RIAA HQ and say "OK, it's been a while, time to screw someone again to set an example. Pass me the phonebook"?
They should just help run the lawsuit against The Pirate Bay, so much more potential success.

Oh, and it's her own fault for lying under oath.
It's ****ing ridiculous is what it is.

It's a message being sent. She'll have to file for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy judge would wipe out the judgment and let her continue on her merry way. My understanding is she was prolific with more than 1700 illegal downloads. She was sued for 24 that they could be identified that came through a site being monitored and she put those on a share folder where 1000's of other people also downloaded them.
President Obama filled his entire staff with people from wall street. Every last one of them have interests in this. And the Federal Bank is not even a government bank. It's just deceptively named the 'federal' bank. These banksters financially own (by way of debt), and therefore partially control America, and even other parts of the world.

What does this have to do with the OP? While your 'entire' staff comment is a bit ridiculous, it does make sense to have a staff with a strong financial background - wall street - to help handle a crisis that's never been seen since the Great Depression. When you say "Federal bank" I assume you mean Federal Reserve which, is partially a government entity. I suggest you look up* yourself the details of what the Fed actually does since it's the essentially the heart of the economy.

*The money creation process would be a start
What does this have to do with the OP?
Everything. The thread topic is "Woman fined $1.9 Million for illegal downloads"

President Obama:

by David Kravets, Threat Level/Wired

The Obama administration for the first time is weighing in on a Recording Industry Association of America file sharing lawsuit and is supporting hefty awards of as much as $150,000 per purloined music track.

Two top lawyers in President Barack Obama's Justice Department are former RIAA lawyers: Donald Verrilli Jr. is the associate deputy attorney general who brought down Grokster and fought to prevent a retrial in the Jammie Thomas case. Then there's the No. 2 in the DOJ, Tom Perrilli. As Verrilli's former boss, Perrilli argued in 2002 that internet service providers should release customer information to the RIAA even without a court subpoena.

Presidential administrations often intervene in lawsuits in which the constitutionality of a federal law is in question. This case concerns a former Boston University student challenging a peer-to-peer file sharing case.

Still, parts of the government's brief sounded as if it was taken from the RIAA's public relations playbook.

"Congress sought to account for both the difficulty of quantifying damages in the context of copyright infringement and the need to deter millions of users of new technology from infringing copyrighted work in an environment where many violators believe that their activities will go unnoticed," Bennett wrote.

Vice President Biden:

- Sponsored a bill in 2002 that would have make it a federal felony to trick certain types of devices into playing unauthorized music or executing unapproved computer programs
[bill was shot down]

- Biden signed a letter that urged the Justice Department "to prosecute individuals who intentionally allow mass copying from their computer over peer-to-peer networks." Critics of this approach said that the Motion Picture Association of America and the Recording Industry Association of America, and not taxpayers, should pay for their own lawsuits.

- Last year, Biden sponsored an RIAA-backed bill called the Perform Act aimed at restricting Americans' ability to record and play back individual songs from satellite and Internet radio services. (The RIAA sued XM Satellite Radio over precisely this point.)

- Biden was one of only four U.S. senators invited to a champagne reception in celebration of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act hosted by the MPAA's Jack Valenti, the RIAA, and the Business Software Alliance. (Photos are here.)

- Peer-to-peer networks

- Net neutrality


AiM said:
it does make sense to have a staff with a strong financial background - wall street - to help handle a crisis that's never been seen since the Great Depression.
The Great Depression was the fault of the Fed.

It's very simple, they intentionally crash the economy, buy up everything dirt cheap (Banks, Insurance Groups, Automakers like GM), then bring the economy back up to make their new purchases worthy again. The "government" bank is buying up America.

I hope someone will prove me wrong. I've become terrified of my own government in the past few years. (last post.)

When you say "Federal bank" I assume you mean Federal Reserve which, is partially a government entity. I suggest you look up* yourself the details of what the Fed actually does since it's the essentially the heart of the economy.
Private Ownership

Section 5 of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 states that the Federal Reserve Banks are owned, through stock issuance, by private member banks.[152] The issue of private ownership has been one of controversy for numerous reasons.

Dennis Kucinich has repeatedly stated, "The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express"[153][154] Kucinich also stated that "we need to have public control over this if we're going to have public policies in the public interest."[153]

One of the first criticisms of the private nature of the Federal Reserve system was Charles August Lindbergh who criticized the problem of private banks working against the best interests of the citizens: "The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That Board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is Private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money."[155]