Woman gives birth in art exhibition

Looookatmeeeee! I am eating a hamburger! it's art you fascists!

Seriously though, it's not "an existential work of art", it happens everyday, it's not a miracle either.
How is that existential?

And birth is wonderful in theory, in practice it's sloppy and wet and involves blood and all sorts of strange liquid.
"It's a bit of test to see if society can cope,"

I couldn't cope, pretentious overload!
Murray_H said:
"It's a bit of test to see if society can cope,"

I couldn't cope, pretentious overload!

me too!
It is not a gift to humanity. It is the road to children and unhappiness.
Absinthe said:
It is not a gift to humanity. It is the road to children and unhappiness.

especially the children's unhappiness.
the only beatifull thing it can hav is that a new life is beging but the rest arrggg

first people drowing it self and now this?
You think that's bad <RJMC> there was a museum touring AUS showing posed dead bodies, even three fetuses were stolen :|
Danimal said:
You think that's bad <RJMC> there was a museum touring AUS showing posed dead bodies, even three fetuses were stolen :|
The museum stole the fetuses or the fetuses were stolen from them?
Sorry but the functioning of the human body is not something for an art exhibition. In that case, every woman can be an "artist".

How long until someone defecating is taken as art? Seriously.

Artists seem to have lost their creativity and originality these days so they are diverting attention from this by passing anything off as art, including things they cannot take all due credit for.
kirovman said:
Sorry but the functioning of the human body is not something for an art exhibition. In that case, every woman can be an "artist".

How long until someone defecating is taken as art? Seriously.

errr, a statue was made of someone pooping in Jeju island...

its a 'traditional cultural thing'......
kirovman said:
Sorry but the functioning of the human body is not something for an art exhibition. In that case, every woman can be an "artist".

How long until someone defecating is taken as art? Seriously.

too late ..that was done back in the 60's ...anyways this sort of art work (installation) is not created for a wide audience ..you have to follow the various art movements to comprehend the medium and the message ...so its not really fair to judge from our vantage point ..we're only seeing 10% of it
I'm not really an art fan anyway...unless it's art about science.
I just don't get art any more. Too many types and categories, although for that I should say I don't get music either.
To me, art used to be recreating something in life as accurately as possible on paper. That's probably still-life or something right?
Although, now I've seen lots of art that just makes me go "Wow" and spend ages looking at it.
This does not make me go "Wow".
SimonomiS said:
I just don't get art any more. Too many types and categories, although for that I should say I don't get music either.
To me, art used to be recreating something in life as accurately as possible on paper. That's probably still-life or something right?
Although, now I've seen lots of art that just makes me go "Wow" and spend ages looking at it.
This does not make me go "Wow".

realistic artwork took a nose dive after the invention of the camera ..abstraction and experimentation took it's place ..which was were it was heading anyway

^ That kind of stuff is art.

Everything else may be called art, but it's usually incredibly stupid, overrated and require way too little effort and soul to actually be art, in my opinion.
oh god what's next...show someones execution?
By the way giving birth to a child isn't something cultural, which art is...but it's a natural thing. I think nature can be art as well, but not in that way because it's pretty common.
CrazyHarij said:

^ That kind of stuff is art.

Everything else may be called art, but it's usually incredibly stupid, overrated and require way too little effort and soul to actually be art, in my opinion.

You kind of said what I was thinking... I was unable to put it into words though.
That will be fun at school...

"Ha ha, you were art when you were born."
CrazyHarij said:

^ That kind of stuff is art.

Everything else may be called art, but it's usually incredibly stupid, overrated and require way too little effort and soul to actually be art, in my opinion.

that's entirely untrue ..concept art isnt even recognised as a legitmate form of artisitc experssion ...ok before you guys jump on me you have understasnd a little about art in general ..it's not purely a visceral experience, it's not about what looks good or what is aestitically pleasing ..it's about the expressing the human condition through various medium not solely the technical skill behind an illustration. Picasso's cubist period is just as valid as michaelangelo's sistene chapel painting ...actually more so because there's no message behind the sistene chapel (besides the obvious)

my point is that you cant judge what is art purely on what you think looks good
CptStern said:
that's entirely untrue ..concept art isnt even recognised as a legitmate form of artisitc experssion ...ok before you guys jump on me you have understasnd a little about art in general ..it's not purely a visceral experience, it's not about what looks good or what is aestitically pleasing ..it's about the expressing the human condition through various medium not solely the technical skill behind an illustration. Picasso's cubist period is just as valid as michaelangelo's sistene chapel painting ...actually more so because there's no message behind the sistene chapel (besides the obvious)

my point is that you cant judge what is art purely on what you think looks good

Hmm... I would say that art needs to stimulate the senses, to create a realisation. The most immediately obvious sense to propagate this would be visual medium.

Things don't necessarily have to be visually pleasing no. But it helps when you want to attract punters or whatnot (which is not neccessarily what art is about).

Well I'm a scientist anyway, I just like pictures which map my thoughts out.
So I like pictures of space and engineering and things. My patience for art does not really extend too much into the abstract realm.

I probably have different tastes to most other people anyway.
hehe artists make poor scientists and scientists make poor artists...wrong side of the brain for each discipline

I really hate to say it but art (at least anything created in the last 100 years) isnt created for 90% of the population, they just dont have a vested interest in learning the theory behind the work ...trust me this is something I've struggled with all my life ...I'm pretty proficient as an illustrator, so it was tough for me to understand that art has little to do with technique.
CptStern said:
hehe artists make poor scientists and scientists make poor artists...wrong side of the brain for each discipline

I really hate to say it but art (at least anything created in the last 100 years) isnt created for 90% of the population, they just dont have a vested interest in learning the theory behind the work ...trust me this is something I've struggled with all my life ...I'm pretty proficient as an illustrator, so it was tough for me to understand that art has little to do with technique.

Thing is when I was young in school I always used to produce "good" art, and got 10/10 for a lot of my art work. I since haven't bothered, but a lot of people use music as a relief from their work, so I wondered, why can't I use my artist flair (if I still have it) as my outlet of relief?
Not to show to anyone else necessarily, for my own creative outlet.
kirovman said:
Thing is when I was young in school I always used to produce "good" art, and got 10/10 for a lot of my art work. I since haven't bothered, but a lot of people use music as a relief from their work, so I wondered, why can't I use my artist flair (if I still have it) as my outlet of relief?
Not to show to anyone else necessarily, for my own creative outlet.

no one is stopping you ..I say do it!

the thing is that every child develops their ability in the same way ...but at some point (usually at around age 10) the child realises he's not progressing as he has in the past, which usually means the child will give up ...unless his interested is fostered by a teacher or parent
kirovman said:
Thing is when I was young in school I always used to produce "good" art, and got 10/10 for a lot of my art work. I since haven't bothered, but a lot of people use music as a relief from their work, so I wondered, why can't I use my artist flair (if I still have it) as my outlet of relief?
Not to show to anyone else necessarily, for my own creative outlet.

Gosh, that is exactly what art is there for! It's such a wonderful outlet and one of the best kind of therapy there is. Just sketching and doodling your heart out on a piece of paper or on the computer does wonders. Seriously.

I think "bi-effects" such as looking at the world in a different perspective, taking everything in as a possible future source of inspiration, observing things more creatively and intensely working to grasp the medium more proficiently and seeing results from that, it can't be described in words.

CptStern said:
that's entirely untrue ..concept art isnt even recognised as a legitmate form of artisitc experssion ...ok before you guys jump on me you have understasnd a little about art in general ..it's not purely a visceral experience, it's not about what looks good or what is aestitically pleasing ..it's about the expressing the human condition through various medium not solely the technical skill behind an illustration. Picasso's cubist period is just as valid as michaelangelo's sistene chapel painting ...actually more so because there's no message behind the sistene chapel (besides the obvious)

my point is that you cant judge what is art purely on what you think looks good

You misinterpreted my post.

The site is just called conceptart.org, and even though there are many concept artists on the site, it's not focused at all on concept art alone.

I mentioned the site because on it there are all kinds of artists and images.

Art, to me, is conveying an impression to another person through a medium. I think the more effort something requires, the more respectable type of art it is.

Effort equals soul, putting alot of soul in something will cause a result on the final piece, thus a better looking and more aesthetically appealing object will be more impressive and mentally inspiring.

However, I never said that I judge art on what looks good, because "looking good" is an entirely subjective term.

My opinion is probably mostly influenced by my actual interest and desire to draw and paint, and I think that something must require some effort, some soul, because to me, a piece of art is like a child, your child will be mechanic and dead if you do not infuse it with your own soul.

The term "Soul" may be very abstract and vague, but I hope you understand what I mean when I use the expression. It is effort, experience, desire, thought, meaning, etc.

I will never understand why this can be called art:
http://students.washington.edu/erikmax/images/Abstract from Brussels modern art 2.jpg

Because it has no soul. It is a bunch of colors. The artist may claim he has meaning behind it and that the colors play parts and blah-blah, etc. Sure, but they're just colors, there's no mental imagery that he is conveying.

Now, look at this painting for instance:
"18-19 hours".
The artist has had a clear idea of what he wanted to portray, and he's done it perfectly. It's like a window into another world created by the artist.
It's a wonderful play on warm, embracing colors together with a scenery created with alot of attention and careful adaptation of physical and visual rules.
This artist has spent years perfecting his ability, and continues to do so.

You might even say that everytime an artist creates, he dies a little bit inside; he is giving his creations pieces of his own soul.

I'm a very visually thinking person so visually pleasing imagery and ideas appeal to me alot.
However, I don't dislike different or surreal art a lá Picasso, every style has its place, but it has to have some kind of fair type of expression.

Again, this is just my personal opinion, modern art may be called art, but in my opinion that's all what it is. It's called "art".
no it's not a miracle ...sorry but I absolutely hate it when religious types say it's a miracle (not saying you're a religious type).. Example: my son was born 3 month pre-mature and whenever a priest or a religious person says "it's a miracle he's done so well" ...I just want to reach over and give them a karate chop to the adam's apple ...as if my son had nothing to do with his own survival ...as if it was god's work alone, give me a break ..sorry but I refuse to belive that condescending crap ..my son survived ON HIS OWN, not because god willed it

CptStern said:
no it's not a miracle ...sorry but I absolutely hate it when religious types say it's a miracle (not saying you're a religious type).. Example: my son was born 3 month pre-mature and whenever a priest or a religious person says "it's a miracle he's done so well" ...I just want to reach over and give them a karate chop to the adam's apple ...as if my son had nothing to do with his own survival ...as if it was god's work alone, give me a break ..sorry but I refuse to belive that condescending crap ..my son survived ON HIS OWN, not because god willed it

Even though I sincerely respect peoples beliefs, I have to agree with that.

Personally, I'd rather prefer to say your son has been strong and that he seemed to have good circumstances.
CrazyHarij said:
Even though I sincerely respect peoples beliefs, I have to agree with that.

Personally, I'd rather prefer to say your son has been strong and that he seemed to have good circumstances.

yes, thank you, so do I
alehm said:
Sorry to hear about your anger on that, mate.

not anger ...more outrage ...but it's a bit displsced because that's usually not the intention of the person who says it was a "miracle"
Thats the convieniance of miracles, they are only the things that the relgion chooses to be miracles, bad stuff is classed as "god works in mysterious ways"

BTW, I called 1800-take-your-money,

I got no answer, but I want my signature advertising!
Scientists tend to make art and artists make science a lot more now then ever before.

Sites like We Make Money Not Art document it.

Incidentally: philosophers have tried to define art for millenniums. They have not succeeded. It's not worth trying to define, because it cannot be done in a satisfactory manner. It's like trying to "prove" god: it's not gonna happen.