Women disrespecting themselfs?? :S?

You're kidding yourself if you think this is something new within even the past 25 years.
_Z_Ryuken said:
What is it exactly that you want to believe?
I think I worded that wrong, but what I want to know is why people like all this stuff about people's bling and all dis booty they be getting? Do all these young gansters wank off to it or something?

and before you say anything, I'm sure there's a lot of good, erm, "wholesome" stuff out, but it's definately not the stuff getting played nowadays.
RakuraiTenjin said:
You're kidding yourself if you think this is something new within even the past 25 years.

New? No. More glorified? Yes.

Therefore we shall call it 'increasing'. Happy now?
DeusExMachinia said:
I already named a number of good artists.
yes, I noticed. not exactly what I wanted, but I'll be sure to check it out.

btw, Old school FTW
I'm scopin' all da fly Gs (Ooo)
Which one am I gonna pleez? (yeah!)
Who's afraid of STDs? (ow!)
Who's gotta sell tons o' CDs? (me!)

heh - this may appear to be a childish, plebian verse, but add some 'street' and you can sell CDs too! Country is notoriously guilty of lame lyrics as well, but they've got a thing for metaphor abuse that's another story. I am not innocent of enjoying music with bad lyrics, but hip hop is something I've never taken a liking to.
As has been said before, there really is such a thing as good hip-hop. Try KRS-1: amazing, political, brilliant stuff. The stuff on MTV, on the other hand... :/
Que-Ever said:
I think I worded that wrong, but what I want to know is why people like all this stuff about people's bling and all dis booty they be getting? Do all these young gansters wank off to it or something?
**** wholesome. Gimme that real shit. Trials and tribulations and what not.
Will Smith is wholesome. Still I like his music. It's danceable. I don't like to dance, but I like danceable music.

Why. Why do people like the bling and booty music. This I have been studying for a long time. I never liked rap until about 98 when I got Biggies Life After Death album. The story was beautiful, and classically portayed and the sounds just made me feel good.

I kept with it and got into the bling music. For three years in high school I actually decked myself out in that pointless shit. That's how I got a $300 diamond ring and a gold plated LIberty coin necklace with embedded diamond, stolen. I got that shit from my Grandma to compliment an ongoing rare coin collection and I wore it playing basketball. ):
Basically I was caught up in the image. If you looked rich and acted like the hotness people would automatically respect you. Some other people would automatically go into your unlocked car and steal the sterling Ruff Ryders necklace hanging from the mirror.
I lock that shit wherever I go now.
I still like the music, even though I don't play out the same individual songs my friends play out because I realized the genre right now, at least the popular part of it is based on image and nothing more, and these kids want to be like these poeple they see. They think if they make believe they are happy and have everything they need, that they will be happy. I used to not want to be caught dead without my chains and my phat kicks and my scarf around my ankle and my five watches. I believed people thought I was the shit. When I worked at MCI, my nickanme was actually Bling-Bling. I didn't ask for it. I just got it. After I left Phoenix and got back home, I realized it was all a facade.
But even so we can't condemn the musical genre as a whole.
It's ok to single out eh music, or the individual musicians. Some of them suck. Some of them have catchy tunes that get stuck in your head, and you listen to them, but you realize no talent or raw emotion was put into them. It's all about making the money, and making the image that makes the money in these cases.

And this is when you start to realize the truth. Look behind the sparkling shiny gold teefs of Mr. Blingface. You see he doesn't give a shit about you.

And here is where you find what's real. A lot of artists care about their situations and the children and the future, they experienced hard times and are exaserbated by it, vulgar in their explanations of the things they'd like to see changed.
The problem is the greatest works of these artists aren't the most popular. The ones that speak to you in a deep sense don't get radio time, generally because they aren't danceable and don't make you feel good in the way you can express yourself around other people without making them feel weird or out of place.

I bring you to the table a good example, Jadakiss (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jadakiss). Hardcore East Coast rapper. I love his album "Kiss the Game Goodbye". It's got a mix of most of what I love and some things I don't. 'Nasty Girl' '****in' or What?' and 'On My Way' are all about sex and bitches, but 'We Gonna Make It', 'Keep Ya Head Up' (http://www.go2lyrics.com/J/Jadakiss/148880.html) and the skit 'Feel Me' are on a more personal level. Sadly the latter 3 don't get publicized and consequently people refuse to believe such content even exists.
This is geting kinda long so I'll cut it here and wait for some kinda response.
dreadlord = woman objectifyer. lol i know my spelling sucks. And this rap music, at least most of it, is really degrading women, and is getting worse. Now they are glorifying the hood and really huge clothing too, and its becoming more popular. I got all these "gangsta" chicks at my school having slap fights and getting all over guys and stuff... Its really pathetic if you ask me. What happened to bands that actually play insturments and have talent? i know there are some hip-hop artists who arent complete hacks but come on ! this is really getting on my nerves. I dont care what kind of rims you are riding and I dont like my women running around acting like sluts. Give me real people ffs.

oh yeah and my meatwad rap song http://media.putfile.com/Meatwad-Rap check it out, basically my meatwad impression heh. now THATS good hip-hop.
Oh and don't be hating on country either. Old-school country (I'm taling 1950s-1970s) is amazing. Whenever I play San Andreas, I always play K Rose n_n.
See this hip hop rap shit is so stupid. Exactly why everyone hates America.
MEtal owns all this bullshit. \m/><\m/
I remember that movie about the president issuing a emergency order and the military arrests all those 'pop' singers and others. I wished that would happen.
I thought you wished... something something something... Asia = Superior?

Anyway, don't take acts of one person as an example of the whole. Then again... this isn't just one person, is it...
_Z_Ryuken said:
What's funny is the research doesn't explain how the music is not what's resulting in the disobedience.

I never claimed it did, nor did the article. I just find it funny how the types of people who watch hours of rap videos a day are people who have a greater tendency to contract STDs or attack their teachers.
Jintor said:
I thought you wished... something something something... Asia = Superior?

Anyway, don't take acts of one person as an example of the whole. Then again... this isn't just one person, is it...

I have more than just one wish. :)
Mmmm bargin basement moralising.

Strangely enough, music has bollock all todo with how people go about their romantic lives. It may suprise you that girls who identify themselves with any music 'scene' are pretty much equally likely to sleep with people.

People like having sex, it's fun.
DreadLord1337 said:
Because I hate when people act like they really care. Seriously, go to a ****ing party once in a while.. Have a good time.. Grow a fricken dick.

f*cking kids these days
i think all rapers should be castrated
I think we should all agree on one thing...mainstream rap is shit. You could go to any school, with everyone talking "gangsta" and say "Do you know 50 cent, Snopp Dogg etc?" and they will say yes. You ask them about Public Enemy and they will be "Wtf man dat is not tha shizzle"...jokes, but they won't know about them.

The rap of old was good, and it's a pity little shits today don't know about it, hell even Snopp Dogg used to be good (he was even in Platoon from memory :P). But then again...I hate rap, grunge for the win!
Raziaar said:
As someone who respects women... these videos/lyrics are pretty lame. I don't know why anyone listens to this shit. I mean, can't they make interesting music in the same style, but without the ****ing stupid lyrics?

I know, it's f*cking sad. None of my friends listen to c-rap, my brother does a bit though.

Our generation is going to be screwed over by rap and hip-hop. I hate ghetto talk. I'm not racist or anything but in my eyes it makes your IQ less than the average human being, why can't you learn real English instead, "Yo dawg, what's up in da house?" And that's the best it can get.

That strut is also insanely annoying. I'm sorry, my mind just says, "Dumb" when I see it.
Que-Ever said:
btw, Old school FTW
Exactly. I demand more songs that promotes cop-killing and doing drugs. None of this girly shit.

I really do hope no one takes this seriously
What school are you in? Because the EXAKT same thing happend in my gymclass, we had the TV on and it was EXAKTLY(sp?) that song! I was like WTF but it was still pretty hot so i just keept starring at it.

Then they showed this other one with this girl stripping and all the guys (including me...sry) were like "OOO OO YEA BABY, COMMON! YAAA" :D

Then on TV you see these girls talking about Men is animals and all they want is a girl to tuch on, and that we see them as objects etc...well...DUHH, you walk around in clothes showing 80% of your skin in the school hallway and in the Shopping Centres, EVERYWHERE...i think thats about the time were the male instinct starts kickin in girl...Its like giving some one a gun, and then shot him because "he had a gun and was dangerous"....
i don't listen to very much rap music.
too often its about killing people or bangin' hoes... :|
the times i do listen, i choose very wisely tho :P
Beerdude26 said:
Exactly. I demand more songs that promotes cop-killing and doing drugs. None of this girly shit.

I really do hope no one takes this seriously
exactly. It would require a lot more output on my part to be influenced into doing anything like that, and I'm a lazy bastard, so I'm sa
aw shit, there's an ant in my cereal. little creep...
It's just music, who cares? I don't listen to it personally, but I don't feel that I can make broad generalizations about everyone who does.
this thread is full of vile generalizations and downright stupid assumptions ..and this thread is meant to RESPECT women ..heh

did any of you actually read the lyrics to the song? She's empowering herself by saying that she'll be who she wants to be (in this case sexy cocktease) and she will choose a man based on her terms not his ..it's still juvenile, one-dimensional and a disservice to women everywhere but at least she's calling the shots and taking the stance usually reserved for men: "I want to have sex with you but under my terms"

Just remember, Stern, I'll always be right behind you!

But yeah. If you want a good NEW rap song, listen to "Get By" by Talib Kweli. Amazing song if I do say so myself.
good music = teh rock, we had music about rocking out, and drinking. though i have been known to shake my ass now and then
Dan said:
It's just music, who cares? I don't listen to it personally, but I don't feel that I can make broad generalizations about everyone who does.

duh the problem here is that this is not music :rolling:
Darksabre said:
I think we should all agree on one thing...mainstream rap is shit. You could go to any school, with everyone talking "gangsta" and say "Do you know 50 cent, Snopp Dogg etc?" and they will say yes. You ask them about Public Enemy and they will be "Wtf man dat is not tha shizzle"...jokes, but they won't know about them.

The rap of old was good, and it's a pity little shits today don't know about it, hell even Snopp Dogg used to be good (he was even in Platoon from memory :P). But then again...I hate rap, grunge for the win!
QFT, QFE, and QFA. :D

and rage against the machine ftw!
Muffin Man said:
What happened to bands that actually play insturments and have talent? i know there are some hip-hop artists who arent complete hacks but come on ! this is really getting on my nerves

You think this is new? There have been empty popular songs around since the dawn of musical time.

I don't like soulless, generic shit sitting on the top of the charts either, but don't complain about this being some new epidemic of musical unreason.
most pop mucisians couldnt play, write, produce a note of music if their life depended on it ...I dont see why this "they dont play instruments" criticism is always hurled at rap, you dont hear people saying that classical music sucks because there's no singer or that a cappella sucks because they dont play instruments
Dan said:
It's just music, who cares? I don't listen to it personally, but I don't feel that I can make broad generalizations about everyone who does.

It's not just music. Its defining a culture.
Mr-Fusion said:
This is just a temporary solution until android women are created.

CptStern said:
most pop mucisians couldnt play, write, produce a note of music if their life depended on it ...I dont see why this "they dont play instruments" criticism is always hurled at rap, you dont hear people saying that classical music sucks because there's no singer or that a cappella sucks because they dont play instruments

Maybe because they at least have good vocals (most of the times)? At least that requires some talent