Women in the Overwatch and Civil Authority / Protection?



It seems to be a bit up for debate lately in some communities I frequent.

Are there women in the Civil Protection? I would imagene so since they adopted the styles of human police forces, and there are female police officers.

The first arguement I hear is "NO BOOBS" or "THEIR VOICE IS A GUY'S", however, for the boobs, the armor vest they wear would supress them fairly well as the armor is thick and likely somewhat heavy. For the second arguement, CPs use a voice filter which modifies their tone completley so you can't tell what gender / tone their voice is at all. Ontop of this, in the train station, if you pester the women in line at the ration dispencers, they'll say "I'm about ready to join Civil Protection just to get a better meal."

Finally, as far as Overwatch millitary forces go, assumably since they're augmented, excess organs / weaknesses would be removed / enhanced accordingly. Modifications to the female frame to make it on par with the male one, as well as removal of breast tissue and mammary glans.

My logic in supporting the idea that there are women in Civil Protection at least is that the Combine view all humans as able bodies, women or men. If they can fire a gun right, wear a uniform, enforce the laws. They're adequete enough to serve.

The combine did have a Female elite planed, here is a render from NightFall

Check Half-Life 2 Rasing the bar for the orignal conecpt

Yeah, here's a better one more true to the original concept art.


However, it's just that, concept art. It never got into the full game, so does it count as canon?
They had a Combine version of the female Assassin, before they cut it out. Either the Combine either use men exclusively for soldiers, or are very good at boob surgery.
Wouldn't spurise me if women were in the Civil Protection
There are women in Civil Protection; we see them lining up to get the gear in the train station. (As you said.)
And, obviously, their tits would be pretty suppressed in that uniform. All of which you said, so yeah, there are women.
The Combine don't have women, so they probably don't really get the difference. As long as they can carry a one-pound stunstick, they're in.
Samon said:
we see them lining up to get the gear in the train station.
I was under the impression that they were getting rations.

Also, on a slightly relevent note, you can see a Combine assasin in the HL2.net banner.
I thought it was Civil Protection. Notice the gas mask in the pack.
It's food. Some people say, "You have to be starving to eat this stuff."
Aye, they are food dispensers, and the valve in it is to access the semi-liquid pulp inside.

As for the topic at hand... well, it is fair to assume that because of their masks and heavy gear, we cannot properly discern between women and men. The bulletproof vest lies directly over the brest area, and notice how it looks on a female rebel in loose clothing. From a distance, and even sometimes up close, they are very similiar to their male coutnerparts.

As for the Elites and Troopers, extensive surgery as well as pharmacological therapy could've lead to an atrophy of breasts or even their removal in entirety.
*shoots Samon*

Rations. I doubt they'd let just ANYBoDY walk up and get all the 1337 body armour.
I don't think they'd get the armour first, they have to do Combine standard medical procedure first & foremost.
There's no surgery for metrocops, Kamakazi. They just get gear.
You want fit metrocops, right?
You don't need to be fit to wave around a stunstick.

Also, who's more badass than Otis, and look at him.
You don't want to be fit. The fit ones get sent to Nova Prospekt.
I was under the impression the sickly ones got sent to nova prospekt.

Because, you know, they cut out most of the body?
And how are you going to survive such an operation if you're sickly? They are probably going to want the best candidates. The sickly ones probably get turned to stalkers or something.
I'd think that rationally, there would be female CPs, but you just don't know who.
And how are you going to survive such an operation if you're sickly? They are probably going to want the best candidates. The sickly ones probably get turned to stalkers or something.

Hang on, that's what I was saying.

I thought the stalkerifications was at Nova Prospekt... not the Combinization.

Where's the Stalkerization then?
Hang on, that's what I was saying.

I thought the stalkerifications was at Nova Prospekt... not the Combinization.

Where's the Stalkerization then?

They do both there. Wasn't it obvious I meant Combinization? Where's the appeal in joining Civil Protection if you know there's a chance you'll be Stalkerified?
if you volunteer you get overwatch'd with all the snazzy cybernetics, gasmask, armor, and guns.
if you are captured you get stalkerized, with all the not so snazzy forced weightloss, limb removal, blinder addition, and free lobotomy. Though you do get a free laser

thats pretty much how it looked to me.
In my mind the female Combine was pulled for the reasons we're talking about - the combine process would take away anything that links the person back to humanity...
There's no surgery for metrocops, Kamakazi. They just get gear.

Not entirly true. Every Soldier/Cop get their memory replaced, so they can be controled easier. Also, what about their voices? There have to be some surgery involved there as well.
No, the metrocop masks contain a synthesizer that changes their voice, so they all have the same voice and appear as one cohesive entity.

Metrocops don't have anything done to them unless they volunteer. Case in point, Barney Calhoun. Completely unmodified human and still retains his memories.

You can ELECT to have your memory wiped. You can also elect to undergo surgeries that will make you into more synth than human. The Combine will reward you credits for each modification you do, and you can use those credits to buy things.
They do both there. Wasn't it obvious I meant Combinization? Where's the appeal in joining Civil Protection if you know there's a chance you'll be Stalkerified?

No, no, i said the sickly ones get sent to Nova Prospekt; in my mind I meant stalkerization. Because I thought they only did Stalkerization at Nova Prospekt.

It's filled with political prisoners, after all.
No, no, i said the sickly ones get sent to Nova Prospekt; in my mind I meant stalkerization. Because I thought they only did Stalkerization at Nova Prospekt.

It's filled with political prisoners, after all.

I think Stalkerization not only takes place in Nove Prospekt, but in the Citadel as well because you can hear the screaming of agony inside the Citadel.
...you can hear the screaming of agony inside the Citadel
Wha? I never heard no screamin'... just energy-hums and stuff. Even the stalker you pass on the pod ride doesn't make any noise, just looks around and beats its head against things.
I've heard it multiple times, listen closely. Infact, if the sound was reversed you will hear cursing & swearing.

Play the Citadel chapter over again & listen carefully, you will not see Stalkers being 'Stalkerfied" but you can hear the pain; Its a background noise.
Do you hear it in Nova Prospekt as well?

I took the prison pods as a sign they were being held for stalkerization, but... well, you never know.
@ Evilsloth. I think that the assasins where just cut because the area they where in was cut, and Valve didn't want to try and squeeze them into somewhere else. (Just like the antlion king).

Also, I was under the impression that both stalkers and soldiers were manufactured in Nova Prospekt (but not the citadel) and pressumably in similar facilities in other cities.
Valve wouldn't want to break Concerned canon, so it's at Prospekt.
