WON Authentication Ends July 31st

Its not as if this comes as much of a shock.

Chances are that it'll be recommended you have a broadband connection at minimum for running multiplayer Source games at any rate with the amount of data transfer needed, people will be complaining about valve excluding them from when HL2 and CS:S comes out because dial up users can't play them as well as the old HL. This argument is going to be seen again and again.

Welcome to the 2004, broadband is becoming more and more accesible and cheaper. Hell, look at all the problems that some other games had (Deus Ex:IW, Prince of Persia: SOT etc.) when they started using Pixel Shaders so that the games looked better at the cost of old graphics cards not being able to play them. There was uproar on their forums, but the developers effectievly turned round and said that it's their games and they want them to use new features on graphics cards and sadly, those not willing or able to keep up with the technology will unfortunately be left behind. Technology and communication is advancing and if you expect that your 5 year old dial up connection is still going to be fine in another couple of years, you're sadly mistaken. Its impossible for companies to keep funding and developing for old technology, and Valve are taking the steps to move from narrowband to broadband.

Steam still works with narrowband connections, its just that you'll need to wait longer. Valve aren't abandoning narrowband, but it looks like they're starting to move away from actively encouraging it and taking WON offline is the first step.

Besides, i'm sure they want people to buy HL2 and use Steam, so why should they spend time supporting old services and games?
MrFlump, for most people, it isn't a question of wanting to use 56k, it's a question of them having to use 56k.
Mountain Man said:
Except Steam caches are huge and would never fit on a single CD.

The largest steam cache i've found is only 350 MB. Can't fit on a CD? meh
Kangy said:
MrFlump, for most people, it isn't a question of wanting to use 56k, it's a question of them having to use 56k.

That's becoming a rarer and rarer excuse. Broadband is available just about everywhere now. There are still some people who can't get it though, but not many.
Please, people think about it, there are minimum requirements for many games, and although it may be for some new games (UT2004?), broadband is currently *not* one for HL2 multiplayer - have a look at the info thread, Gabe says it will take only *slightly* more bandwidth. And that's not an exaggaration :)
(i still find it rather humourous when people say they 'haven't got access to the internet' - my question then being - do you have a phone??)
What I’m curious about is how the physics will be synchronized on everyone’s computers. Will barrels flying around from explosions all look the same on everyone’s machines? How much bandwidth does that add to the netcode?
Not all of the physics is activated for multiplayer games (i'm hoping that can be adjusted for LAN and UNI network stuff)
kirkburn - some areas have internet, at an extremely expensive price. i'm talking remote rural areas, small towns, even some medium sized towns.
and if you weren't using HL before steam then obviously you dont understand anything about arguments that are pro-WON.
If you live in the UK, and as far as I know for the USA, the price of the internet has absolutely *nothing* to do with location. I know this to be true for the UK, for certain. Whether you live in the middle of the countryside, if you have a phone line you have access to the net at local call prices. Maybe some people don't realise that, but that's not my fault :P

Plus, I have nothing against WON - what on earth makes you think that I have? I made no comment about WON, just about Steam. I just get tired of people who are anti-Steam for problems that were sorted out last year :) And anyways, I have played HL for much longer than you think, I just didn't play much. Please don't make me out to be ignorant :)
the real issue is not steam vs. no steam the issue is 1.5 vs. 1.6. 1.6 is fulla random HS every 2 seconds, it takes less skill, the guns are for newbies, etc. I want CS to revert back to beta 1.0. when guns had recoil and when you were a woosie for using an awp. 1.6 anti cheat sucks as well. I can't say how many people i've seen haxoring on it. If i can't have 1.5 i just may quit this game till something else better comes along.

Please listen valve. Making the game easier to play/accessable is not the right answer. The right answer is making a game that challenges the player, creating one with depth, and not catering to the general masses. When 5 year olds are getting more frags than me because they simply hold down the trigger, the game is toast. this is close to where we are now. Skill is gone, its all about spray and pray, BS script monkeys and the awp.

This could be it for me and my CS relationship.

did u c what he wrote , heis totaly right. 1.6 has randomaly HS !!!!
its doesnt requier skills to play 1.6 only press the trigger !!
so whats the point if its only matter who pressed first !
Nice to see the english language being abused :)

I, personally, have never seen anyone hacking on CS 1.6, or, im fact any version - although I have it on good authority that the number of hackers/hacks has gone down hugely recently. What I find straneg is that there is outcry when a delay is put on the AWP, even though these are the same people who hate the AWPers in the first place (and probably are AWPers themselves, but don't like to admit it, and so go along with the crowd)

Also, to avoid headshots, use cover. Then you won't get shot. It's generally what they do in the military. So they don't die. So, yeah, like, use cover.
(And before you say it, move around behind cover so they won't shoot u thru objects, mmkay)

The right answer is making a game that challenges the player, creating one with depth, and not catering to the general masses
I think this is a silly idea - why would any developer who wants to stay in business want a game that doesn't cater for the masses? CS is not a deep game and never has been ...
The main point is that 1.6 doesnt need skillz
and all n00b can get 1st place
Maind said:
The main point is that 1.6 doesnt need skillz
and all n00b can get 1st place

I've been playing since the early betas and I completely disagree with that statement. Offer up some proof that CS has become noob friendly. Maybe after all these years there are just a lot of really good players and they kill you and make you sad.