Wood crates?


Aug 22, 2003
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Im not sure if this has been asked before and it has im sorry but when u shoot through wood crates or something thinner than that in HL2 will it come out the other end just like in CS?

Ex shooting people through wood?
Ya it will probably come out the otherside. I don't think there is a definate answer but you can be pretty certain you can shoot through wood.
Yes HL2 has penetration, like CS. Although values will affect this such as material of object - velocity of bullet etc etc. It would be a lot more realistic and better developed than CS' implementation of course.

I am unsure as to whether refraction / reflection (ricochet) will be built in for things like bullets but i'm sure it would not be hard to implement.
LoL imagine getting hit by a ricochet bullet i'll be pissed! hehe

"GG Bank ShoT..Owned!" would be funny :bounce:
I was just thinking that!, what happens if you take an enemy out with a bullet, the bullet passes through the victim, hits a hard metal surface & ricochet's straight back at you and you end up headshotting yourself?
Originally posted by BloodyL
I was just thinking that!, what happens if you take an enemy out with a bullet, the bullet passes through the victim, hits a hard metal surface & ricochet's straight back at you and you end up headshotting yourself?

OR better yet...the victim....LOL
Bear in mind the chances of the bullet coming back and hitting you in the head are pretty slim. It may not be travelling too fast by then either, might just stick in yer skin :)
Man i hope this game comes out soon...Im so anxious like everyone is..At least the delay would let me upgrade my whole tower.

Thnx for the clarifacation on the wood hits.. Cant wait for this game!
:bounce: :thumbs: :smoking:
Well... police get killed alot by their own richochet bullets... That's why they have developed a special round that shatters upon any hard surface. It can be used by agents on airplaces to neutralize bad guys without puncturing holes in the airplane.

I forget the name of the round...
Oh yeah... Frangible's I think.

Originally posted by BloodyL
I was just thinking that!, what happens if you take an enemy out with a bullet, the bullet passes through the victim, hits a hard metal surface & ricochet's straight back at you and you end up headshotting yourself?
I doubt the whole ricohet thing, becuase that would require the bullet to be a separate physical entity. And that is not the acse in HL2, the bullets are not physically simulated. Maybe we'll get that feature as an update or in HL3.

Feel free to correct me though, I was drunk during the posting of this :).