

Nov 21, 2004
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Where can I find the wooden board from HL2... I mean the breakable one.
You take any brush and make it into a "func_breakable (tie to entity button)

Texture it like wood, and set the material type in the object properties (alt+enter) to wood.

You can also do this with func_physbox
no that's not what I mean... in HL2 you have the splintering wood... when I make a brush like you said it'll just break entirely and not in two actual pieces...
Meyer said:
no that's not what I mean... in HL2 you have the splintering wood... when I make a brush like you said it'll just break entirely and not in two actual pieces...

You're not planning this for mutliplayer though, I hope?
Anyway, I'm interested in knowing this aswell.
make a prop_physics go into models/props_junk scroll down to the bottom and pick a wood model. done!
all the wood pieces, broken and not broken i have found in prop_debris
Now that we all know how to make wood panels; how do we stick them infront of a doorway? Like in the ravenholm level.
I tried some of the Props_..... and found out that when I used prop_dynamic override....the wood blocks stayed on the window that I wanted to block....

(remember to change the health....so it takes damage.....default on health is 0....;))
Thanks for the advice(One_ar) but 'prop_physics' is still good. In the 'flags' tab just check off the 'motion disabled' box.

Now another problem that developed is that the shadow from the board is floating a few feet away from the board. It doesn't match the shadow intensity of the doorway.
peoplesuc said:
Now that we all know how to make wood panels; how do we stick them infront of a doorway? Like in the ravenholm level.

....just move them infront of the door.....
(Dasparov) - I know how to move things in Hammer. The problem was that the board would fall to the floor when the game started. All problems are solved. Close this topic.
take a look at the check boxes for the object. Try checking "start asleep" and "prevent motion enable on player bump" Depending on how you want the board to act, different checkboxes may work better for your situation.