Woohoo! Finished exams!

I've still got 3/4 to go. Got one this Friday. Trouble with me is I find it so hard to revise, I can't stand it! After 5 minutes I driffed off but I know I've gotta do it otherwise I'll fail. ;(
Fat Tony! said:
Ive had my physics practical today :P 9 more exams to go! :D

Physics practical? I think our teacher chose not to do that but another written exam instead.

At Uni I had a year-long practical :(

Over now, I think I did pretty well :D ...I hope.
Congratulations Kirv, I cant wait to finish my degree. I'll be so goddammed proud :) Then i'll go for another ;)
Got an exam I know nothing about in 8 hours, why the hell do they make molecular biologists do an introductory ecology double module in the first year? GROWL!
Murray_H said:
Got an exam I know nothing about in 8 hours, why the hell do they make molecular biologists do an introductory ecology double module in the first year? GROWL!

Because they like to see you squirm.

First year was the hardest (in my experience).
Ok......a 2 hour multiple choice test paper.......the room was 2/3rds empty by half an hour through. I left after 40 minutes, I could have gone through it in 15 minutes if I rushed (and evidently someone did, leaving after that time)
Sry for rezzing this thread, but goddam I'm so ****ing happy.
I passed my finals, for Highschool. Than god 6 years ****ing gymnasium wasn't for nothing.

Damn i just heard it 30 min ago.

Anyway thse were one of the most ****ed up exams ever.

First off all they had us do math preobelms with greografie, and half of the stuff we had to anwser we didn't even discuss in class, out of the 8000/9000 people that made the exams about 5000 people complained, including me. But fortunatly I passed.

Then the Latin exams. Those mofo's had us learn 9 texts, about 20 pages of translations, history and life of ovidius and Vergilius, but the onl yasked about 2 of the text, and let it be theones that I knew the least off. I mean in exams they have to exams your knowledge as best as possibe and spread out the stuff asked. Goddam I though I was ****ed. and to top it all of half of the points you could score are for a translatiopn of a text we never saw before, and translating latin poetry is hard. Normally I get an 2 or 3 out of 10 for that but make it up for the first part you can learn for. But now the translations saved my ass.

Then you have economie1,2 I found out on the day on the exam that I learned from a crap book, and that I should have concentrated a lot more on a second one, and that the one that I really learned har was outdated and only hafl the stuff was good, but other one also had example questions that I could practice with. But still somehow I maneged to get a good score.

Then we have math, now math is the only one where my avrage was below the grade you need to pass, you need a 5.5, i had a 4.9. Now we had to learn 11 chapters, 2.5 books out of the 3 we had for math,and that was easy compared to some others who had to learn 20. Now I decided to jsut give up, I didn´t do jack shit, cause for the otherones I tried to learn but still had 3´s.
But damn, math was the only one that was actually a lot easier then I expected, I mean half the questions were ones you could solve with just logical thinking, things that I could do when I came out of elemtary school, and so miraculasly, for the one math exam I didn´t do anything for I got a 5.7, which is a passin grade, now my afrage is 5.3, it´s still not enough, but you can have one grade that isn´t a passing one as long as it is above 4.

Sry I just had to get that off my back, now does anyone else want to share any weird or ****ed up exam experiences.
Weird exam experiences:

My mate always used to finish exams early and sit there with a big stupid grin on his face as he looked at people. Also he put his legs up on the desk in front of him if it was empty. Scared the hell out of me.