Word Association Football

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(<Seductive voice>And are you sure there's nothing I can do to... Well, you know - change your mind?;) <Seductive voice>)
Drunken bar brawl

Originally posted by mrBadger
(i'm your nemisis El Chi, :p , you have to sleep sometime.... :cheese: )
Curse you once more!! I shall henceforth sleep with one eye OPEN!! Ha! (Unless, you were willing to allow me to customize my status thing)

Edit: el_Chi wishes to point out that this is the 2nd largest current off-topic thread after less than 24 hours. Thank you mrBadger:p You a-cursed fiend, you.

BadgerEDIT: No worries :) ... the Arena is the largest thread ever so far... it better stay that way :p

We shall settle this in the Arena, El Chi, such is the way of the forums :) (I can't give out custom titles.... I'm just a moderator :p)

(which I'll be having a lot of tomorrow as it's results day. 10:45 collect results. 11am - Pub)

EDIT: Damn a bit too late, but it still fits kinda

Everyone on the net voice thing calls me "Feeth". When actually it's Feath, as in Feather.
-ing season

And good luck with your results Feath my man. All my friends are nervous as... nervous things.
The Revenge of Mating Season!!

GCSE's, eh mrBadger?

(yeah, GCSEs :eek:... I'm quite worried ;( ... thanks though :) sure yours will be fine :D )
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