Working Out?


Sep 2, 2004
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Just woundering how many people here work out? And what you do etc. :sniper:

I do alot of ab workout and muscle building, I dont use alot of supplements. Just stuff like L-glutamine that is a natural muscle healer that your body produces. Anybody know of any good stuff? Or any good work outs?
I work out, but I don't take any supplements... do you really need those and if you do is it ok to take them when you're 15-16?
Take creatine if you're serious and don't care about potential side effects. Creatine is a naturally occurring substance found in meat, it helps your body retain water. Excellent for weight lifting as it gives your muscles enough energy to get those last few repetitions done. I personally just have protein shakes, which is basically egg-whites and milk.

As for weight lifting i started ages ago bench pressing 40 kg (reps of 12, then 11, then 10). Then over the months worked up to 90kg (same system 12, then a minute break, then 11, then a minute break, then 10, then a 10 minute break then 12 more). Huge pecs now!

I'm addicted to excercise and have been for about a year.
I've started working out quite a bit lately. I usually alternate between upper body (3 a week) and lower body (twice a week). Oh yeah I also do abs about every day before or after I go t othe gym.. I take Whey protein and NO2 suppliments, probably gonna start on creatine ethyl ester soon also (supposedly workd great with NO2)
I work out at a gym (new york sports club's) I dont take any supplements but i eat a protein bar. I think they are MUCH better then shakes.
Running... lots of running... over 25 miles/week easily... I shoot for 5-6/day but things come up where I can't do a second run if I had planned on it or something. :p

And, more recently, bicycling... I thought it'd be easy after doing so much running, but, shit, it aint!
i played raquetball and lifted weights a over the summer, but i only added like 10 pounds to my bench. I stopped when school started.
Sometimes i get up to goto the kitchen for food..
Then i remember our house sucks and we dont have anything so i get a diet pepsi or water and go back to my computer :(

Thats walking.. thats sorta exercise
I run cross country but havent run in freaking forever

I used to do this certain work out ever night where I would work out my bi cepts, tricepts, abs and shoulder muscles

kinda got lazy so now I just do 4 X 15 curls with 25 pound weights. I'm going to get on a weight plan when im at college. I also drink a milkshake with tofu in it almost every day (50 grams of protean and 0 fat)
For the little mans question, natural supplements wont hurt your growth or make your "area" small. Now I never knew creatine had sideFX i was going to start taking it. What kind of sideFX?
I used to row, but have to quit to do more academic stuff :\
I might run during winter, just to not fall into too much out of shapeness. but this would be for a short while after school and such.

I wouldn't do any weight lifting or anything for the life of me, its so boring and I think it makes people look kind of dumb :X
The kind of work I do calls for strength, I used to work for a tree farm and had to pick up over 100 pound trees. Etc. But yea I see how it looks dumb :p
I mainly do "outdoorsy" type sports. Rock-climbing, mountain biking, skiing, etc... I don't do it to look good, I just do it because I enjoy it.

EDIT: I also skateboard a good bit.
I also play hackysack at lunch(and skip lunch :X) so does that count? ;)
i do cardio every day, weights every other day, and on the off days (punching)bag exercises + speed rope and forearms. also some isometric exercises when i think of it. basically i got a book on bruce lee's old work out routines and i do many of them. feels good to be able to deliver devastating blows. good way to wind down from the day's bullshit.
aw, that would be sweet doing stuff like bruce lee, whats the name of the book, where you get it?

Ive always thought about excersizing or weight lifting or whatever.. anyone got good resources about this stuff?
I run atleast 6 miles a day and i have a bowflex that I use whenever i'm bored. I find lifting weights is pretty boring too, but when i smoke some.... it makes it a pretty intense and tough workout.

I took cell-tech for a while(supposedly safer creatine) and that dramatically helped my lifting but i had to stop cause its too expensive ($50 for almost a 1 month supply) the only way its safer than regular creatine is cause it doesn't make you hella fat if you take it when you don't workout. I don't remember all about it but if your going to take any supplements you should definantly do your research first and make sure you know everything about it and ask your doctor and make sure its the right thing for you and will get you the results that you want.
Kon said:
aw, that would be sweet doing stuff like bruce lee, whats the name of the book, where you get it?

Ive always thought about excersizing or weight lifting or whatever.. anyone got good resources about this stuff?

the book i have is called 'the art of expressing the human body'. got it at barnes and noble, but its probably available many places online.

its a collection of bruce lee's workout routines from the 60s up until his death. with commentary from some of his friends and wife.
I just started a Pilates class this semester.

And for those of you that say Pilates is for girls......

I'll have you know that it was deveoped by some german guy wile he was in prison.

And if thats not manly then I don't know what is.
I used to work out 5 days a week before this summer..and during the summer i have been drinking alot (graduation, vacation, partys etc) so now im fat and lazy...i still have 2 months left of my membership so i still have some time to rebuild :)
Ride my bike to and from college everyday. I also ride for about 1 - 2 hours every night. I'm joining the gym, as soon as I get paid. I get paid monthly and its tommorow :D I haven't done it ina while, but I used to do exercises for my upper body to. I don't bother with weights though, because its just boring. I'm also gonna join martial arts classes...when I get paid :x
I go down to the gym occasionally with a mate, he's really strong... stupidly so :p

I can bench about 35kg.. crap I know, but I've only been twice :E
Yep, I work out at my university Gym. 4 days a week, 9am-12pm

My arm size used to be 35CM Now AFter 4months is 39.1 CM :D
I bench around 50kg, not too bad... But usually I don't bench anyway :p

I bike everywhere, only time I take the buss is when i'm hauling stuff or going longer routs, or haven't got the time to bike.
no exercise for me, my arms look like sticks but im too lazy to change :(
my friend is really strong he bench 140 kg and i used to have a video clip when he lifts a car...dont have it anymore tho..
I dont do any... i try to walk whenever i can though, i have a slight beer belly wihch i need to get rid of, whats the best exercises to get rid of it?
Treadmills and sking.

I do alot of leg training(can "bench" about 120 which is the highest on the machine)

I also do alot of machine work and not so many free weights at the moment.
i absolutely HATE people who b*tch and cry about loosing weight then they turn around a drink 5 cans of soda. That stuff is the absolute worst if you are trying to loose weight.
I train like a crazy bastard. Sometimes I spend 3 hours in the gym if I am doing really well. I have been kinda off lately, but I hope to get my size and strength back as I go along. I'm not large, but I'm very strong for my size/age.
I spend about 8 hours of a day working out...working out my skills in computer games that it.
I run just about every evening which I've been doing ever since July 2003, and I lift either 15lb or a 25lb, depending on what I am up to at the moment. My arms aren't the biggest, but my legs are thicker then the rest of my body from the side, and it's pure muscle. :)
Yeah I work out, only twice a week though, and often don't have much motivation, but it's fun with friends and it keeps me off the streets :E