World of Goo


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
World of Goo

Who the feck has it and what do you think of it? Who doesn't have it? Why the feck don't you have it?

RPS Review - must read

World of Goo is currently a game of the year candidate for me btw ;)
From the title, I was under the impression that this was going to be a COMPLETELY different kind of game.

I'm a little disappointed.

game looks awesome though
Wow, looks really cool! Wish/hope they make a demo for it...

EDIT: Oh, looks like they do have a tech demo, good enough for me...
If it was $10 cheaper, I'd be more inclined to get it. :(
I don't get it, is it a puzzle game?
Ths looks great :)

// pre-ordered. So far the preview is quality \o/
I got this misses to dl the full game so it's waiting for when I get home :)

Part of me wishes i'd waited for the Wii version, but then again, that's a good reason to double dip. We must support the small developer!
I hope the thread is quiet because of people waiting for the Steam version rather than not being interested in the game.

I have no idea what I just watched, however, it looks to be fun if I knew what I JUST FECKING WATCHED.
Initial reaction: Disgusted by name, avoided thread
Current reaction: Intriguedness
Future reaction: Hopefully I'll have th ****ing game
I will totally be getting this the next time I get a Wii Points card. This, and Secret of Mana!!!:thumbs:
If it was $10 cheaper, I'd be more inclined to get it. :(

A general thought not strictly related to your statement, but I don't get why indie games should be the cheapest in the world. Developers spend probably more time and sweat on this things than big corporations do with their huge crews of artists and coders. There is no hype and no advertising, so a low price should be there to promote the game, but $10 for Goo would be stealing :)
IT reminds me of those ants in the amazon forest that do things like from balls and build bridges.
Thou art wrongeth. 'Tis a game of great joyous happenings.
I played Tower of Goo like 5 years ago and heard that he was going to make a full puzzle game out of it. I'll have to check it out.
I played this game like 3 years ago (exact same game, except instead of puzzles it was just how high you can build a tower) it was an indie game..

It's good for a free game, I wouldn't pay for it though.
I toyed with an early version of one of this game's mechanics like 3 years ago (very different game; didn't even have puzzles it was just how high you can build a tower) it was an indie game..


It's only fixed if it's right. I played the exact game. Goo guys crawl around on the tower, and you drag them to build towers in triangular type shapes. Exact same thing. Seriously, you don't know what I played and what I didn't play so **** off.
It's only fixed if it's right. I played the exact game. Goo guys crawl around on the tower, and you drag them to build towers in triangular type shapes. Exact same thing. Seriously, you don't know what I played and what I didn't play so **** off.

You fail to realize that these guys released a beta version a few years ago of the Towers of Goo portion of the game where you just build a large tower out of goo balls.
So I did play the exact game then.

Nope. You played a portion of the game. That is just there for fun, the real game lies in the puzzles and such... You know.. the real part of the game..

Building the tower of goo has absolutely nothing to do with the real game where you have to complete the puzzles..

So in essence, no you did not play the exact game. Yes you played an exact portion for the game.
I tried the demo and it was really fun however I do think $20 is a little steep for this game :|
?10 isn't much. I've enjoyed this much more than Crysis, and that cost a whole lot more.
It's only fixed if it's right. I played the exact game. Goo guys crawl around on the tower, and you drag them to build towers in triangular type shapes. Exact same thing. Seriously, you don't know what I played and what I didn't play so **** off.

You played Tower of Goo. You didn't play World of Goo.
It's only fixed if it's right. I played the exact game. Goo guys crawl around on the tower, and you drag them to build towers in triangular type shapes. Exact same thing. Seriously, you don't know what I played and what I didn't play so **** off.

You played Tower of Goo.

This is World of Goo.

Guess what?

I just told you what you played and what you didn't play.

So **** off.
Delayed in Europe; region locked.

Yeah there was a **** up and it wasn't supposed to be released in Europe yet due to contractual retail obligations. However it was available for a few hours, so a lucky few of us managed to purchase it, and it is intriguing fun. You can still order it direct from 2Dboys website though, and apparently if you do you'll be able to Steamify it somehows next week.
You played Tower of Goo.

This is World of Goo.

Guess what?

I just told you what you played and what you didn't play.

So **** off.

I wouldn't say I played the same game in the first place if I didn't play World of Goo. Yes, I played Tower of Goo before, but I just played World of Goo 3 hours ago. Honestly, **** off. It's the same game. Halo 1 and Halo 2 or are the same game, different levels. Same thing here, douche bag.

EDIT: Where'd all this hostility come from anyway? I just said it wasn't worth a buy, it's just not a fantastic game..