World War 3


Jul 22, 2003
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For some reason, I get the impression there has been a World War, or there is a world war going on. Anybody else get this impression?
Well, if the World has been invaded by aliens, that would constitute a War so yeah...duh
brilliant... a war, eh? now it all makes sense ... i thought it was just fashion to bomb your house and dress up like soldiers and go around oppressing people ...

Help help! i'm being oppressed!
Maybe I didn't clarify good enough. I believe the world has just experienced a Nuclear War (Possibly a few years before HL2 takes place) *HINT* G-Man saying *Wake up and smell the ashes*. Another reason I think this is, is because City 17 seem to be one of the very few cities left on Earth. So here is my conclussion

Earth got into a Nuclear War, most of the population is killed off. The remaining Government officials get together and start stealing technology from Xen. In doing so, they start cloning human soldiers, but their is a flaw

The soldiers get the impression they are superior to everybody else, and start to take control, enforcing strict laws on everybody. Not only that, but they make a huge machine that digs up Earth and concrete to work on some sort of secret weapon. In doing so, the Combine are kind of like futuristic Nazis, but instead of wanting to conquer, they will destroy every *Primitive* human if they get in their way. Just what I have put together so far
Could be... the shots I've seen certainly suggest a coming/prior armegeddon-type thing...
A world war means that the whole world (or at least the powerfull countries are at war. Like Russia, Usa, France, Britan, Germany etc..)
Although i believe there was no nukes onsept the one on black mesa...
But if there was...there would be at least one scientist saying:
"Is this war ever gonna be over?"

But yeah, the aliens did invade, so therefor everyone hates the aliens and wants them to die..yeah i guess the aliens vs humans is a world\multi planet war.
SOuns like a war to me. I'm not sure about nukes, but you never know. It just seems that if the world had been nuked then there would be substantially more fallout and les people in normal clothes in a big city.
:farmer: If I recall there partners, I think i've read somewhere, that they mentioned at one point in the game you leave City 17 into a different part of Earth, but the earth is all in shambles... WAR TORN MAYBE!