
Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
Does anyone know if you can set up worldcraft to run through Steam.
Sorry if already posted

EDIT: I mean compile maps and play them through Steam
You can use compiled maps on Steam, but you probably still need a conventional install for the WADs...

Come on Valve, a fully Steam enabled version of Hammer would totally kick ass... Please release one...
Yeah its pretty easy to set up. I suggest using HLCC to compile your maps though. I still have my sierra file and have hammer get the wad files from there.
hmm..i compiled some dod maps with up to date compilers and the dod 1.0 fgd but they didn't work with steam
Just send an email :)

Hi Gabe,

Is there any chance that Hammer will ever be available through Steam?
...So people don't need the conventional Half-Life install for the wad files for example. I'm a mapper myself and find this very annoying. I hope you will be able to fix this. Anyway I wish you lots of luck with Steam, and all your upcoming games... and other stuff nobody is supposed to know about ;-)

Come on Valve, a fully Steam enabled version of Hammer would totally kick ass... Please release one! :D


DelaZ aka Guillaume Goddeeris

Hope for an answer!
Tadaaa... You've got mail!


At some point we might do this, however for our initial release of the
SDK Hammer will be non-steam.

Rick Ellis
[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Lombardi
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 10:19 AM
To: Rick Ellis; Erik Johnson
Subject: FW: Steam & Valve Hammer Editor

-----Original Message-----
From: Guillaume Goddeeris [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 9:12 AM
To: Doug Lombardi
Subject: Steam & Valve Hammer Editor

Hi Doug,

Is there any chance that Hammer will be available through Steam?
So people don't need the conventional Half-Life install... for the wad
files for example. I'm a mapper myself and find this very annoying. I
hope you will be able to fix this. Anyway I wish you lots of luck with
Steam, and all your upcoming games... and other stuff nobody is supposed
to know about ;-)

Come on Valve, a fully Steam enabled version of Hammer would totally
kick ass... Please release one! :D


DelaZ aka Guillaume Goddeeris