World's fattest man tries dieting.. wow


Mar 16, 2007
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Manuel Uribe, once the world's most obese man, is vying for a new record for the biggest weight loss.

Uribe, who once weighed the same as a small truck at over half a tonne, has so far lost 518 lbs. and is aiming to lose about 220 lbs. more over the next couple of years.

He's still the size of three well-built men combined but Uribe says his target is around 130 kilos within the next couple of years.

He's hoping to notch up another world record for losing the most weight.

god help this man..
Channel 5 news.
And even then it was old.
Old or not, how in shits name do you allow yourself to become to disgustingly fat?

Surley you must realise something is wrong when you can't tell if your penis is your leg or not due to the fat?
That's horrific but I lol'd at his face in the first picture.
Have fun with all that stretchy skin afterwards!
Have fun with all that stretchy skin afterwards!

He would be a like a Parachute. He could become a superhero, The Flying Squirrel. Think about how awesome that would be.
That is actually disgusting, though good for him for trying to lose wait. gonna take a long time
This is going to end in a very sad way. ;(
You have to respect a man who's that big and can still be determined to lose weight. If I were that big I'd be a lazy, depressed motherf*cker. But maybe that's just me.
You have to respect a man who's that big and can still be determined to lose weight. If I were that big I'd be a lazy, depressed motherf*cker. But maybe that's just me.

I'd smother myself with my own tit. ;(
10 bucks says he's naked in those pictures... very sexy anyway.
How would he poo btw ? do you think he just shits inbetween his ass cheeks ?

You have to respect a man who's that big and can still be determined to lose weight. If I were that big I'd be a lazy, depressed motherf*cker. But maybe that's just me.

Which perfectly explains why the fat get fatter.

Good for him TBH, he's insanely overweight, he's finally found the strength to get in shape.

I usually don't have sympathy for fat people who don't have a biological excuse, but the sincere effort to improve yourself is always respectable, god knows, I am not even podgey, but I don't watch my diet and I am pretty lazy.

He's making the effort to be better then he is, I'm not, so I really cant rag on him.
First picture is a photochopper.

I agree with Nuriz.
You have to respect a man who's that big and can still be determined to lose weight. If I were that big I'd be a lazy, depressed motherf*cker. But maybe that's just me.

Yeah, this is awesome.
Face it guys, we are all a third of man he is. :cheese:

Congrats to him for trying though. Now if we can get the millions others to do that same!
People who are this overweight constantly lose incredible amounts of weight, but they always put it back on and then more.
You know you're getting horribly fat when the tops of your feet start sagging off to the side in well defined rolls.
does that means that the major part of his weight is in his ass?
Oh god. Look at the chaffing on his left leg.

Good for him for trying to lose weight.
The thread title - "Worlds Fattest Man Tries Dieting"

What a concept. Fattest man in the world tries dieting.
If he succeeds, he will be like - "And I was half the man I used to be.."
Bring me Solo and the Wookiee. They will all suffer for this outrage.
Ten bucks he gives up within the next 100 pounds or so and just makes his own clothing line out of empty beanbag cushions.