Worst case scenario

Ghost Freeman

Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
What if VUG wins? What will you do from there?

I guess i'll be spending more time playing Stalker...
I would buy it. I'm sorry, I know that by all moral codes I have I should protest against Vivendi but I NEED HALF-LIFE 2!!!
In the worst case scenario i'd have no choice but to retire from following the development oh Half-Life 2. There's a point where this story has to end, and if VUG institute their right and delay for 6 months it's off to see the wizard...the wonderful wizard...of oz. Because because because because because?


Yes, if VUG pull a Condition-Zero on HL2 it's all over. And it's certainly not a grim future for the gaming world if HL2 is Duke Nukem Foreverized!!!

There's literally some great games just around the corner. Personally MGS3, GT4 and GTA-SA for PS2 are going to occupy me for a long time!! Stalker is a bit of a unknown quantity, some videos really impress me some videos completely turn me off. But i'll keep an eye on it! KOTOR2!!! How could we forget that, i only just finished playing KOTOR1 and was very impressed. Great dialouge, fantastic story made for a AAA title. Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum laude! Woot!

with Vivendi being the bad guy and Valve being the good guy,
one last question:

Do you really know what the law suit is about?

Well, I don't - but from a business point of view I can imagine that Valve is not so easy to handly either...

Relax.... the game is making a fortune for both of them so it will not be delayed ... at least not for no reason.
I have plenty of other good games to get instead of HL2 if they muck around for too long. Doesn't really matter to me.
The question would be what would other developers do...

Personally i would never buy another game from VUg ever heh.

But this would stop any developer from ever again trying to bring new IP, to VUg for publishing. I don't think VUg is looking at the long term implications of this case to their company or their shareholders. In trying to make more profit for their shareholders, they are in the long term, going to lose alot more. From gaining new developers, to ever having a chance for the big dogs to develop titles for them. From polarizing community support against them. To enlightening those gamers who never knew how ugly, the politics of pub/dev relations are. To at some point bringing light on this issue on a television media aspect.

There is no good VUg can get from this case. Not even by winning it, which is very far fetched. They need to wake up and fire their management team.
I would come to Gabes house with an ak47 with 18 extended mags, shoot his entire door to pieces, knock him out with the butt of my gun, steal a copy of HL2, beat it, go to a VU reps house, shoot his legs off, rape his mother in front of him and then crucify them upside down

oh sure let gabe get it easy

"It will be done on September 30th"

well im sick of this crap now. thats one less sale of hl2 for valve.

sorry but im just pissed off now. just get the bloody game out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pureball said:
well im sick of this crap now. thats one less sale of hl2 for valve.

sorry but im just pissed off now. just get the bloody game out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Erm, do you even know what's happening?
I think the problem (all the anger/sadness) is we all got very excited because of the "contact" (hl2.php) and because of the "high" that gave,we got blasted down into darkness by the possibilities of those statements...
I don't think Vivendi would wait the entire 6 months just to spite Valve. Vivendi has been having financial difficulties and could use the Holiday sales to get a good Fourth quarter result. "Holiday" would be the best time for them to release, so they could get all the parents who go "Hmm, this looks interesting. I'll buy one for little Johnny for Christmas." Waiting out the entire 6 months would be a stupid business decision, unless their lawyers thought it would be best for the lawsuit to hold off on release.
i dont really see why they would delay HL2, if they release the game within the next few months its gonna make both parties so much money
aeroripper said:
oh sure let gabe get it easy

"It will be done on September 30th"


Who says it's won't be done by Sep 30th? Who says having the game done means it's in stores? I wouldn't go flaming anyone over a comment that can still turn out to be true..
I'll doubt they'll hold onto HL2 for another 6 months after its gone gold just to prove a point to Valve. If anything, i bet Valve will lose the rights to distribute their future games that are being published by Vivendi, over Steam
Thats the issue, there are no future games VUg has no rights to any future games by valve. Thats why VUg is trying to aquire hl's rights, and to force valve to work on hl3.
Muhwi said:
Who says it's won't be done by Sep 30th? Who says having the game done means it's in stores? I wouldn't go flaming anyone over a comment that can still turn out to be true..

He was referring to last year.
Are there any good reasons for Vivendi to delay HL2 for six months?

And proving a point to Valve doesn't count as a good reason
killahsin-[CE] said:
Thats the issue, there are no future games VUg has no rights to any future games by valve. Thats why VUg is trying to aquire hl's rights, and to force valve to work on hl3.

Well, Valve are already supposed to work on a fourth engine for VU, so I wonder if they can actually get Half-Life 3 published by someone else.

Gamespot said:
Interestingly, and in spite of the ongoing legal dispute, Sierra/VUG still wants to work with Valve in the future and is asking the court via filings to force Valve to work with it on whatever is next in the development pipeline. It asks the court, in filings, "for a declaration that Sierra and VUG have the right to a fourth engine license pursuant to the terms of...the 2001 Agreement."
I'd torch France with flying monkeys.... on fire!
Au revoir THIS!

... sorry.
Feath said:
Well, Valve are already supposed to work on a fourth engine for VU, so I wonder if they can actually get Half-Life 3 published by someone else.

No valve isn't. That is what Vug is trying to force valve to have to do. Along with takign their ip from them.
Seppo said:
Are there any good reasons for Vivendi to delay HL2 for six months?

And proving a point to Valve doesn't count as a good reason

I only reason I can think of is that Half-Life 2 is guareented to make money, and other VU games aren't. So if they release it before Christmas, Half-Life 2 may cut into any sales of games that are relying on the Christmas period. So if they release it after Christmas, they can get all of Half-Life 2's sales and all the sales of people who get games for Christmas.

It's a stupid reason but it's the only one I can think of.
killahsin-[CE] said:
No valve isn't. That is what Vug is trying to force valve to have to do. Along with takign their ip from them.

Gamespot said:
for a declaration that Sierra and VUG have the right to a fourth engine license pursuant to the terms of...the 2001 Agreement.

That's what Gamespot say, not me.

EDIT: I had to look up the word "Pursuant" to make sure it meant what I thought it meant.
The worst case scenario hmm... what would I do?

I might go to Gabe's house and say ''better luck next time'' and he will be like ''Do I know you, sir?'' and then I will be like SILENCE!

Then I will walk over to the CEO of Vivendi's house with a large pack of wolves (on leashes of course, remember saftey first) then I will negociate with him to see if Gabe can have everything he lost back and the guy will be like "NIEN!" so I will unleash the wolves and everybody wins... I think
yes now read that again. Their contract doesn't say it. So they are trying to get a judge to nullify their contract, give them the ip, and FORCE valve to work on hl3 for VUG.

Their complaint is valve had the contrasct changed with sierra to give valve its own ip back and make a second hl2, not a third. VUg now states valve did this illegally, and that they also owe VUg another game. Nonbe of what VUg wants is in their contract according to that statement. they are basically trying to make a judge, put it in a new contract.
killahsin-[CE] said:
yes now read that again. Their contract doesn't say it. So they are trying to get a judge to nullify their contract, give them the ip, and FORCE valve to work on hl3 for VUG

I've read it seven times. It says that according to the 2001 agreement Valve have to work with them on a fourth engine. (And presumingly a third)
So let me get this straight.

VUG want Valve to stop distributing their games over Steam because they'll lose revenue

And Valve want to keep distributing their games over Steam because they'll get more profit per game sold, then selling a game through Vivendi

And VUG want to obtain the rights to Half-life and force Valve to get to work on HL3

and VUG also have the right to withhold HL2 for up to six months if they don't get what they want

Is there anything else i'm missing? So far Valve seem somewhat innocent in all this....is there anything i'm missing on their part?
killahsin-[CE] said:
Nevermind man. Read the WHOLE thing.

The whole article? I have. The deal that Vivendi are arguing over is the same 2001 deal that mentions the engine thing.

Vivendi's case is that they want the contract annulled but still to work with Valve as per the contract.

And Doug said that Valve will honour that current contract.
why would a judge have to give VUg the right to somthing a contract states they have? One wouldn't, you are letting legal speak, make you believe what is not the case.
killahsin-[CE] said:
why would a judge have to give VUg the right to somthing a contract states they have? One wouldn't, you are letting legal speak, make you believe what is not the case.

"or a declaration that Sierra and VUG have the right to a fourth engine license pursuant to the terms of...the 2001 Agreement.""

They would have to give them the right if the 2001 agreement is anulled. That line says that the 2001 agreement includes the right to a fourth engine license.

If Vivendi wins, they want to make it so Valve still honours that part of the agreement.
Feath said:
I've read it seven times. It says that according to the 2001 agreement Valve have to work with them on a fourth engine. (And presumingly a third)
No you are not understanding. VU wants a legal remedy which imposes on Valve an agreement re: future Source games commensurate to the previous agreement. There is no pre-existing contract between VU & Valve on all Source engine games.
Wolf said:
No you are not understanding. VU wants a legal remedy which imposes on Valve an agreement re: future Source games commensurate to the previous agreement. There is no pre-existing contract between VU & Valve on all Source engine games.

They don't use that big word (commensurate) they use another big word (pursuant) meaning " in accordance with.". Which means that that the 2001 said that.
Dude what vivendi are saying is that valve invalidated their previous contract and want 2 more engines for it. At the same time they want the rights to it. Therefor all previous games valve have done for them, are nullified, and the contract is restarted after hl2. Get it?
Regardless of the word - my point is that there is no existing contract between them after past HL2. VU is seeking a judicial remedy which would create one.

While I'm certainly no expert on contract or commercial law, I did pay attention in law school enough to understand that much... :p
killahsin-[CE] said:
Dude what vivendi are saying is that valve invalidated their previous contract and want 2 more engines for it. At the same time they want the rights to it. Therefor all previous games valve have done for them, are nullified, and the contract is restarted after hl2. Get it?

I honestly don't believe it means that.