Worst. Game. Ever.

Well, I don't think Halo is the worst, but I think it's the most overrated game of all time and a piece of shit. Sickeningly horrible levels, boring gameplay with absolutely zero environmental interaction and it forced you to kill the comical innocent-sounding little enemies. I quit playing it on the part where you're running through a hallway, but I'm not sure what point of the game that is because it reapeats itself about fifty times.
Cybernoid said:
2001? Ten years ago Doom had much better level design.

I played it extensively. When you've played games like Fallout and Baldur's Gate, NWN just doesn't cut it.
OMG, you are comparing Doom with Halo. Doom didn't even have polys, just sprite kinda thingies in a 3d environment.You seriously must hate halo a lot..jeez.
Mabye its because Halo SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*rushes in, grabs a large bucket of paint and daubs "IMO" over every visible surface*

Worst game ever? I try and buy games that aren't shit, so I can't really nominate anything. But to continue the semi-on-topic approach;

Far Cry: graphically lush, poor storyline (its an FPS, what do we expect), nothing new in gameplay.

Halo: A half decent game in 2000, but its tardy PC release really underlines its weaker points. Map design I can't argue with.

NWN: I rather enjoyed it myself, but the original campaign and that of Shadows of Undrentide left a fair bit to be desired; ended pretty damn abruptly too. Hordes of the Underdark had a more solid, if erratic, single player component.

BG2, Fallout, and Planescape:Torment can leap around with "Best RPG ever labels" (although not necessarily in that order), but the original BG wasn't really anything special; it was oddly linear, with the occasional dead end quest branch to give the illusion of freeform gameplay.
i never finished halo singleplayer, but multiplayer on xbox with a couple freinds, thats a different story... so much fun
lans said:
OMG, you are comparing Doom with Halo. Doom didn't even have polys, just sprite kinda thingies in a 3d environment.You seriously must hate halo a lot..jeez.

I'm not talking about graphics, I'm talking about level design.
User Name said:
You mean 2001.

Um, no, I mean 2000; although if you want to say its one more year advanced over 2000's acceptable content I won't lose any sleep :|

EDIT: Ah, ha, just realised you meant release date; I'm referring more to when I'd have classified the entire experience as advanced. I mean hell, two years previously we had Half-Life, and nothings really beat that on its own terms yet...
Bloody hell, it appears no-one's played a game like:

The Watchmaker

I was lucky enough only to see a friend play this. I wanted to gouge my eyes out.
Didn't PCGamer UK give that one less than fifteen percent? I vaguely remember reading about it.

I've heard about games that even I could apparently improve on, it's just that I'm fortunate enough not to have played them or even seen them in action...
I tried a demo of The Watchmaker.... Jebus.

But the worst game IMHO must be Normality. If you haven't heard of the game, you should consider yourself lucky.
I've seen games in the course of my job that will make you Amish on the spot. The worst was an FPS which focused upon killing terrorists and consisted of only 3 levels, one of which was a large room. We're talking about a game with 0 AI, three bad weapons, and that started you facing a corner. Did I mention it had porn posters all over the place too?
Far Cry?
Neverwinter Nights?
Deus Ex?
Jedi Knight series?

You guys must play ONLY amazing games if these are the worst you've ever played. C'mon...whatever your opinion is of these games calling them the worst ever is just the silliest thing I've ever heard.

My vote has to go to a game called Ballz for the Sega Genesis. The name really describes the game well actually.
Cybernoid said:
An army of rabid fanboys will no doubt come for me later tonight.

Halo's only problem is the level design. Boring, repetive copy-paste maps with no detail whatsoever. I mean, even Doom (ten years old) has far superior level design.

Agreed, but the multiplayer is GREAT.

Far Cry has similiar issues. Boring level design, nothing new or interesting. And it takes more than reflective water to make good graphics.

Agreed, i thought it was a 6 out of 10.

Neverwinter Nights is just dull. Subpar graphics, absolutely horrendous performance and an extremely boring singleplayer campaign. And the rabid fanboys spouting incoherent shit.

Wrong, NWN was a great game when it was released. RPGs rarely have amazing graphics. You can't complain about shit performance when you have a shit computer. I'm no fanboy, in fact i don't think i've even finished the game, and after i uninstalled it i haven't reinstalled it since, but it's a good game.
StardogChampion said:
Wrong, NWN was a great game when it was released. RPGs rarely have amazing graphics. You can't complain about shit performance when you have a shit computer. I'm no fanboy, in fact i don't think i've even finished the game, and after i uninstalled it i haven't reinstalled it since, but it's a good game.

My computer was just fine.
The statement regarding Neverwinter Nights's editor... what a slice of crap. Get off the crack.
Medal of Honor Allied Assault - booooooooooooooring
Suicide42 said:
thats just wrong. halo having bad level design? thats the biggest pile of mirrored, bizarre bullshite ive hever heard. seriosly. And far cry is amazing, despite the fact that the gameplay isnt as good as other games. Neverwinter nights is a class RPG, and the level editor is superb.

seriosly... you are joking arent you?? next youll be saying that UT2004 has the worst multiplayer, or that DE:IW has the m,ost amazingly realistic phisics.

cybernoid, i want to have your babies (LOL OH THE RANDOM MOCKERYNESS)
Halo is great game, i love it, but i'll agree with him there. It has TERRIBLE level design on a few levels. There are 10 levels in the game and you replay 3 of them after the flood are released. Then's there the library level. The level design in Halo sucks. The multiplayer is awesome though

Same goes for Far Cry. I bought the game because people said the game is amazing and its the best FPS since Half-Life but jesus christ were they wrong. That game offered absolutely NOTHING new to the table other then good graphics. It was just another Unreal 2. It sucks. It also suffered from bad level design. Every area was just an excuse to kill bad-guys. Alot of FPS are like this but in Far Cry it was just so long and ridiculous it couldn't hold my interest. They just made an area, threw a bunch of bad guys in there and said "Have fun". And everyone loved it. If Far Cry is the future of FPS, then FPS will die a long and painful death

Go play one of the NOLF games. They totally kick its ass. I just hope some good mods come out for Far Cry otherwise im gonna totally regret spending 100 bucks on it (Aussie)

As for the worst game ever.......i dunno.........
I have some crap games by Dreamcatcher Interactive. The boxes look pretty, so relatives buy them for me. They are:

The Crystal Key
The Time Machine
The Messenger
Frank Herbert's Dune

Do not bother with any of the above games. Thank you, come again.
Halo had pretty weak level design I agree. I still liked SP and I still love MP (Xbox)

Far Cry was good IMO.

NWN was ok. I never finished it...didn't really have the drive to...

NOLF was boring to me. I played it through but didn't like it.

Jedi Knight wasn't good 'till Jedi Outcast. I liked that one.

KOTOR was entirely too overrated IMO, but I didn't think it was horrible.

I can't think of any awful games right now.
i have yet to play a good Dreamcatcher game...traitors gate, basicly 360 degree quicktime game..
Oh my god!!!! You made me remember it!!!!! AHHAHHHHHHH....I wanted to forget so badly!!!!

It was a game that I had saved up for for a long time to get. It was for the Play Station. So so long ago...... I doubt any of you would have even heard of it. It was basicly an import.....but not really. Just a game from Japan that they slaped some englesh into. (all there really was that they could have changed was mabie the car names..... and the title screen and menue, that was it)

It was called Felony 11 79 That was the name. 11 79? Yeah, I have no idea.

This game had 3 levels. It was a driving game. You had to basicly.....get to the other side of the level.
The thing was.....you could take short cuts through buildings and stuff, causing massive dammage. And that was the Felony part..... there was a counter for the amount of $ in stuff you'd smashed. The thing is though....you couldn't ever break that much stuff....because it totaled your car.
And the cars. The only thing there was a lot of in the game was cars. By beating the levels (over and over and over and over and over) you could get more cars.....that would let you do it faster....so you could get more cars....that went faster...so you could get more cars...............oh god.
And that was it.
You got some more cars, that didn't act much different from the first 10 you started off with.
No game can compair to that.
And I really think that buying the game yourself, and then finding that it makes you want to cry, makes it just oh so much more bad.......... oh to be young and stupid again......thank god I'm older now and only buy a game once ever 6 months or so. (then I beat the damn thing in a week and get bored with it :()
Is this turning into another useless giant fanboys war or is it just me?
Fanyboys of what? exactly?

We're talking about games we hate....not love.
Medal Of Honour: Allied Assault or Tomb Raider 3 demo
I wasn't too keen on the NOLF games either - if you've played Golden Eye they will always feel average in comparison. (they're still pretty good tho :) - and no way near 'the worst games ever')

The worst game ever's name I can't recall :/ It was on the Master System, and quite horrific. You were in a bomber plane - the idea was that the bomb doors, on the underside of the plane, would open and you had to time when to drop the exposives. Unfortunately, the game was shipped with a bug - which meant the doors never opened :/ So basically you spent the entire game looking at a big steel door.

If anyone can think of a wprse game i'd like to hear about it :)
I don't think I can quite top that Warbie :p but I also can't recall the name of my personal worst game. It was a racing game on the NES, which looked as if they'd got to the wireframe stage of the game, and decided to ship it like that. Oh, and the extra bonus that the wires would flash different colours constantly, making the screen hard to look at.
I don't think that complaining about games that are above average is any good...I'd like to nominate Knight Rider (by Davilex) I installed it and immediately drew the conclusion it sucked ass big time. The graphics are pathetic, levels beyond logic, the assignments are crappy and senseless..
yeah now i know it wats the worst game ever, it (Dead Mans Hand) from Atari, that sux.
Grapichs was horrible and the gameplay was an old whore.
Come on guys, let's try not to turn a "Worst game ever" thread into a "I didn't like this game that much considering the hype and other people's inferior opinions of said game" thread.

nicrd said:
X-wing vs Tie Fighter had absolutly no appeal. The game was boring and did not live up to its hype. Maybe its because I loved so much the older X-Wing and even more Tie-Fighter that had a storyline and top-notch mission (with primary objectives, secondary objectives and the great bonus objectives).

Oh, my bad, I was thinking of the original :) Played it alot at a mates on his awesome joystick, much fun had.

Dedalus said:
(of ET for Atari) haha, didn't they bury thousands of unsold copies in the desert, or am i confusing it with another crap game :LOL:

Wasn't ET the ruination of Atari? They made so many freakin copies of a game that never sold and went bankrupt :) Wouldn't be surprised if they did something like that.

Edcrab said:
NWN: I rather enjoyed it myself, but the original campaign and that of Shadows of Undrentide left a fair bit to be desired; ended pretty damn abruptly too. Hordes of the Underdark had a more solid, if erratic, single player component.

I have NWN Gold, bored of it already, have been told to try Hordes. But I don't think I will, I just really don't like the combat in NWN, waaaaaaay too linear. Call me a noob but I'll stick with my D2/LOD for now ^_^
dæmon said:
I don't think I can quite top that Warbie :p but I also can't recall the name of my personal worst game. It was a racing game on the NES, which looked as if they'd got to the wireframe stage of the game, and decided to ship it like that. Oh, and the extra bonus that the wires would flash different colours constantly, making the screen hard to look at.

I'd say the fact that they even managed wireframes on the NES is pretty impressive! They could barely do that right on the SNES!
FictiousWill said:
I have some crap games by Dreamcatcher Interactive. The boxes look pretty, so relatives buy them for me. They are:

The Crystal Key
The Time Machine
The Messenger
Frank Herbert's Dune

Do not bother with any of the above games. Thank you, come again.
My friend works for activision designing games, all they do is think of what would make a good game and all the details and then they send all of that to a developing team(some really cheap amatuer one). They spend rest of the money on getting a license(I can't spell) and nice box art, because they know the game sucks but if they can trick people into buying it, it might make some money.