Worst Part of Waking Up?

Worst Part of Waking Up?

  • Eye Crusties! ('sleep' in your eyes)

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Franticly Trying to Shut Off Your Alarm!

    Votes: 7 6.0%
  • Still Tired!

    Votes: 73 62.9%
  • Hangover! (you drunks!)

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Morning Glory! (boing)

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • Pain of Falling on the Ground! (happens to everyone at one point)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wet Dream! (messy..)

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • Confused!

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • Scratchy Throat + Bad Breath!

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • Folgers in your cup!

    Votes: 9 7.8%

  • Total voters
The worst experiences I've had waking up would definitely have to be when I didn't study for an important test (always) or didn't do my homework (sometimes). The feeling you get when you think "ah man...the day has come, and now I will reap it"

It's just not a good way to start your day :(

Do your homework, kids.

Next in line for me is just being too tired, which for me is usually only on Mondays, except last Wednesday night when I slept in a bathtub with a girl puking next to my head for most of the night. I was pretty tired the next day and I ended up sleeping under my desk at work from 3:00 - 4:00

I could see morning glory being potentially useful someday though. Someday.......
Am i the only morning person here? I love waking up early, I like the feeling outside. I just don't do it often enough.

I picked confused though, because sometimes I'll fall asleep during the day and wake up at night, thinking it's the next day, and I get so damn confused, also your breath is at its worst then too.
lol its 43 votes for "Still tired" versus 16 for every other category combined. I guess its pretty common that people still feel tired when they wake up.
lol its 43 votes for "Still tired" versus 16 for every other category combined. I guess its pretty common that people still feel tired when they wake up.

I'm tired, but that's not near what I hate most. I rather HATE waking up with a soar throat/thirsty/anything like that.
I'm tired, but that's not near what I hate most. I rather HATE waking up with a soar throat/thirsty/anything like that.

Read: every time you drink a lot the night before
Read: every time you drink a lot the night before

Oddly enough, it's just about EVERY night. I drink once, maybe twice during the week...but really, I wake up with a soar throat and all normally. It's not normal! :(
Morning glory running down the house with it bouncing all over the place trying to cover it up and your sister sees you and you roll on the ground to avoid the glory from being seen...to the toile and try to yank out a piss, wow it hurts
I've come to the decision that forcing myself to get out of bed as soon as I wake up is the only way to;

a) Stay awake
b) Not feel like shit
c) Reduce the morning glory to it's original state
I'm never as tired as when I'm waking up...

Hangover came a close second, but the one thing that incenses me and horrifies me most of all about waking up, and which happens whether I've drunk or no, is the immensely sore/scratchy throat feeling I get. That, and I never get hangovers that bad - although I had a hangover this morning, despite not drinking anything last night. EXTREEEME!
I'm never as tired as when I'm waking up...

Hangover came a close second, but the one thing that incenses me and horrifies me most of all about waking up, and which happens whether I've drunk or no, is the immensely sore/scratchy throat feeling I get. That, and I never get hangovers that bad - although I had a hangover this morning, despite not drinking anything last night. EXTREEEME!

Your room may be too dry or dusty... try sleeping with the window slightly open.
I find sleeping with an open window at least averts hangovers.
i really really really hate hangovers... : /

Recently, I've had this odd phobia of sleeping. I fear having no time and that sleeping is a waste. So I stay up extremely late and am paranoid about work a lot. I don't know how to describe it. It's probably all the stress considering the situation I'm in. I waste more time staying up late though.
I just woke up (lol) because of some giant ****ing wasp that decided to fly around my room making a sound close to that of a blender starting up, so I had to peg it downstairs in my half-awake state to grab a can of Raid.

I hate insects.
Alarm. Goddamn do I hate my alarm. But it's the only way I'll ever get up, so in a way I guess that's a good thing.

Close second would be still tired.
Confusion. Often the real life of waking up is combined with the dream I'm currently having into some weird delusion. Usually involves my alarm clock as an object of interest in my dream, instead of just turning it off I press buttons to accomplish some sort of objective in my dreams. I oversleep a lot..
Alarms definately, they never seem so loud before you go to sleep, but since you have been basked in hours of silence and it awakens you, its like 10x louder, like wavering you hand about the desk, knocking shit over just to turn the ****er off.

Erection piss I find is very easy to deal with, one way is to clamber over the toilet seat so the dicks direction is facing the target and let rip, OR, the less used part, go to shower and let rip. You choose.
Erection piss I find is very easy to deal with, one way is to clamber over the toilet seat so the dicks direction is facing the target and let rip

That means I would have to stand on my head.
Usually it's waking up and finding a fat chick D:

Yeah I hate that, I mean how do they even get in? When I go to bed, I lock all the doors, and there's no way they fit through the windows and I don't leave any food out in the open either that they could smell. Yet there they are, twice a week found in their natural habitat: passed out in front of the fridge in a pile of their own excrement. Damn fatties.
I've come to the decision that forcing myself to get out of bed as soon as I wake up is the only way to;

a) Stay awake
b) Not feel like shit
c) Reduce the morning glory to it's original state

So true!

Best thing to do is get out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off, go straight to a shower. Not too hot or you won't wana leave, not too cold or you won't want to get under it. Hopefully any morning glory will have gone by the time you are in the shower and then you piss there and then!

Only way to wake up and be really awake :D
I get sleep in my eyes quite a lot because I wear contact lenses that you sleep in which means eye-drops in the morning but they're easily dealt with.

Alarm clocks are horrible. My bedside one has the sort of tone that would drive a dog to suicide and my mobile phone one is too quiet. Luckily I have found out that turning on the alarm on my DS then shutting it into sleep mode gives off a really nice alarm. I use that now. Plus the display, if you glance at it, shows how long you have left before the alarm goes off so you can roll over at 3 in the morning and see you have 4 hours left. Bliss :D To be honest, now that I have this nice alarm, it's not that horrendous.
I'm also very aware of people moving around in the same room as me so if my mum comes in in the morning to dump some washing or whatever, I invariably wake up. This can cause trouble if someone is sleeping in the same room/bed as me because any movement like rolling over or going to the toilet wakes me up.

Hangovers I get very rarely. I can be one of the heaviest drinkers of the night and still be up with the birds to make everyone coffee. However when I do get hangovers, I get them bad. When I do get them though I find the best thing is to just grab another beer from the fridge and drink that down providing I don't have to drive till later in the day. But nah, they don't bother me too much.

Seeing as I have an en-suite bathroom (:naughty:), I have very little quibbles with morning glories. I just amble to the bathroom starkers, empty my bladder, and let it ebb away. The sensation of having a full bladder is what causes it, so having a long piss is what will cure it. And working out how to piss is what sets the old brain cogs in motion first thing in the morning.

Never fallen over from tiredness. I have tripped over things that aren't there normally because I wasn't paying attention, but never lost balance...

Haven't had a wet dream for years. I am sexually satisfied enough to not have them.

I sometimes wake up and wonder where the hell I am, invariably when I'm in a strange bed and have woken up after dreaming of being at home. It's quite a strange feeling but it's never been longer than about 30 seconds before I remember where I am.

Bad breath is horrible and is the worst thing when waking up next to someone. Luckily, on days when I have the time, I brush before breakfast and after so that people don't have to smell it at the breakfast table. Nothing worse than other people with morning breath either.

I also hate forgetting dreams and eating breakfast too early (I like it about half an hour after waking up). Morning showers can feel strange too, however necessary.

The worst is waking up tired though. I often set my alarm for 7, turn it off and think that I'll treat myself to lying in bed and listening to the birds outside. However, when I look at my clock, 45 minutes have gone by and I need to be out the house in 15 minutes. Luckily it only takes that long if I don't relax and have a slice of toast, watch a bit of TV etc.

And believe it or not, I am a morning person providing I've woken up early, naturally. If I wake up at 7 and get up, I will feel fantastic about having a full day in which to do stuff in, especially as the crisp air in the morning is so nice to breathe in.

This was a long post... utterly by accident. :rolling:
So true!

Best thing to do is get out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off, go straight to a shower. Not too hot or you won't wana leave, not too cold or you won't want to get under it. Hopefully any morning glory will have gone by the time you are in the shower and then you piss there and then!

Only way to wake up and be really awake :D

I refuse to piss in the shower! o_O

Pushups are a good way of getting rid of the morning glory. I found that out when I started excercising. The bad part is you have to be arsed to do them. But if you need to take a piss and don't want the ceiling wet, then that's handy.
Alarm clocks are supposed to be horrible, or people would sleep through them!
No wanting to get up the the pain of having to pee forcing you to.
On the contrary: it's so much fun! I always feel like the fire brigade when that happens. The cleaning up afterwards isn't fun though ....

What you gotta do it lean forward so your leaning against the wall behind the toilet (your forehead supporting your body), then it's alot easier to aim, I usually have no clean-up when I do it that way. You still got to bend it down, but not as far..
Just sit down.

I always sit down actually, standing up to pee in your own home is crazy. My toilet's clean, so I have no reason to stand and all the more to sit: better for your bladder, more hygienic, more relaxing. I have no spectators when I pee so looking like a total homo when doing it is not a problem.
Pretty much every industrialised society seems to disregard sleep. People tend to think of it as lazy and unnecessarry, but of course it's not. For more information on how our need to sleep is brutally oppressed by society, buy Counting Sheep by Paul Martin. Actually, just buy the book anyway, because it's brilliant.

Bad breath comes second to feeling tired for me. I always have a shitload of phlegm and crap in my mouth when I wake up, tastes horrible. In fact, my throat is still burning now D:
I had morning glory for two hours this morning. It was fantastic.
voted folgiers because I was gonna do that joke but OP beat me to it ;(

I refuse to piss in the shower! o_O

Pushups are a good way of getting rid of the morning glory. I found that out when I started excercising. The bad part is you have to be arsed to do them. But if you need to take a piss and don't want the ceiling wet, then that's handy.

pissing in the shower is fun and saves time.

Push-ups with boners equals a whole lot of ow. Unless you're not that well endowed, in which case I won't say anything bad about you. Because that's bad enough :(

Also, I have found it pretty impossible to piss with a boner. Your dicks must not be doing it right.
If morning glory peeing is that much of an issue (in terms of mess), just sit down on the toilet. You may rub the toilet a bit but if you're that uptight about germs... :| Well, that may not be uptight, it could just be me not caring at all.

I had some middle-of-the-night glory when I was sleeping in a bathtub with a girl puking most of the night in the toilet next to me, and I just sat down (flushed first, god), because I didn't want to wake her up, or anyone else in the house for that matter.
Eh, it's a mix up between the frantically trying to turn off that ****ing alarm and the terrible feeling in your mouth/throat + bad breath.

My alarm clock gives me a god damn heart attack every morning, it sounds like a car alarm going off right in your ear.
But I keep it across the room on top of my TV so I have to get up to shut it off, thus making sure I'm up and about.

And that taste in your mouth, no matter how hard you brushed your teeth last night, your breath will still reek in the morning, and it'll still feel really scummy... it's nasty.
Push-ups with boners equals a whole lot of ow. Unless you're not that well endowed, in which case I won't say anything bad about you. Because that's bad enough :(

Actually checking with the Caucasian standards I'm more than OK ;) There's no ow in this, because I try to keep my ass high to put more strain on the arms, plus my morning glory doesn't point down to the floor when I'm doing push-ups. I could have a proud black man's dick and wouldn't scrape the floor with it.
You have one guy to laugh at, I've got 3 billion guys with urine soaked legs to mock ;)
I still don't understand how it's so messy for people.. Like hasn't anyone found out a way to not make it messy? I've never pissed anywhere except the toilet water and the ground (outside ground). Not one time. And I've also never sat down.. I just don't understand sitting down.. It's pointless.. Be a god-damn man. :)

Bad breath comes second to feeling tired for me. I always have a shitload of phlegm and crap in my mouth when I wake up, tastes horrible. In fact, my throat is still burning now D:

Try waking up with that shit in your mouth, plus a mouthguard. Every morning I have to wash 20 pounds of the shit off of it.. Sucks..