Worst shows on TV



what do you guy think the worst shows on tv are?
My list
1 7th heaven
2 yes, dear
3 Alias
4 survivor
5 7th heaven
6 smallsville
7 Letterman's show
8 7th heaven?
The Weakest Link.
grrr... it's just so tedious and boring to watch.
Big Brother is the abyss in the ocean of crap television.
Any reality shows.
Soap Opera's.
Game shows, eugh.

Big Brother is probably the worst. I watched it once and they were showing people sleeping. People f*cking sleeping! I bet there were millions tuned in aswell.
Queer Eye For The Straight Guy
"Ok, so I've got this great idea for a TV show. You know how about sixty years ago we all laughed at black-face?"

"Well, I still do..."

"Yeah, but just go with me on this one. You know how it's INAPPROPRIATE to stereotype black people now? You know how there are OTHER minority groups that still receive enough bullsh*t and misconception as it is?"

"You mean like poofs?"

"EXACTLY! We show the public one-dimensional stereotypes of gay people acting infuriatingly camply and voila! It's the black and white minstrels for the 21st century!"

Wife Swap
Let's reinforce every kind of cultural and social boundary there is! For fun! Woo-hoo!

The only program worth watching is Neighbours. Neighbours is absolutely incredible.
The King of the worst TV shows...........Who's Your Daddy......LOL what a joke
hate reality tv shows that have no purpose...i actually like things like survivor, the mole (was on channel 5) and jailbreak (channel 5) cos they actually had a purpose in them rather than sit around a house and get people to like you...

Really hate that im a celebrity show because...they r NOT...
Most are has-beens or are famous because of someone else. I will never forget the ad for it on tv...'see more A-list celebs battle it out'
A-;ist...dont make me laugh
Anything that dumbs down our TV. Reality shows, redecorating people's houses their gardens. Even the news is dumbing down in some aspects. Hate anything on TV to do with celebraties.

Can't we have more intelligent debates (not Trisha "Let's talk about my crack addict son"), some good science shows, more stuff like Horizon.
Kommie said:
what do you guy think the worst shows on tv are?
My list
1 7th heaven
2 yes, dear
3 Alias
4 survivor
5 7th heaven
6 smallsville
7 Letterman's show
8 7th heaven?

Smallville rocks, Letterman rocks.
Any reality show from FOX, ABC & NBC. I enjoy Americas next top model and the REAL reality shows on MTv like True Life, Made and reality shows that have a purpose. I HATE SOAP OPERAS...CHESSY.....MELODRAMATIC.... S O A P O P E R A S!!!:'(
pgop_7922 said:
Yeah, except for Neighbours. Neighbours is awesome.
I'd put "Most reality TV shows". Completely. Worthless.

Though somebody mentioned "Passions"... I'm pretty certain that was supposed to be some sort of serious soap opera... but I found the bits with that failure of a witch and Lil' Timmy (I think that was his name) the living doll strangely hilarious. Pity the little dude karked it (in real life as in the show, I hear). I always used to flip the channel as soon as any of the other characters popped up though.
I agree with most reality shows. Also all these crap dramas like The OC, One Tree Hill, etc :\
Punk'd, someone should beat up Ashton Kutcher.... because the dude is just not funny
The worst show on telly... i have to agree with The Weakest Link, it's so incredibly boring. Bring back Brucey, the king of gameshows! Big brother is pants, they paid each contestant to enter this one (nobody would do it) and it is nobodies... c'mon, how famous in britain is Syvester Stallones ex-wife and mother?? Not At All. Boring. The best thing about it is John McCrewick, everyone else in the house is boring and normal.
The best telly is a good episode of Spooks, Horizon, the Child of out Time series and Panarama...and new episodes of Trial and Retribution thats all i'l watch.... sad isnt it? we pay this TV Licsence, infact they make us pay it with threats and the television, nobody watches.
Sex And The City, a show about 4 women competing to see who can get Aids the first.
Homeless Wives, or whatever it is called, the replacement for Sex And The City, again, a group of women competing against each other to see who can get Aids the first.
The only TV I watch is CSI. So I guess, every show except for CSI.
Neighbours is filth. Utter filth. Just terrible. Maybe I’m just bitter that Beth (Natalie Umbrella or whatever her name is) never had a steamy Lesbo affair with Libby Kennedy. My hopes came to nothing. :(
From what little I saw of it, Sex in the City was also garbage. I like Razor's Comments

I am another who really hates Ashton Kutcher. He just seems like a complete idiot.
Another annoyance: Graham Norton, "SO..." ...overrated. Here is the format of a Norton show: get an American guest on, get them to say "fanny", hilarity ensues. ffs :sniper:
Main Offender said:
Maybe I’m just bitter that Beth (Natalie Umbrella or whatever her name is) never had a steamy Lesbo affair with Libby Kennedy. My hopes came to nothing. :(
I'll put your Neighbours-bashing down to sadness at that lesbian fantasy - which would have been a marvel of television, and no mistake. They do actually have a lesbian storyline at the moment. As well as an incest one. And a flyer-poster turfwar. It's all just amazing.

And yes, Graham Norton is annyoing.
"Look! I'm gay! Isn't that funny!? I'm... GAY! Hah! Why aren't you laughing? Don't you get it!? I'm gay! Hahaha! Gay!"
reality shows

they are just funny in the first episode the rest of the episodes is boring

and the worst thing is that are many of them and everytime I see E! news live they talk about a new reality show almost every day! someone could tell the producers of that shows to stop make them!
the only reality shows that are funny are the ones where they mess with peoples head, like that british one where they were competing about getting their dream woman and some money.......
but it turned out the chick had a wang! lol, i laughed my ass off when one of the voted-off-dudes said "YEAH I KNEW IT! i told you she was hairy!" hahahaha :LOL:
Basically all of TV is incredibly bad, with a very small number of exceptions.
Little Britain. Terrible. Also, that Trinny and Susanna thing, reality TV, soaps (eastenders, emmerdale, coronation street) and shows like Richard and Judy.
I Am going to have to add something myself
Am I the only person in the world who is simply disgusted with this trash?
Thats great Cause I would certainly hate to be all alone on this!
Kommie said:
I Am going to have to add something myself
Am I the only person in the world who is simply disgusted with this trash?
Just like all the rest of TV, there's a lot of shit and a few gems, like Lain, Trigun, and Boogiepop Phantom
Anyway, I'm an anime fan, but i recognize all the shit, I absolutely loathe Dragonball, Yu-gi-oh, Pokemon, and any other kiddy shit
I hate it all man, I had a friend who watches that stuff, trigun isnt that bad, But I just dont get lain I mean holy crap. I am sure there are some good ones but I would say 95% of all of them is crap
Not that he's crap, but Peter Kay isn't all that funny. Funny sometimes, yes, but he's not fantastic.

Also, "So You Think You're Safe".

It's like "If you go... ice skating, you'll catch CANCER, and your LEGS WILL DROP OFF and MIDGETS DRESSED AS DEMONS will come and eat your family! We have A REAL LIVE SCIENTIST here, with proof!"
Kangy said:
Also, "So You Think You're Safe".

It's like "If you go... ice skating, you'll catch CANCER, and your LEGS WILL DROP OFF and MIDGETS DRESSED AS DEMONS will come and eat your family! We have A REAL LIVE SCIENTIST here, with proof!"
YES! Those programs are obscene scare-mongering. Didn't the BBC do some shows like that? I would've thought they were better than that, but it seems they stooped down to tabloid-esque levels of moronicism (sure it's a word).
I used to like 7th Heaven when I was younger, but think its crap now.


In no particular order.

Everybody Loves Raymond
Nearly every reality show.
Sabrina The Teenaged Witch
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Law & Order, every sub series.
All the card related anime cartoons like card captors and yugioh.
Martin(I *HATE* martin lawrence or however you spell his last name. He's a moron)
Mutant X
Every single talk show
Crossing Over
*********ALL SOAP OPERAS*********
Saturday Night Live(sucks now)