Worst thing that can happen


Mar 9, 2004
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I was playing around with my friend, and we were wondering whats the worst thing that can happen when you install and start HL?

i think that the game will crash on level 2, he thinks that it will be like CZ, where it says, order CZ now! even thou you have it on CD

what do you guys think? :cheers:
I think the worst thing that would happen is the second when the titles fade in the game comes up with some sort of fatal exception error.

You then read a post somewhere quoting Valve saying that Vivendi ****ed up publishing process and every single copy in the world is corrupt and it will take another three weeks to fix and re-release worldwide.
Some hacker, re-hacking into the system and causing another year long delay.
That my CD-Rom would break the HL2 CD.
You put in the cd and it doesn't autplay. So you open the cd directory to start setup.exe yourself but all you find is a small .txt file with the line 'MUHAHA WE FUXX0RED Y00 FOR 6 YEARS!'
the worst thing that could happen? you install the game, the install goes smoothly, you start playing it and you find no bugs, no problems, but you slowly realize that the game just isn't very good at all. It's boring, you don't care about the characters, the action is lame, and it performs poorly.

i think the chances of that are extremely rare, but that's my worst fear.
Your ageing computer takes one look at the system requirements,gives you two fingers and blows up.(Its gonna happen to me you know)
Spiffae, me too. If that happend I would be HellaPissed!!!

I would probably get depressed for a short time. I mean proper depresion. I love the video games industry and this to me is like the next stage in its evolution that I have been expecting for a while.

If it wasn't done properly then I would be greatly dissapointed.

Thats the reason I don't give a rats ass about the delay so long as its what I expect when It does come. :rolling:
The worst thing that could happen is like a electricity blackout in your area the second you put the game CD in the comp and the comp blows up , leaving you with shards of monitor-glass in your face and the worst of all, the game CD shattered in the computer.
I read a forum post where someone gives away the big Story twist at the end :/
the worst thing that could happen is that the government bans the game as soon as its released and shuts down valve and all thier games, including mods, and makes us all play America's Army :(
Voodoo_Chile said:
Your ageing computer takes one look at the system requirements,gives you two fingers and blows up.(Its gonna happen to me you know)
lol, thats what would happen to my old computer. :sniper:


Yea, that would be the worst, I would have to shoot my self (well ..maybe not that far) This is the only excitment in my life at the moment

bgesley426 said:
Some hacker, re-hacking into the system and causing another year long delay.

worst thing that could happen is people actualy researching the reason Hl2 was delayed and not noticing valve saying the game would have been delayed even if it wasnt leaked.

oh wait! thats what you just did :dozey:
Gergor said:
Worst possible thing: It is not as much fun as Doom 3.
What's with all the people time traveling lately? How do you know D3 will be any good/fun or that it'll even be out before HL2?
Spiffae said:
the worst thing that could happen? you install the game, the install goes smoothly, you start playing it and you find no bugs, no problems, but you slowly realize that the game just isn't very good at all. It's boring, you don't care about the characters, the action is lame, and it performs poorly.

i think the chances of that are extremely rare, but that's my worst fear.

Thats sounds about right to me.... I get angry :angry: just thinking about it.
asdf said:
I was playing around with my friend, and we were wondering whats the worst thing that can happen when you install and start HL?

i think that the game will crash on level 2, he thinks that it will be like CZ, where it says, order CZ now! even thou you have it on CD

what do you guys think? :cheers:
You said "when you install it," so I'd say if the installation fails or the game doesn't start. Fat chance.

I didn't say it WILL BE worse than Doom 3, I was just saying it would suck if Doom 3 turned out to be a lot better than HL2.

It was just a joke. Relax.
Gergor said:

I didn't say it WILL BE worse than Doom 3, I was just saying it would suck if Doom 3 turned out to be a lot better than HL2.

It was just a joke. Relax.

That's Shuzer, everyone spells it that way :( lol, and I wasn't freaking out or anything, just kinda curious :)
glad to see a lot of people agree with my worst case scenario. I've been thinking though. It really seems to me (although i am incredibly excited for this game) that there's almost no way HL2 could be bad. From the interviews, movies, shots, articles, e-mails, everything... there hasn't been a single thing to indicate mediocrity in any way shape or form. I mean crap, just the emotion/lipsynch/scripting tools are enough to make a game amazing... and that's just a tiny part of what they've got.

*sigh. it's gonna be a long wait.
Worse thing that could happen : It ends up like the Matrix movies, 1st game is awesome, 2nd game ruins it completely forever
The worst thing? I guess it would be if we all got so bored waiting for it, after they delay it another 3 times, that we only buy just to say we bought it and don't enjoy it.

but that will never happen.
Hrmm.. The absolute worst thing..

How about my car won't start on my way to the store to buy the game after being pulled over for going 90mph on the freeway. Then the next day I take my brothers or parents car out to get the game and I get side swiped a mile from the computer store and wake up 3 years later from a coma to find out the game sucked and that MJ is a terrorist

Ok here is THE worst thing that could happen. You are driving to the store to pick up the game and get in a car accident. From the accident, your hands are chopped off. And HL2 is so amazing, but you can't play it cause you have no hands.
my brother uses my new aquired dvd or cd's and uses it along with some plastic soldiers and puts them into the microwave creating the soldier of the future. hes done it before :(
worst thing that could happen.....my 9800 pro's iceberq4 premium cooler stops working the day i get hl2...and it takes 2 weeks to get a replacement...
Worst thing...just about to load the game then the Olsen twins burst through my door SCREAMING for a man to viciously use for their twisted sexual fantasies.

I think i'd have to say no to HL2.
:) Worst thing that could happen is you install Half Life 2 and everything is fine, install went smooth, no interruptions. But then all of a sudden you start the game, then the intro's super flashing lights blind your ass and the sounds get so loud that your ear drums explode, now you're deaf and now you're officially ****ed. :cheese:
Worst thing is a could realise I'm a pathetic no-life who has nothing better to do than wait for a game to come out.
Hmm Id say the worst thing that could happen would be if the cd started spinning real fast the pop out of the tray and cutting something REALLY dear to you off.

_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
Hmm Id say the worst thing that could happen would be if the cd started spinning real fast the pop out of the tray and cutting something REALLY dear to you off.


What matters is if the cd is still working after you wash the blood off.
Shuzer said:
That's Shuzer, everyone spells it that way :( lol, and I wasn't freaking out or anything, just kinda curious :)

Oh, ok then, no hard feelings bro :cheers:
Mr-Fusion said:
Worst thing...just about to load the game then the Olsen twins burst through my door SCREAMING for a man to viciously use for their twisted sexual fantasies.

I think i'd have to say no to HL2.
lol, in your dreams :p