Worst thing that can happen

The Mullinator said:
You put the install CD in but it starts to install Daikatana instead.

Or if it comes on 2 CDs, Windows ME is installed on the first one, then Daikatana on the second :O
Murray_H said:
Or if it comes on 2 CDs, Windows ME is installed on the first one, then Daikatana on the second :O
oh my god...*shrudders*
The Mullinator said:
You put the install CD in but it starts to install Daikatana instead.
we have a winner.

this year (maybe) Gabe Newell will make you his bizatch!
(you are already Doug lombardi's bitch)
Mr. Redundant said:
we have a winner.

this year (maybe) Gabe Newell will make you his bizatch!
(you are already Doug lombardi's bitch)
offtopic heh, but i love that video :p
asdf said:
oh my god...*shrudders*


I'm still laughing at that "make us play America's Army" I hate that game.

The worst has already happened, we have been waiting what seems like a year by now. Ughhh... Hmmm, but what about this...

They decide to screw the Source Engine and make it all with the same old HL1 engine!! AWWWW PAIN!!! :(
vegeta897 said:

I'm still laughing at that "make us play America's Army" I hate that game.

The worst has already happened, we have been waiting what seems like a year by now. Ughhh... Hmmm, but what about this...

They decide to screw the Source Engine and make it all with the same old HL1 engine!! AWWWW PAIN!!! :(
they might as well shoot them self's now :sniper:
the worst thing...

you get it all set up and ready and then the whole steam network crashes and you loose all of your half-life/2 games and mods only leaving that ded borin Ricochet mod. Then valve says that they are going to make a new platform for it called "screwdriver" and that its going to take many many more years to waste time.

That would annoy me so much ..............

:sniper: <me O <Gabe
Worst thing...just about to load the game then the Olsen twins burst through my door SCREAMING for a man to viciously use for their twisted sexual fantasies.
if that is the worst thing, your pretty damn lucky, because something that is better than that wouldnt be to bad at all.

i take it daikatana must have sucked?

the worst thing would be if the game totally blew. I would have to kill someone.
i wouldn't get the game the day i wanted to
I'm thinking a quick install, the opening sequence starts up, you see the engine running beautifully on your machine, you get to the first action sequence, the music picks up, your pulse is pounding, and CRASH. Computer refuses to start after the reboot.
I think that the worst thing that could happen was that it got released, you open the box and out pops a huge cloud of powdered plague and leprosy and crabs. And syphillis.
That'd be pretty awful.
No, the worst is if it got delayed for another year to become an xbox exclusive game with small, small, levels and has serious sam style of mindless action. ;(
If you would play the game for 30 mins and it would be the best you've ever played, you are blasted away by the gameplay and expect the next level... but suddenly you face the Gman and you are forced to fight him, after 2 mins you win and the screen turns black: "The End"

That would be the worst thing that could happen.
I still think that crabs, leoprosy AND the plague would be worse.
Ya but then you would be dead and depending on your beliefs you would either go to heaven (hopefully not hell) and will probably be able to play it up there because I mean come on, God must get his version much earlier than anyone else.

Or if you aren't religious then you will be dead and really won't care about HL2 anymore.
You wouldn't be dead necessarilly. Crabs would just be embarassing, and I believe - give or take a few strains - that the plague and leprosy are relatively treatable. However you might have no hands with which to play. Or itch.