Would you let your girlfriend draw you naked?

If she drew me, she would need a lot of paint when it came to draw my gear shift....
Adrien C said:
If she drew me, she would need a lot of paint when it came to draw my gear shift....
yeah, can be difficult to draw a curly wurly
I'd go along with it, if she was mature and serious about it and i trusted her. I wouldnt have a problem with it at all and i am someone to shy away from exposing myself :)
haha... i should get her to draw her roomate naked :-P

that'd be awesome and funny

well we've been dating for a year and a half now but i really don't trust her... knowing her she'd show it to her roomate who is having problems with her b/f then suddenly all her friends would see it... then i'd be like... oh hey yea that's me alright...
Er, does'nt really count for me, but I'd say no cus it would make me feel weird.

Never really been into art much anyways.
Hell yes.

I wish my girlfriend was around to draw me naked :(

Damn you, Irish family!
aeroripper said:
haha... i should get her to draw her roomate naked :-P

that'd be awesome and funny

well we've been dating for a year and a half now but i really don't trust her... knowing her she'd show it to her roomate who is having problems with her b/f then suddenly all her friends would see it... then i'd be like... oh hey yea that's me alright...
I still don't see the problem in it, i really dont :)
Well, my girlfriend is going to allow me to draw her naked, so I guess I'd do the same for her if she liked to draw :D

Thing is, drawing people naked is kind of important in learning anatomy... that is why people do it at art school and everything. Clothes get in the way and stuff.

But yeah, I really wouldn't want my face on a drawing that was seen by everyone and stuff, I guess. Although, I'd still do it. :)
aeroripper said:
haha... i should get her to draw her roomate naked :-P

that'd be awesome and funny

well we've been dating for a year and a half now but i really don't trust her... knowing her she'd show it to her roomate who is having problems with her b/f then suddenly all her friends would see it... then i'd be like... oh hey yea that's me alright...

shouldn't relationships be built on trust? especially after a year and a half.
I wish I had a girlfriend :(

I don't think I'd agree to it though...
aeroripper said:
haha... i should get her to draw her roomate naked :-P

that'd be awesome and funny

well we've been dating for a year and a half now but i really don't trust her... knowing her she'd show it to her roomate who is having problems with her b/f then suddenly all her friends would see it... then i'd be like... oh hey yea that's me alright...
I've got an idea. Let her draw you, and if she shows her roomates, then cheat on her with her roomates! And if you get caught by her, just say "Well, I told you not to show them!"
Life drawing a nude model is absolutely crucial to learning proper human anatomy. She isn't gonna run off and show all her art collegues your shriveled wang. She needs your support in becoming a better artist, and your a **** for even thinking twice about it. Don't be such a prude twat. Most likely she won't even bother to render your little willie or your facial features, like most artists they will just suggest it in the drawing and move on to the real goal of the excersize. Get over yourself.
I'd have no problem doing it. I don't see how you could be uncomfortable being naked with your girlfriend. I know I'm not. Seems odd that anyone would be...
God Aero, first on the server, now on the forums...

Life drawing a nude model is absolutely crucial to learning proper human anatomy. She isn't gonna run off and show all her art collegues your shriveled wang. She needs your support in becoming a better artist, and your a **** for even thinking twice about it. Don't be such a prude twat. Most likely she won't even bother to render your little willie or your facial features, like most artists they will just suggest it in the drawing and move on to the real goal of the excersize. Get over yourself.

Thanks for your wonderfully contributing post. I'm not prude and i don't like being called a "****". If i was being prude i wouldn't bother ever having sex with my g/f cause i'm to modest about it. This really isn't even about being prude... just that it feels kind of weird someone drawing you naked

I'd have no problem doing it. I don't see how you could be uncomfortable being naked with your girlfriend. I know I'm not. Seems odd that anyone would be...

I don't feel odd being naked with her at all... but its just the fact that now she's drawing me naked is why its different

And its waffles!
aeroripper said:
I think its f'ing retartded that some idiot "art students" think their all glorious artisits by having to draw someone naked?

I think you know that that's a pretty ignorant statement
brightgreen said:
I think you know that that's a pretty ignorant statement
well, how does being able to draw penis help with fully clothed people :\
CyberSh33p said:
well, how does being able to draw penis help with fully clothed people :\
It isn't really drawing the genitals, its the entire figure. :/ Any clothing kind of blocks the anatomy of the figure, so its just easier to draw them nude. Usually, people don't even spend the time drawing that during life drawings.
well, how does being able to draw penis help with fully clothed people :\

Don't be a moron, it has nothing to do with penis. Try to see beyond your simplistic gradeschool mentality. Not all of us Art students are willing to exhume dead bodies and disect them as da Vinci did in order to learn the intricacies of human anatomy, and looking at a live human body in various poses is the next best thing.

I hate simple minded people.
What's your problem choochie*crook? All you have done is come in here and flaming everybody and calling them simple minded and other.

Anyways i can see the point in the nude part.

pretty much
You should be honored... Choochie*Crook signed up just to be an ass to you! :D
Actually he should be the one being honored. After all if it wasn't for his obvious superior intellect and expertise, we wouldn't be able to see how AWFUL WE REALLY ARE.
I wouldn't mind at all personally, just be glad it isn't some other guy she's drawing naked.... besides it woulod be easy to pretend like it's not you, just have her draw on something like a goatee. Either that or have her, uhmm, "enhance" your image, hehe, then you can say with pride "yep that's me all right!" :smoking:
"yep that's me all right!"

well i think i'm gonna have her draw me with a hose-reel-up-thing

to the side of me then my penis coming out of it... lol

there's a picture
Right, it is clear what we've gotta do here. Come over to my house this afternoon yeah, and I'll draw you naked. Then we'll see how you feel about it and no harm done if you don't like it.
Oh, and I reserve the right to keep the picture for personal uses, mmkay? :naughty:
it would be better than to say, let her get someone else naked.

maybe im just paranoid.
I don't really see why you've got such a big problem with it... just let her draw you. It'll keep her happy, surely that's worth an hour or two of discomfort? I'd probably let my boyfriend (if I had one :dozey: ) draw me if he wanted to for art class.
Right, it is clear what we've gotta do here. Come over to my house this afternoon yeah, and I'll draw you naked. Then we'll see how you feel about it and no harm done if you don't like it.
Oh, and I reserve the right to keep the picture for personal uses, mmkay?

for some reason i was looking at that cat licking his lips in your avator then reading that it kind of threw me off base :-/

I dunno i am thinking of just doing it... cause then if i didn't she'd either herself and that sounds like its hard.....
Don't do it, and don't date art students, that's my advice and I'm telling you from personal experience. ;)
So... wait a minute, how did this even come about?

"Alright kids, for homework, I'd like you to find someone willing to pose nude and draw them. If not, yourself."

Bullshit, I never got assignments like that in Art :flame:
I dunno. A picture of me naked would have the teacher asking the artist "Why did you draw that? I asked you to draw a nude, not an alien!"
lol why shouldn't i date art students?
If they take it seriously and it is a generalisation: they have odd views and always insist that they are right, are odd and decide on being as different as possible
Fat Tony! said:
If they take it seriously and it is a generalisation: they have odd views and always insist that they are right, are odd and decide on being as different as possible
Artistic women are fit as.