Would you pay over $100 for Half Life 2?

Subatomic said:
It is twice the price. In real life the regular HL2 will be $50USD (all non-budget games start at this price)

Pounds to dollars turns out to be about 1.5 times.
i think i actually paid about $100

$79.99 for ce + 11.99 for one day air + tax so it was about 100 or more
I am paying more than 100$ for it. at least i think i am CE ;)
to answer the original question: yes!

Valve have me hooked.. they know how to squeeze green bags of money from me :)
id never buy it for 100 dollars.
if a game costs more then 50 euro's i dont buy the game. they need to relaize games are too expensive for some people.
I wouldn't even if I wanted to. That sum is too much, I mean come on. 100e?? Sure there will be loads of mods for the game, but they do it freely and Valve is only providing them with the source-engine. Is this some poll that is send straight to Valve and the actual game is really going to cost that much seeing this pure and joyful welcome here? Sad.
I want HL2 asap so I can't wait for the CE. I may ask for it for Christmas anyway tho :E
AJ Rimmer said:
I want HL2 asap so I can't wait for the CE. I may ask for it for Christmas anyway tho :E

So, if the games released in September, your seriously going to wait until Christmas until you get it? thats madness.
Im getting CE on day of release, and if i cant. il just get the normal version... but which box?!?! ack!
If they wanted $100 for HL2, I think I'd become a pirate. Arrr!
AJ Rimmer said:
I want HL2 asap so I can't wait for the CE. I may ask for it for Christmas anyway tho :E

i highly doubt the CE versions would last that long...i believe if u don't get the CE version within 2 months of the release date u might as well forget about it.
its not like the CE is a "regular" version available at any time...it is a limited edition and considering how popular the HL series is.. i doubt the CE versions would sit on store shelves for more than 2 months.

good luck anyway tho.. :p
oldagerocker said:
So, if the games released in September, your seriously going to wait until Christmas until you get it? thats madness.
Im getting CE on day of release, and if i cant. il just get the normal version... but which box?!?! ack!
No, I'm getting the SP+MP version the day, no the second the store gets it in, I'll hide in the fecking air ducts just so I can jump down and get one from the clerk before he sells a single one. Then, by christmas, I'll ask my grandparents for the CE for a christmas present.
According to local EB Games they'll be getting the CE by december.
I thought the CE would be out at the same time as all the other versions.
I was thinking of buying via Steam.. just to be able to Play the game as soon as... then getting the CE whenever i like, for the CD/box/fluffy headcrab toy etc. But thats allot of money... so, il just run down the shops and buy the CE :) If they dont have that, il go with the same plan as you AJ Rimmer.
Would you buy HL2 for 54.87 English Pounds Sterling?

C'mon guys that's not really much money... I mean it'd be a tad annoying that it wasn't the usual price, but it's not like it's so steep it would stop me buying the game.

Not if I was going to get 5 years gameplay from it.
I'd buy the CE at 60 quid (about a months work for me :x)... MP+SP at £35 quid, nothing more.
oldagerocker said:
I'd buy the CE at 60 quid (about a months work for me :x)... MP+SP at £35 quid, nothing more.

WTF is quid?
NO i wont pay 84 euro for a game

I will never pay 84 euro for a game, not even for Halflife2.
quid is English slang for a pound. sorry... il talk in proper Queens English in future.
Tally Ho! Back to that wonderful personal computer game them young people call C and C Generals, what what!
oldagerocker said:
quid is English slang for a pound. sorry... il talk in proper Queens English in future.
Tally Ho! Back to that wonderful personal computer game them young people call C and C Generals, what what!
/what is he saying? I never understood a word of the language. Better try and fake it/

Foff foff foff foff! foff foff! foff foff, foff. foff foff, foff-foff! ehh... foff.
foff... wtf?! lol... AJ get back to the next instalment of Shift Change ya pansie :) In the words of Justin Timberlake : I'm Lovin' It.

oldagerocker said:
foff... wtf?! lol... AJ get back to the next instalment of Shift Change ya pansie :) In the words of Justin Timberlake : I'm Lovin' It.

I'm done with shift change man...
Foff off! :E
£70, no sir.

thats a rip off,

even for a SE,

maximum ill pay is £45 - £50

any higher than that, and Im downloading a quality copy. :p
Crusader said:
$100 is not £70

$100 is £55

As I mentioned only a few posts above ;)

somone else said it was £70,, sorry :eek:

well thats still over £50, so id need to be in a good mood atleast.
I think I'd be kidding myself if I thought that if Gabe emailed me saying giving him $100 right now would get me the game before anyone else I'd say no.

I would scream YESSSS!!! And give him $150 just for good measure :p