Would you pay over $100 for Half Life 2?

If I could preload the game on steam in addition to getting a chiq ce-box with some nice swag in it sent to me I would pay USD 100 easy. But then, I have a job. Halflife 1 has certainly given me more fun than I could get in any other way spending only 100 bucks.

HL2 looks to have the greatest content/dollar ratio ever in a newly released game.

I would pay that much for it, it would just take me awhile to save up for it since I only get money from collecting changea and getting 20 bucks a week for cleaning up my entire house. Fortunately I don't have to pay anything from the voucher I got with my 9600XT. Also, does anyone know if I can use the voucher in a retail store, like GameStop or something?

i dont even care about this game anymore, after waiting 14 months for this game since it was announced, its dead to me and i probably wont buy it at all
Wraith said:
i dont even care about this game anymore, after waiting 14 months for this game since it was announced, its dead to me and i probably wont buy it at all

then what are u doing on these forums?
u wouldn't mind if the staff here banned ur account then eh? :p

i love hypocrites.. :rolleyes:
Not now, if it was the only good game coming out for a long time then maybe id pay that much but im sure i can live with Doom3 until halflife2.
I wouldn't ...what you 1st world peeps consider a minor amount is nearly 1/4 of my monthly salary, and I earn quiet a lot in comparision to many others (above av. middle class pay). Basically it amounts to nearly R 1000 (importer duties, distro mark-up, seleer mark-up)...currently Doom 3 is advertised around R 300 ~ 350, and I hear HL 2 will be more pricey. Most games in RSA as ~ R 250 ~ 300

FYI - R = Rands, a currency unit in South Africa...finance groups often just call it ZAR
We should all chip in to buy all the people from developing countries on the forums Half-life 2, like the good, wealthy, fat, stingy, greedy bastards that we are. :)
$100? $1? Who cares how much it costs. 5 finger discount man.....
What I find interesting is that people are kinda half n half.

So to rephrase it slightly in a way I was going to post (well search to see if its been done and then post)


Would you buy an XBox 2 for HL2 if HL2 was an XBox 2 only game?

I ask because I've seen at least 10 people who claime to of bought an Xbox only for Halo.

Now working on that principle its a pritty expensive game. More than the $100 that was posted.

I personally wouldn't. That might have something to do with not having $100 to my name. But I'd just play Doom 3 and spend the rest of the $100 on beer... and crisps.
Well, since I live in Oz, where most good games are around the hundred dollar mark anyway... yes.
if it includs all the mods that will come forward , i buy it for 100$ for sure .
no way. i cant think of any game worth 100 to me. youd have to be a serious fanboy to drop that much cash on a single game.

"if it includes all the mods" it doesnt.