Would you prefer more horror levels in AM?


Dec 22, 2003
Reaction score
I think horror elements sprinkled throughout Aftermath would be a nice touch. For instance let's say Freeman comes across an abandoned tenement that has just been cleared out by the Combine. There are dead bodies on the floor, strange sounds emenating from the room beyond, etc. But I suppose AM is more "fast paced" considering the need to escape from C17 in a hurry, so maybe only one or two spots like this would be justified.
A horror section would be nice. But I only if it is original. I'm over fast zombies climbing up the pipes and smashing through skylights etc. Maybe a part were you have to escape zombies unarmed?
No. I want tension, a rise in andrenaline as you rush through the streets of City 17, making your way out of it before you turn to dust along with the city, confronting hordes of zombies and divisions of combine troops... I'd also like to see some buildings crashing down, vehicles flying by, but I don't think that's gonna happen.

But most of all, I want to see City 17 wiped off the map. Perhaps G-Man speaking, and the explosion taking place in the background. But again, I don't think that's going to happen as it seems the G-Man is ticked off with Gordon.
horror sux for half-life. please nothing more like ravenholm which sucked so much. im so tired of zombies i never want to see 1 again. but i would agree if they put a horrorfeeling like in hl1 or opposing force. stupid zombies :bonce:
What I'd like is participating in a three way battle--combine vs the resistance vs creatures--on a grand map, as huge as perhaps the massive Strider battle.
Maybe just one level like in HL2, but not any more than that. After playing F.E.A.R. and DooM 3 and all of that jazz, I want more action and less suspense.
What made HL2 so interesting the whole play-through was the mixture of all different kinds of sequences. If there will be space for a horror level like Ravenholm in Aftermath, and it seemed natural (not forced into the game), I can't say one reason not to implement one in this next sequel.

But my guess is that it will not be a new horror level, because that would probably slow down the whole escape-feeling of Aftermath. I think it will be really action-loaded, although I would prefer some more relaxing parts to grasp all you have seen.

But, when I think about it, if you really wake up in the remains of the fallen, dark Citadel, hunted by mad Stalkers, wouldn't that be kind of horrific?

But, who was doubt in Valve Software who brought the worlds best game to us? I have none.

And speaking of the defferment of the realease date?
That would be the extra time for Valve Software to make us glued to the screens once again!

I always felt there was a clear divide in the HL games between the crawling fear and tension of having to face aliens, compared to the explosions and carnage of the marines or the combine. I preferred the latter, but only because I'm a pussy, and anyway without the former element it wouldn't have that HL feel really.

What with all the combine safeguards shutting down, the aliens will be coming in and you might end up with a fair few 'infested'-type areas where you find yourself on your own against a creeping alien menace. But then, apparently Alyx is with you all the time so I dunno how that's going to work out :/

But yeah, like people have said, the escape concept lends itself better to fast-paced action and running battles, probably.
Yes, I want more horror levels in Aftermath but not old fashion zombie horror levels like Ravenholm...
I want horror, like-

Being pursued by striders down to the depths of a malfunctioning and unstable citadel (Lights going out, explosions, shadows, and all the beasts that the combine had in thier detention cells just got out?)

And something like your following a convoy getting out of some part, then something goes wrong, you crash, wake up to a someone waking you up telling you that you guys are the last one's here, everyone is gone, then you hear some alien howl in the distance, followed by more all around.

I saw the trailer a few days ago and I saw that there was a part in the dark where there was some shadows of stalker like convultionating in pain,that was very cool hope to see something like that
Epic battles ftw.

I agree with some of the former posts. More of a adrenaline/rush kind of feeling, no spooky parts unless it's original. I liked that idea that's been said a few times about going through a zombie-infested forest.

What I also heard someone mention somewhere is the fighting being for furious and frantic. Yelling, charging, beating combine and cp's to death. Give that a 'we need to get the hell out of here' feeling, and that would be good for me. :)

Of course, I would be open to new stuff, but w/e tbh ftw wtf.

P.S. Hey, I just noticed that ftw is wtf backwards.
nothing scary. i get scared way too easily. even the tunnel part with the zombies in hl2 i had to take breaks every 5 minutes.

in aftermath i want the stalkers to start talking to gordon and say things like "hey we can take down the g-man together!"

hahahha then everything will be happy and half-life 3 will be like a giant parade
Sheikah42 said:
nothing scary. i get scared way too easily. even the tunnel part with the zombies in hl2 i had to take breaks every 5 minutes.

*contains laugh*
I think more adrenline fueled levels would fit in with aftermath.
Sheikah42 said:
nothing scary. i get scared way too easily. even the tunnel part with the zombies in hl2 i had to take breaks every 5 minutes.

in aftermath i want the stalkers to start talking to gordon and say things like "hey we can take down the g-man together!"

hahahha then everything will be happy and half-life 3 will be like a giant parade

Ever play Nightmare House? It's the game for youz man!
Like the storyline of it, but I prefer to not be scared *hitless. Thank you.
Same goes for horror in AM. I guess a little couldn't hurt.

Just not the type of horror of your godmode cheat not working when you see this humongus beast coming at you, and your out of ammo. :eek:
To me, games trying to be scary doesn't work...It just comes off as cheesy... HL2 has still been the best though
Horror can be fast paced yet atmospheric.

How about this...

...Your fleeing from the Citidel, fighing Combine and antlions as you progress, etc. when you come upon a large group of Combine soldiers retreating frantrically towards the Citidel. Yelling things like "Fall Back" and "Well head the other way" and shooting towards where you are heading. They don't see you, or ignore you, just run the other way. Once your away from them you start to hear things and build up tension until the monster/s is/are revealed.
I want gonomes charging at me down the street!
If I recall correctly, there have been at least two horror potential areas revealed. Ages ago, there was talk of walking through dark sewers or something, and the player would have to shine his flashlight at approaching zombies so Alyx could see and shoot them. Then you've got the screaming stalkers from the Teaser video. I can see the beginning of the game containing horror (which is slow), the middle being all out war (medium pace), and the last part being a crazy rush to not die (quick pace).

It'd be cool to have a "extreme" difficulty that gives you an imposed timelimit to escape the city by. If the game is going to make Gordon and Alyx's escape a close run thing, Aftermath is going to have a difficult time making it believeable. The last thing we want is a City 17 meltdown that feels too much like you're triggering it by progressing through the maps. Even if its only an extra gametype, players should be penalised for loitering too long in the later levels IMO.
kupoartist said:
If I recall correctly, there have been at least two horror potential areas revealed. Ages ago, there was talk of walking through dark sewers or something, and the player would have to shine his flashlight at approaching zombies so Alyx could see and shoot them. Then you've got the screaming stalkers from the Teaser video. I can see the beginning of the game containing horror (which is slow), the middle being all out war (medium pace), and the last part being a crazy rush to not die (quick pace).

It'd be cool to have a "extreme" difficulty that gives you an imposed timelimit to escape the city by. If the game is going to make Gordon and Alyx's escape a close run thing, Aftermath is going to have a difficult time making it believeable. The last thing we want is a City 17 meltdown that feels too much like you're triggering it by progressing through the maps. Even if its only an extra gametype, players should be penalised for loitering too long in the later levels IMO.
Infinate spawing antlions should suffice
Echoing the "less horror, more tension" sentiment. I think tension can actually be scarier than something leaping out at you from a dark area. Ravenholm never gave me a jolt, but being chased by the gargantua in the original HL did. The fact that something large and unstoppable was right on your tail, and you could only run away or trick it into killing itself, that was scary.

The stalker areas sound interesting. I remember reading that everytime you shine the flashlight on a stalker, there would be these little audio cues that played. Not like a monster warning sound, but something ambient. That sounds like it has some horror potential.
riomhaire said:
I want gonomes charging at me down the street!
What's scary about a gonome?
Sheikah42 said:
nothing scary. i get scared way too easily.
This quote + your avatar makes me laugh.
horror sux for half-life. please nothing more like ravenholm which sucked so much. im so tired of zombies i never want to see 1 again. but i would agree if they put a horrorfeeling like in hl1 or opposing force. stupid zombies
Although this guy can't spell I agree with the homie.
Has to be SOMETHING. They're becoming more voracious, and if we assume that they're eating to store up energy to mutate, they're probably trying to become something new. At the very least, all the squishy parts on them probably harden into carapace.

But I digress, so as not to derail the thread. :)
I want new zombie models, as in more than just the "white blood stained shirt with blue jeans". That killed the horror as it felt like I was just killing clones of the same person...

That sewer idea sounds awesome (as well as the flashlight thing). But the idea of "extreme" difficulty isn't really suited to a game like Hl2 as a time limit wouldn't work (imagine when there is a dialogue conversation thing ala Red Letter Day).

I would think the best way to make you scared in Aftermath is to have you with no weapons been chased by stalkers or zombies (preferably fast). Imagine the tension as you walk through rooms weaponless, with stalkers screaming and struggling to get out of their shackles. Then one of them breaks free and walks/shambles/weird scary walk towards you...
Stalkers also supposedly jump at you. Which would be very scary if you didn't have any weapons. To me, thats worse than the fast zombies.
Darksabre said:
I want new zombie models, as in more than just the "white blood stained shirt with blue jeans". That killed the horror as it felt like I was just killing clones of the same person...

Yes; this always bugged me. The whole game is so polished, but this one thing stood out. They couldn't have made a couple extra models or are we to believe that Ravenholm was some kind of cult center.
i don't wanna see any zombies in aftermath. i had a dream one night i went downstairs to get a snack and one of those zombies was sitting at the table. he wasn't like touching me or anything he was just sitting at the table and i was pretty scared! i woke up sweating

those things mess with my head. like in resident evil 2, you're at a police station. i visited a police station one time after that and i was scared zombies would be at the reception desk. **** capcom