WoW Alliance Race


Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Seems like the new World of Warcraft Race is The Pandaren in The Burning Crusade :|

Nah blizz has stated that pandaren will not be the alliances new race. The blood elfs have been confirmed however.

There are enough fanatics out there to pull some talent from. Believe me...go to the WOW forums this has been discussed thoroughly in about 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 threads.

Also note how all of the text doesn't look the same, besides blizzard made an official announcement(forgot where) that the pandarens werent the alliances race. It is probally stickied on one of their many forums.
WoW has some crappy looking races, except for the Minotaurs. Thats always been my opinion.

I cant STAND the humans especially... why the **** does everybody have to be all macho? I'd rather my character to be athletic muscular instead.
Can you link where Blizzard "said" that pandarens won't be the new race, IMHO Pandarens are perfect.
Raziaar said:
WoW has some crappy looking races, except for the Minotaurs. Thats always been my opinion.

I cant STAND the humans especially... why the **** does everybody have to be all macho? I'd rather my character to be athletic muscular instead.
You don't think trolls are probably the coolest take on the mythical trolls ever? They send shivers down my spine in their coolness. :p
Raziaar said:
WoW has some crappy looking races, except for the Minotaurs. Thats always been my opinion.

I cant STAND the humans especially... why the **** does everybody have to be all macho? I'd rather my character to be athletic muscular instead.
I saw some pictures before of Alliance females during beta. They actually were really good looking, and not in the sexy way but rather they actually looked like real warriors. The males I think were still pretty much the same however.

I just wish I could find those pictures again.
I think the female humans are hot, the elves are sexy, and the trolls are cute. I mean you really got to pick the right face and hair though. yuck

Blood elves. is that what they look like?

The blood elves have disgusting faces. ah well at least horde gets some nice white meat with female bloodelves. I wonder what color their panties are. lol
Oh no, the panties are certainly real. I'm wearing them.
Any ****tard that thinks that this is real should have their genitals mutilated with a spork

****ing dumbasses
I think Blizzard is lazy with the Blood Elves models, it's basically the Night Elf but with pale skin and different coloured hair. =/
Synthos said:
Can you link where Blizzard "said" that pandarens won't be the new race, IMHO Pandarens are perfect.

I believe it's been mentioned in GameSpy's coverage of Blizzcon.

Shouldn't matter though. There has been NO evidence to support the idea of Panderans being the new Alliance race. Nothing. Nada. Zip. There's been one doctored screenshot and that is ****ing it.

Everybody getting their hopes up (or down) over the idea are doing so on NOTHING.
I remember the old days, when I was told that there was going to be a new faction lol.

I am going to guess that goblins be the new Alliance race... Or something.
Definitely not goblins. They've established themselves as a neutral race. What would happen to the neutral towns if they suddenly switched?

I've heard rumors of the new race being the Draenei. While it's just a rumor, I find it far more likely than Panderans.
Glirk Dient said:
Prolly gonna be the dranei except they look dumb as all hell.

everyone seems pissed that the horde will be getting blood elves. I'd feel the same if the alliance got the draeni. I could understand them fitting, but i just couldn't imagine playing one, just seems... wrong
Absinthe said:
I believe it's been mentioned in GameSpy's coverage of Blizzcon.

Shouldn't matter though. There has been NO evidence to support the idea of Panderans being the new Alliance race. Nothing. Nada. Zip. There's been one doctored screenshot and that is ****ing it.

Everybody getting their hopes up (or down) over the idea are doing so on NOTHING.

There's really no evidence to support any of the other races, either. There are 2 main "possibilties" people keep discussing for the races: Pandaren and Dranei

Pandaren actually have a fair bit of lore on them, and from a lore perspective there's no reason the panadarens could not be friends with the Alliance. Yes it did start out as a joke, but I see no reason they could not become a valid race in the Warcraft world. As well, if it was Panadaren, both the horde and alliance would have elves and beast-humanoin (tauren and pandaren) on both sides.(and then the rest: dwarves/orcs, human/undead, gnomes/trolls)

Dranei seems fairly speculative. First off Dranei by lore have the ability to dissapear and reappear at will, even while moving. Yeah, try balancing THAT. Considering alliance already have shadowmeld for Night Elves (and maybe giving mages back invisibilty), it doesn't make sense that Blizzard would give the alliance a "rogue in a race". As well, from a lore perspective the only reason they would want to ally with the Alliance is to kill orcs. Yippee skippee. They can still kill orcs and NOT be part of the alliance.
"They are currently ruled by Akama, the Elder Sage, and are allied with Illidan's Naga and Blood Elves." So they're allied with the blood elves, and hate the orcs... They're not going to become Alliance any time soon.

Plus.. What would you rather play:


I think the choice is pretty clear
i read sowhere that the race will be draenei or whatever its spelled
Danimal said:
I think Blizzard is lazy with the Blood Elves models, it's basically the Night Elf but with pale skin and different coloured hair. =/

I've played the BE start (blizzcon) and the body shape is much more slender as well as they're facial features.. sure they are quite similar but I notice several small differences.. especially in movement and animation (much more arrogant and mean(ish) walk and casting animations)
Do you guys check the bliz forums?

Go read up on their forums and the long e3 articles. Bliz has announced blood elves for horde and pandaren not for alliance. That leaves the dranei left and if they add the stealthing I am sure it will be weak/big cooldown/limited in some way so its not overpowered.
i'd like to see furbolgs for alliance, there was a tribe working with the rest of the gang in wcIII
Nah, they'll pull something out of their magic Blizzard Hat. It'll be the... Trans'sub'trannarrrrr. Or something.

On a side note, TAURAN FTW!!!!!