WoW + Parents = depression

...? I was talking to theSteven who lives in Australia. And yeah, people wind-surf in Canada.
Go surf or something. It's different when your parents despise everything you do without good reason.
I don't surf, I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I am a jock. I'm sure you're parents don't despise everything you do but I can't know for sure.
Yeah, I ask my dad something and he starts yelling at me for irrelevant things. :P
I hope you understand that nobody cares about under the table child labor.
WaterMelon34 said:
Go surf or something. It's different when your parents despise everything you do without good reason.
You think your parents despise you? Your parents are feeding you, clothing you, providing you with a good place to live and a good education. The only thing you're doing here is bitching about them because they wont let you have something, when it sounds like you've already got more than enough from them as it is. By the way, your parents are doing all that according to their own free will. Its not like their forced to take care of you, they could've given you up for adoption long ago if they wanted to.

And you dont need a car to get a job, you can use public transport, or your parents can drive you or you can walk.
No, I'm not saying they despise me... I'm just saying that they despise something that is my passion. They go out of their way to tell me that too.
Sparta said:
Oh Ova, why did you change your avatar. Why?

Because it was stolen and not uncommon

But It missed so it's back
WaterMelon34 said:
Lawl wtf? As soon as I get a car I can apply for a job at my local swimming pool as a life guard since I'm qualified. I'll be making $15 an hour at first. ROFL!!!1 10 bucks, omglawlbbq.
How are you going to get a car if you don't have any money?
Are they buying you a car? Then you should feel lucky! Mow lawns, trim the hedges, blow the neighbor. Do what ya gota do man!
An MMORPG is cheaper per unit of time than many other popular forms of entertainment.

Even if you play for four hours a month.

(Think about how much it costs to take your girlfriend to a movie.)
Raeven0 said:
An MMORPG is cheaper per unit of time than many other popular forms of entertainment.

Even if you play for four hours a month.

(Think about how much it costs to take your girlfriend to a movie.)

But I would much rather take my GF on a date than my MMORPG
OvA said:
But I would much rather take my GF on a date than my MMORPG
Are you sure about that? I mean, cmon. Cmon. :naughty: Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon... Cmon...
Listen to CrazyHarij. He speaks the truth. MMORPG's will ****ing eat your soul.
It's true. It happened to me. I can't say it wasn't an entirely unenjoyable experience, though... :angel:

Admittedly I'd be playing WoW still if I didn't have so much shit to do.
Sparta said:
You think your parents despise you? Your parents are feeding you, clothing you, providing you with a good place to live and a good education. The only thing you're doing here is bitching about them because they wont let you have something, when it sounds like you've already got more than enough from them as it is. By the way, your parents are doing all that according to their own free will. Its not like their forced to take care of you, they could've given you up for adoption long ago if they wanted to.

And you dont need a car to get a job, you can use public transport, or your parents can drive you or you can walk.
Yep, this is just what it sounds like.

I didn't even have a computer at your age. I had to play games at a friends house - you probably have your own computer they payed for.
I read through the posts, and I have become ever so confused as to what the hell you're talking about...

1) You need money for WoW.

Or was it

2) You hate your parents because they don't want you playing WoW

Well I will answer both I guess:


Get that life saver job. One minute I see you waa'ing about how you have no source of income then you say "I can get $15 an hour at such and such"

Do it then.


If you parent's don't want you playing WoW, then find out why and actually think about it, clear your mind of the bias of "My parents despise me" and actually think about it from their POV.

Also, as Sparta stated earlier, if they truely despised you they could of abandoned you to an orphange a long, long time ago. Then you could of grown up the hard way and then make a film about your life, you will get 13 Oscar Nominations but only win twice for "Best Makeup" and "Best Rack on Supporting Actress"

Depressed with the outcome you decide to end your life and prepare for an eternity of fire and suffering, so you find a old, dusty discarded WoW box on the ground and beat your head in...

Which one would you rather have?
You could always play on non-blizzard server for free :thumbs: That's what i do because i refuse to pay $15 a month.
Qonfused said:
Well, your 14. That means you are legally eligible to work somewhere, if you want it that bad. I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind much, then, since it's your own money. Also, if you get allowance (lucky bitch), you could get a game card. Just go to the store to "get a game," buy it and then put the card in your pocket and say they were out of "that game."

All in all, there's always a way around it, you just have to be sneeky.
When I was 14 I had a Debit card =p
Now i'm not saying your a whiney bastard, but c'mon man, my friends have been abused, kicked out of their houses, we all get screamed at and it could be worse. And i agree, i would much rather take my GF (if i could get one hehe) out to a movie, or save up for something else like anew guitar or cd or book or something then waste my money on a montly basis on an MMO. but if you want to im sure you could find a way to get the money and be sneaky about playing it.

oh yeah and i think this thread has gone a little long for the original post to have just been a way to vent depression, lol.
When are people going to realise that 10 dollars a month IS a lot of money?
hell, i live with my parents and i still know $10 is a lot of money
I robbed a bank and now I have 19,000 € on my account \0/
To whom is $10 a month a lot of money, especially in light of the potential gain? Bartenders? Families of five trying to make do on a bartender's wages?

(Yes, it is. But, then, you can't possibly all have bartender parents, can you?)
WaterMelon34, I've decided to foot the bill for your WoW.

JUst PM me with your parent's bank account # and PIN# and I'll transfer it right over.
Raeven0 said:
To whom is $10 a month a lot of money, especially in light of the potential gain? Bartenders? Families of five trying to make do on a bartender's wages?

(Yes, it is. But, then, you can't possibly all have bartender parents, can you?)
I have no job, no benefits, and I don't live at home :P

So, to me, even £1 is a lot of money.
ComradeBadger said:
I have no job, no benefits, and I don't live at home :P

So, to me, even £1 is a lot of money.

See, that's different ;)
WaterMelon34 said:
How do you not have a job? O_o Taking drugs while on shift?

What? If he doesn't have a job, how is he going to buy drugs? Or even be on shift, for that matter? WTF You're stupid.