

Sucked so much dick for this title
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
This place is great, I give it a 9/10. I especially love the anti-all caps thing.
And it all just becomes capitalised. pretty cool.
The communty is great, This is the first forum I have ever become attached too. Who started this place? CAN I HUG YOU?
Damn, foiled by a rebellious teen! It was started by Munro and his slaves & it's pretty damn good indeed.
You have to caps a full line.
You know what pisses me off? 'Enough'. How the **** does gh = ffff sound? Wtf?
There's a riddle about that 63, how the word 'ghoti' can be pronounced 'fish'.

gh - makes the ffff sounds as you said, from words like tough

o - this is specifically from the word 'women', where the o makies an 'ih' sound that represents 'I'

ti - this is from any word with 'tion' on the end, e.g. operation, accommodation, it makes that 'shhhhh' sound which is pretty clear.

So you have gh(ffff)o(i)ti(shhhh). Ghoti = Fish :)
We did land on the moon you fool, why can't you people just be happy with our achievements without questioning every little minute detail. Mon dieu!
I haven't been here going on three years now for nothing I hope :)

Glad to hear you like the site. Munro founded it, but he's a rare creature and can only be spotted when you sneak up on him in Tesco and he doesn't have time to scamper off.
Or if you have my patented, 100% fat not free Munro-To-Me spray!

Apply to the forehead!
Dont try it!!

I did and I sprouted tentacles on all seven of my foreheads! D:
My real surname is Munro. Beat that.

P.S. Don't try to track me down and kill me.
I do enjoy this site. Is there a counter strike version of it! I could only image that forum! nothing but dissing other people's skills and calling evryone good a "h4ck3r" and then promote your clan and when you join there server you find out they only play surf mods! haha counter strike is my favorite game..but too many haters and no many wanna be "1337" and not enough cool normal ppl who have skill buyt dont brag about it!

btw last night me and my clan l|F|B|M|l has a scrim and won every round! my record was 25-2 =P that's how we do things
I hate the hardcore Cstrikers. Every once in a while i start up CS:S and play for kicks, and then some vet joins and either orders me around like a puppy or monopolizes the scoreboard.

I especially hate the "pros" who camp till the round ends.
I do enjoy this site. Is there a counter strike version of it! I could only image that forum! nothing but dissing other people's skills and calling evryone good a "h4ck3r" and then promote your clan and when you join there server you find out they only play surf mods! haha counter strike is my favorite game..but too many haters and no many wanna be "1337" and not enough cool normal ppl who have skill buyt dont brag about it!

btw last night me and my clan l|F|B|M|l has a scrim and won every round! my record was 25-2 =P that's how we do things

Here you go, Mr 1337 h4ck3r.
how am i a 1337 h4ck3r? or was it not an insault? i don't know i'm bored in school right now...blah! but yeah cs "vet's" are lame! i only started up like 2 1/2 years ago!
Probably because you aren't good at it. I hated it when I played and sucked. Now I'm good and I like it..

but your preference. not my job to judge
Half-Life was founded in 1903 by famous author HG Wells and Irish inventor Percy Ludgate, marking the end of a three-year campaign to establish a network of pneumatic tubes through which information could be conveyed in small glass cylinders from station to station. Ludgate called the system "The Grimsby Inter-Tubular Word Shuttle" (to Wells, who would later go on to help found Wikipedia - see The Idea of a Permanent World Encyclopaedia, 1938 - it was merely "the net" - referring to its tendency to trap or ensnare the unwary spirit, both figuratively with its engrossing nature and literally with its tangled pipes) and it soon became popular with the well-to-do ladies and gentlemen who frequented the "Inter-Parlours" as they were known, inspiring a poem by the famous Rudyard Kipling.

Unfortunately, much of the money for the system coming from entrepreneurs in Japan, the advent of the Russo-Japanese war in the East precipitated the downfall of the Grimsby Internet, and it went underground, becoming the passtime of drunks, tramps and other denizens of the lower-classes. Soon enough, Wells' greater financial success, and the investment of other celebrities such as Henry James, Ezra Pound, and the Ghost of Oscar Wilde, got the system back on track - although the filthy taint of the proles remains to this day, despite frequent scrubbings. In 1912, Albert Einstein paid a visit to the Internetorium in order to work on a 'program' that drew from both the works of Charles Babbage and his own theories. Emisarries from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn also created running programs for the system.

From the beginning of WW1 through the inter-war years and the Second World War, the system was expanded throughout the country and linked to Le Grande Napoleon, a similar network constructed by Jules Verne in Paris during the last century. Bolstered by military funding it would become a key communications asset during the Blitz and, later, co-ordination with the French Resisstance and the preparations for D-Day.

Unfortunately, after a decade of success, the system was finally shut down in 1956 following a series of scandals in which most of the administrators were accused of being gay, communists, or both. However, in the early 80s, the Grimsby Internet was finally restored to life by teams of volunteers bolstered by miners who had lost their jobs to Margaret Thatcher. It flourished throughout the decade as an independent haven for information and discussion, though with a strong leftist tendency that persists even now. Indeed, it was briefly used to co-ordinate Labour's 1987 election campaign.

In 1989 the Grimsby System was integrated with the rest of the global network, and has thrived ever since. Indeed, many of the original members are still around, their souls encoded on a series of punch-cards and wax cylinders. Oweing to recent advances in the fields of bio-engineering and molecular computing, is also one of the only websites in the world to be hosted not on computers, but on a trio of vegetable-based 'potaters'.

So there you have it. The Truth.

BTW where's Hetairia
Quite. 'Tossing the caber' gains a whole new meaning when the time comes for server maintenance.
But.. there was no half-life2 in 1903.. Or is this all a conspiricy to hide the combine uprising which will be inevitable once the seeders break out of the ground, the locast-combine assault shall be quick and very painful....
Ace: I will be back. With weapons.