writer available


Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
this must seem a bit odd seeing as i just posted a thread about being an animator. although i do have experience in the field, and i feel i have a good eye, i would be much more valuable as a writer for anyone who needs a story fleshing out or turned into a screenplay. or even if you just want a story made from scratch.

i do realise that there will be little or no request for this. but if there is, please feel free to ask. i really do feel that this is my strong point, ad i thought i should post this. nothing ventured nothing gained and all that.
I can tell you're a real pro.
what the **** is that supposed to mean? if you have nothing useful to say piss off.
I have nothing useful to say.

Aren't writers supposed to capitalise their 'i's?
jesus you lot, leave it will you? as it happens I didn't set out to make that post a work of literary genius. don't you have anything better to do?
rambler said:
don't you have anything better to do?

Hmm, let's see, writing an essay...nah, not really. :(

Alright alright! Erm, think of a COOL STORY for a SPACE GAME involving SPACE. You have like three minutes GOGOGO
ha ha ha ha..... no.

If anyone genuinely needs a writer i'm here... but i get the feeling no one is going to. still..
some examples might help you and protect you from the flames too.
Aye. I ain't flamin', I'm just being surly! :D

Are you the 'reams of prose' kinda writer or the 'ideas man' kinda writer?
both, but more the last one maybe? personally i wouldn't have described my writing as either.
rambler said:
what the **** is that supposed to mean? if you have nothing useful to say piss off.

You realize, of course, that neglecting to use proper grammar or capitalization and displaying an extremely thin tolerance for criticism pretty much dooms you from the start, right?
I have nothing useful to say.

Aren't writers supposed to capitalise their 'i's?

your an idiot. rather than act like an idiot why dotn you keep your trap shut.
Well, that's an interesting question. It may be some time before I come up with an answer. Sorry if I offended you but hey, it takes about a nanosecond to press shift and capitalise properly and it's really no extra effort is it? It just looks unprofessional if you're advertising yourself as a writer of all things. Hostile attitude to inevitable literary nazism doesn't help. But hey! He seems a nice guy. Unlike you, you big meanie. I never meant it with the cracks about proofreading. :(
tell you what ill scan in the magazine page and email it to you whats your email?
What? Why? I believe you, christ.

Also telling people to shut their traps on an internet forum is pretty pointless really. :p
:D true true no need for italics. lots of mistakes beyond the third penis link.
Like what? D:

Put your proofreading expertise to good use and highlight my literary transgressions. Besides the formatting of course. I really do hate ff.net formatting.
Ideas people are a dime a dozen, too.
I only respect indirect modders (concept artists, writers, and musicians) if their work is REALLY good, like Mechagodzilla, Edcrab, and CrazyHarij. Although Harij doesn't work much on mods, I don't think.

-Angry Lawyer
By the way, to the original thread poster - from my experience, I don't think anyone is particularly in the business of hiring people without examples of previous work. I mean, maybe you want to wait till people ask you to provide it before doing so...I guess that's your lookout. You should post some stuff that you've done on here, if possible. If nothing else, because I'm sure people want to read it. :)
well I really don't think I have anything that's relevant. i write most of my stuff in a book. but look, never mind all that. I just thought I'd post in case somebody needed something but clearly they don't.
Well, you never know. But usually mods seem to approach writers based on what they've already written rather than any kind of application.
Well ok, I'll post something. I suppose the most relevant thing would be a script. I happen to be writing one at the moment. When I finish it, I'll put it up here.
Is there a cheap way to do that? I usually just send it to myself by post.
lol it dont cost anything. yeah thats the best way to do it. so that you have the post mark with the date on it.
And keep it sealed somewhere safe, like a deposit box at a bank.

-Angry Lawyer
i think there are places where you pay and they open an account for you with all you copyrighted stuff there. lol pretty vauge and i couldnt be too sure if its true.
this image should keep sulkdodds quiet :p
Why do I find that so funny?
I've been talking to rambler, he might be helping with my mod's background story section.
If he's good enough.
i merely step into this pit of despair and misery to comment that i don't think neglecting capitalization looks overly unprofessional, i've got fairly good grammar and spelling (certainly far better than the vast majority of this godforsaken abomination that humanity calls the "internet") but i still often don't capitalize. as long as he knows where it counts.
can i just say when people write. the use microsoft word. when they have finished they spend a few minutes going over it with the spell checl. i know some professional authors who often miss capital letters and make stupid mistakes.
also, because of word, people are used to not capitalising their 'i's because it corrects them for you automatically.
rambler said:
also, because of word, people are used to not capitalising their 'i's because it corrects them for you automatically.

I agree with you on the above remark. "Word" has that very handy habit of correcting you as you go.

I am a freelance journalist, pen for hire if you will (it sounds cooler), and "Word" annoys me because I just feel that it invites a tiny bit of laziness into writing. "I don't need to capitalise because Word will do it." However, I can think of no greater profession, besides being the "King of Candy", than being a writer.

Live the dream buddy. As Hunter Thompson said: "There is no greater high than sitting in front of a type writer and just writing." :D

I'm a writer and I notepad to write it, then use Word or HTML to format it correctly.
You use Hyper Text Markup Language to format!?