Wtf? Discuss future game technology here...


Oct 18, 2004
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I was just starting to talk about the materials system of halflife 2 when some breath of anus decided the thread was unfit for further elaboration...


Well, there's always shortcuts (Referring to the cpu and gpu load of realtime deformation of in game objects, levels). Anyway, even if there was a standard sized hole created (Depending upon material) and standard sized physically simulated could perhaps make real chunks fly from the walls leaving holes. That would leave a lasting impression on levels and make for some exciting visual stimulus...

The other stuff may be farther away...which is too bad...but one day!!! I'm telling day, there'll be realtime simulated physics based fluid dynamics! Yahoooo!
thanks...I have high hopes for stuff like realtime deformation...Red Faction was a letdown though....
The next step in gaming development should not be graphics, it should be AI and character development/animation. The animation in HL2 made the characters very believable, so keep it up and soon people will be as emotionally involved as they would a person in a movie.
I'd love to see a game with AI that always surprises you. We need the attention to detail the sims got, only in a FPS. I know, the sims can be dumb at times...but that stupidity can actually feel quite human.
Imagine a character who is Always zoning out and staring off. Even in combat. He's an ok fighter and all and can be quite helpful...but stares off every so often. That would impress the hell out of me if we could have really immersive characters who have flaws, quirks...etc...

Plus I want speech recognition technology to be a way of npc interactions
"How was your day?" Me/Gordon
"Shitty, let's kill combine" Alyx/Chick

What crawled up your ass and died, thus angering the mighty you. You remind me of the guy from deliverance, holy shit did one word every piss you off. Let's see if it works again this time.



Anyway, Joepjens, thank you for jumping aboard the "i'm an angry liberal, you're not appreciating other cultures like me because I'm perfect, my daddy who I never met but worship because he avoided vietnam told me so bandwagon".

I was talking about AMERICANS. MORON. I think it's somewhat sad that some twenty year olds have 3rd grade reading levels because their too busy watching Dragon Ball gt, eating mcdonalds food and playing final fantasy.

Chill the **** out.

You really wonder why the thread was closed?

some breath of anus decided the thread was unfit for further elaboration...
Consider this a warning.
Just so everyone knows, I'm American and feel as though I should be allowed to pass judgement on my people. Now everyone is like the decription but I think we all know there's a fair share.

I made a comment on how it's sad that some people haven't mastered their own language and that dude jumped down my throat and told me I should die, and be burried alive and that I'm an idiot or whatever.

I've just been kidding around the whole time so everyone calm down...
I think the original dude in the other thread's point was that for a lot of the people here, English isn't their own language. Therefore it's not exactly "sad", per se when they make spelling errors.
mindless brabbling ...
AJ Rimmer said:
The next step in gaming development should not be graphics
the next step WILL be further graphics complexity.

ai and characters are things you cant present in a few short moments (u still have to convince a publisher to fund your game ...) while graphics show off there pretty well.
you have to think about that you will need further gfx complexity to make your characters more realistic.
normal mapping ... higher poly count for face parts .. and so on
jacen said:
mindless brabbling ...

the next step WILL be further graphics complexity.

ai and characters are things you cant present in a few short moments (u still have to convince a publisher to fund your game ...) while graphics show off there pretty well.
you have to think about that you will need further gfx complexity to make your characters more realistic.
normal mapping ... higher poly count for face parts .. and so on
Like I said, AI SHOULD be the next step. But the audience does love eye candy. Personally, I think the Source engine already has sufficient character animation to be believable, maybe with a few tweaks here and there. But AI is still average at best.
I can't wait to be able to manipulate allie AI by thought. I can't wait for higher poly count neither, and with technology altering to make GPU's and CPU's cooler (using magnetisim or light instead of silicon transistors for electrical current), this will be a possibility I hope within the next 10 years
Well actually seeing as HL2 has increased graphics to a level of believability to fool the human mind into thinking that they're actually in the world (thus the motion sickness) I think the graphics department is well taken care of, that is until Unreal 3 comes out. Character development also has reached a believable level. However, the one thing that stands out in my mind is that although physics is getting better, it's not quite there. Like for example, yes there is ragdoll in HL2. Problem is, bodies still clip through each other. It's still impossible in HL2 to stack up zombie bodies into a massive mound and then set them all ablaze with a few conveniently placed gas canisters. The bodies instead all clip through each other, so you end up with some Picasso-ist jumble of bodyparts on the ground fit for some anime tentacle cartoon. Also, there's a bounciness with the physics that still has yet to be fixed. When an object in HL2, as well as other games with comparable physics, is supposed to scrape along the ground, it instead contacts the surface many times in a row, producing an unrealistic multiple impact stutter. Also, some objects react unnaturally to impacts as well. Take a milk crate for example. Throw it laterally and have it contact the ground. Upon impact, it spins crazily. When I try to do the same in real life, trying to impart the same amount of force and direction, mine only does a lazy slide, maybe a few rolls. So in my opinion, I think that the next update will be more physics work.
The ultimate goal is to move away from imitating reality and start working by the rules of the real world as close as we can get to them. That's when things will become truly natural but presumably you would have to have some kind of unified engine in which all games were made.
I think it will only be then that games can really get up to the same level as film when we have a standard format from which to experience the product.
It's all a matter of time really, before all these things are reality. Just remember what was going through our heads when we first fired up HalfLife one...that's right, it was "Holy shit"
Half-Life 2 was the same way...can't wait to see what's next!