Wtf Half Life 2 Server!?!

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ailevation said:
:O Go to bed you emo loving whore.

hahahaha, yeah... you said you were going to bed an hour ago.

edit: i dont want to make you cry like the emo bitch you are!
:cheers: I just added your bro.

Give me your Myspace.
just talked to emporio, they sed you guys are f***ing morons & shouldnt waste your time thinking that the server was real
anestetic said:
just talked to emporio, they sed you guys are f***ing morons & shouldnt waste your time thinking that the server was real

Talk to the hand. :naughty:
You are all idiots. There's gotta be something better for you to do, it comes out in 7 days damnit.
originally posted by anti-elf
got banned from most sites...i think because i was spamming and because i cussed out the admin...wonder which one they abnned me for?


Yea i think i remember you and your avator. Were you the one that had PUNK ISN'T DEAD! in giant red letters in your sig and you got yelled at for it? btw take the anarchy out of your avator and quit being trendy... and punk is dead because of kids like you.

/end flame
Eat Shit, Punk isn't dead.

Yes, it is... well i should say at least in the form it was. It's so incredibly mainstream corporate now its almost sickning. You know its been long dead when you see 50 year olds dying their hair pink and other women saying "oh its cute did you do it yourself?"

sorry for ruining your life.
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