Wtf is going on!?

Everyone else is lying - the Government just decided to wipe out all Brummies with nerve gas, that's all. Have a nice day.
I was in Birmingham today in a recruitment centre. I am a believer!
clarky003 said:
It doesnt matter where you stand, or where I stand, that doesnt just evaporate the situation, scalar waves are a quantafiable detectable phenomenon that in nature interact within nuclei, as a zero vector summation of a normal EM wave.

3rd derivative effect

Although your mechanics do raise, a point.

Scalar waves, have been proved to not exist within the scientific community. It has been established that among, the spectrum of vibrations, with sonoluminetric effects taken into account, the wavelength would be shorter than the speed of light, and if this is so, then it would also mean light travels at an infite speed, as e=/-pi*m, an for that to be true electrodynamics such as computer circiuts couldnt work.

Thank you einstein.
solaris152000 said:
Although your mechanics do raise, a point.

Scalar waves, have been proved to not exist within the scientific community. It has been established that among, the spectrum of vibrations, with sonoluminetric effects taken into account, the wavelength would be shorter than the speed of light, and if this is so, then it would also mean light travels at an infite speed, as e=/-pi*m, an for that to be true electrodynamics such as computer circiuts couldnt work.

Thank you einstein.
I'm not going to double check what he said but I will say

solaris152000 said:
Although your mechanics do raise, a point.

Scalar waves, have been proved to not exist within the scientific community. It has been established that among, the spectrum of vibrations, with sonoluminetric effects taken into account, the wavelength would be shorter than the speed of light, and if this is so, then it would also mean light travels at an infite speed, as e=/-pi*m, an for that to be true electrodynamics such as computer circiuts couldnt work.

Thank you einstein.

they say they havnt been proven, because they dont look into it. QM doesnt look at the zero vector as a real vector, which is why they fail. the summation of a normal EM wave , such as light is comprised of Scalar components, these virtual components are needed for it to exist in the real world. the emitter i posted above and its opperation is replicatable if you want to verify it for yourself, the Scalar wave clearly penetrates faraday cages
Its a blatent psueado science.

Are you not familiar with einsteins theory of relativity???
Its has to be reletive to soemthing, and it can't if it exists under that mask!!
Besides, if it was, we wouldnt have 7 colours in the spectrum, infact we might have more if string theory is correct about luminetric transformations, and how it exists INSIDE electrons.

Please dont spurt this rubbish, scalar waves do NOT EXIST, THEY CANNOT.

Learn some f***g science, before you preach about these weapons.
Dear god... I have never heard of so many smart sounding words being said on a internet forum in my life. Kudos to you guys for making the internet seem a smarter place.
Krynn72 said:
Dear god... I have never heard of so many smart sounding words being said on a internet forum in my life. Kudos to you guys for making the internet seem a smarter place.
Yeah, pwnt is a pretty smart word.
Besides scalar is more of a description rather than an actual thing, although its been applied, its still not very conclusive.

You cant suggest something that breaks the theory of reletivity AND string theory with no back up proof.

I want you to adress the sonolumesence factor in all of this, becuase at such a wavelength and frequency it must occur, and thus be visible.

On the scale your describing its likely that we'd all burn.

Where would you get the energy for all this?
You cannot get more energy out that what you put in.
solaris152000 said:
Its a blatent psueado science.

Are you not familiar with einsteins theory of relativity???
Its has to be reletive to soemthing, and it can't if it exists under that mask!!
Besides, if it was, we wouldnt have 7 colours in the spectrum, infact we might have more if string theory is correct about luminetric transformations, and how it exists INSIDE electrons.

Please dont spurt this rubbish, scalar waves do NOT EXIST, THEY CANNOT.

Learn some f***g science, before you preach about these weapons.

thats harsh considering, there are clear problems that havnt been corrected in QM and classical eletrodynamics, why would there be 7 colours?, thats visible frequencies,

Scalar waves are pure longitudinal wave forms (none hertzian). which are standing wave resonances that are NEVER absorbed and also NEVER bind, nor link with similar standing wave resonances by THEMSELVES.

propagted through vacumm ( your concieving that they are a regular Hertzian, if it was hetzian yes it would have visible effects, but its not)

They link ONLY via their spin and orbital transverse vector frequencies.

Your being dogmatic, science is far from complete, explain the source charge problem , define force thouroughly for me. You cant, so dont be so dissmissive.





Do you not undrstand the relation ship between the OPTIMUM speed of light and why we see the colours we do.

The wavalengths, are TRANSDIVERSIONAL, so thats why it fragments, and when it does scalar would be reconciseable, in the reflection angles.

It is not, so good day and good night.
Solaris is right. Scalar waves could only ever exist if you completely disregard the quantum flux effect of transversal twin-modal EM complexes on high-frequency ionospheric scintillation observations and long-chain monomers. And that would be a stupid thing to do. :upstare:
I do, but you dont understand, your thinking flatland again, scalar component's make up all detectable hertzian waves as a virtual component within vacuum.. the scalar non linear component which creates and sustain's nuclei is stress in vacuum which we percieve as gravity , bleed off from vacuum stress as potential between linear and non linear vaccum gives us our particles and conventionally detectable hertzian waves, different stresses produce different effect's scalar is evident in the creation of everything just not as an individualistic observable format, It is NOT, a hertzian wave, so it does NOT become visible in the fragmenting of visible frequencies. Its a longitudinal standing wave or for easier understanding a gravitational wave. ... and there's still all those problems ive quoted.
Sulkdodds said:
Solaris is right. Scalar waves could only ever exist if you completely disregard the quantum flux effect of transversal twin-modal EM complexes on high-frequency ionospheric scintillation observations and long-chain monomers. And that would be a stupid thing to do. :upstare:

nice explanation there Sulkdodds. Thats it in a nutshell
I see those all the time round here.

I seem to remember a website which said that it was part of this massive conspiracy.. where all passenger jets were fitted with something which deposited that stuff, and an airline technician went to investigate, found the device, but was seen and ordered to leave by non airline personnal.. or something like that. :laugh: I'm gonna go look for that site

edit: this site is about it.. i think, not really looked around it yet. This isn't the one I saw before..
All right, wtf. Jets do that all the time in North America. I don't know the exact science, but bringing scalar waves into this? Come on. Millions of people see these things every day.
Come on man, you've got to believe.

I used to be a doubter, but i saw these things for real, and now I am a believer. What I used to think were the meer vapour trails left by aircraft turned out to be the Menace of Mankind. The Atrophy of Apocolypses. The Drought of Dilema. The Pandemic of all Plagues. Whatever you wish to call it.

You're too shortsighted to see it and now it's upon you.

They cook chicken fast too.
i read ages since that they collected rain that fell from clouds that developed shortly after some chemtrails had been sprayed and they found all sorts of shit that is completley unhealthy for us in it

theres endless theories for what they're 'used' for...people who believe in 'NWO' think that they're trying to subtley reduce the health of people which makes us easier to control if we're unstable and unfit...others think they're plainly used to control rain clouds

i read a transcript of some plane engineer who discovered a strange unmarked device fitted beneath a plane during routine maintainance and he got threatening letters, strange phone calls, threatened loss of job, etc etc x files x files

i'm not an idiotic eccentric nut job but i wouldn't put it past the powers at be that these contrails contain stuff that could be potentially hazardous to us

[/cigarette smoking man]
Um I don't get it.. it's just the jet trail?
This is very normal.. Maybe it's just not seen that much in Europe and just the US?

There's almost always at least one of those streams up there in the sky, because of jets flying over. Military and civillian.

Is this serious?
RakuraiTenjin said:
Um I don't get it.. it's just the jet trail?
This is very normal.. Maybe it's just not seen that much in Europe and just the US?

There's almost always at least one of those streams up there in the sky, because of jets flying over. Military and civillian.

Is this serious?

be honest, does this look normal to you?
Yeah it looks like that in Bullhead sometimes due to the airport being nearby. That's just an unusually high amount of planes going by. Every plane that goes by does leave those exact trails though. They have all my life, have lived here all my life, and it's always been like that. This thread seriously makes me laugh that your guy's planes don't leave trails usually.
actually look at the picture....its in the middle of some empty field and theres that many trails that planes would've had to have passed very close together in time span being as contrails don't stay in the sky that long
Yeah it is unusual for that many, but the trails themselves are perfectly normal and have been here forever, it's just a vapor trail off of the jets.
clarky003 said:
in your mind and alot of others, probably yes , because you clearly dont understand the engineering implication's of O(3) electrodynamic's, and Scalar longitudinal interferometry.

well...i do understand that you're becoming an idiot!

solaris152000 said:
Its a blatent psueado science.

Are you not familiar with einsteins theory of relativity???
Its has to be reletive to soemthing, and it can't if it exists under that mask!!
Besides, if it was, we wouldnt have 7 colours in the spectrum, infact we might have more if string theory is correct about luminetric transformations, and how it exists INSIDE electrons.

Please dont spurt this rubbish, scalar waves do NOT EXIST, THEY CANNOT.

Learn some f***g science, before you preach about these weapons.


HOw the hell can you blindly belive something you have seen and read on the internet!!!
How the hell can religious people blindly believe the things they read in their books/canons that happened thousands of years ago and have no proof?

Simple...because they can and they want to believe it happened/happens.
clarky, you've not taken any acid recently have you?
clarky003 said:
Tr0n if thats normal then Lemonking is intelligent.

lol I'll go see a doctor if i become mentally ill, but im deadly serious something odd is happening, if it was cloud seeding then why do it when it rained 2 days ago more importantly there not seeding clouds atall because cloud seeding requires depositing it inside an existing cloud, and even that dosnt explain the unifrom rippling and odd geometry..

its not harmful to human's if whoever's transmitting it doesnt want it to be.To get your head around the reality of it you really have to understand what scalar EM waves are all about, which requires some base understanding of Quantum vector's.

wtf is your problem?:frown:
Basic understanding of quantam vectors is what you need to learn.

Besides the airaplane trials would disperse is the way that they do, as Ive already described, the quantam reflections would change the spectrum were seeing.
o yeha **** you tr0n, just cos your life sux

edit: <3 :D

This thread is asking for a lock soon.
Sulkdodds said:
Solaris is right. Scalar waves could only ever exist if you completely disregard the quantum flux effect of transversal twin-modal EM complexes on high-frequency ionospheric scintillation observations and long-chain monomers. And that would be a stupid thing to do. :upstare:
