Wtf is going on!?

That blog thing that had all the pictures of contrails, well they are all natural and real. All the "brown" ones are caused either by a setting or rising sun or a shadow. I'm a photographer, I know.

They are all as they should be
I declare this thread "The Paranoia Thread".
You're only saying that because they got to you.

If I'm going to edit Ennui's post... Ennui is going to edit my post.

But of course it wasn't Pi that edited Ennui's post... It was crushy, and now he's editing Pi's! :E
You got me.

Damn biozeminades.

Always getting me.

I'm always being gotten.

Paranoia ftl.

I'm gonna go now.
Note: I did not say anything but the first two lines of my former post, Pi is funny and edited it.

~crushy - it was me, not Pi lmao :D
clarky003 said:
in your mind and alot of others, probably yes , because you clearly dont understand the engineering implication's of O(3) electrodynamic's, and Scalar longitudinal interferometry.
yeah, you dumb sons of bitches! you dont understand the great nuances of elctrothermictesticularometry! how DARE you comment on his clouds. :rolleyes:
Probably for some scientific purposes... they release stuff to test and whatnot, who knows, who cares. They can't just be doing crap, we have air space and it's monitored.
solaris152000 said:
Basic understanding of quantam vectors is what you need to learn.

Besides the airaplane trials would disperse is the way that they do, as Ive already described, the quantam reflections would change the spectrum were seeing.

I agree , they would if a scalar wave was a hertzian wave, but its not. Its the zero vector virtual make up of a hertzian wave, it isnt a seperate component, its a sub wave, the virtual wave has a real effect,, like the virtual potentials of the electron have a real effect.. its hyperdimensional. active vacuum that all matter feeds its existance from , superstring theory, vacuum energy, scalar waves, whatever you want to call it is what creates our virtual particles, because of vaccum stress, totally virtual but with a real influence that can be artificially imposed upon to create desired effects within observable systems.

Bush must be spraying us with something to make us fat, stupid, and easy to conquer! The end is nigh! Quick, if you don't breathe... they won't be able to affect you. Start holding your breath....... NOW! Alright, now you just have to hold it for several years until the chemicals have completely left your environment. Good luck. Keep us posted on your situation.

wiki makes alot of sense, till you see them 5'000 to 8'000 feet above you, with deliberate starting and stopping of the spray line, according to wiki, that would mean that they would be turning the engines off, then back on again in flight. Wiki's explaination doesnt include that, wiki is as good as the people who write it,

Its simple enough but doesnt explain, low contrails, criss crossed, unmarked aircraft.. abnormally thick plumes of the stuff that couldnt be produced by normal engines. that doesnt dissapate for hours and hours and hours, even in low altitudes.

maybe they are simply contrails.. but there are alot of inconsistancey's that even experianced pilot's have said dont make sense... all you need to do is look at the pilot's view images of contail/chemtrail spraying, and try to find explaination's for the uniform rippling and geometry occuring in the sky when they are around, i havnt heard any natural explaination's for the uniform rippling, often evident at near right angles.
The only explanation is biozeminades.
Conspiracy theories linked to Dr Who and aliens?

Maybe they're cloud seeding, I don't know.
Bumped just to make clarky look stupid.
If you read the thread, you will see me arguing with clarky for quite a while on quantam bullshit. I had no idea what I was talking about, I was making up words and he was using them as if they were real words.

Bumped just to make clarky look stupid.
If you read the thread, you will see me arguing with clarky for quite a while on quantam bullshit. I had no idea what I was talking about, I was making up words and he was using them as if they were real words.


Bumping up year old threads just to make somebody look stupid is in extremely poor taste.

Shame on you Solaris.

At any rate, I thought this was an incredibly fast progressing current event what with all the posts, until I realized it was bumped.
Bumped just to make clarky look stupid.
If you read the thread, you will see me arguing with clarky for quite a while on quantam bullshit. I had no idea what I was talking about, I was making up words and he was using them as if they were real words.

lol a very useful argument tip. Just start making up stuff and if the other person doesn't know what your talking about then call them stupid and that they need to learn more!

You are a genius! I will apply to all future arguments.