WTF lololololololololol

And thats our president on the first pic... prolly in KAIST.
The female robot is ugly, who'd wanna tap that?
This kinda reminds me of Alien 4's charector Call.
DeusExMachina, my post was directed at you..

I was joking also, in case you didn't figure it out..
now to sort the real losers from the posers...
seriously, if you can afford that, you can afford a real gf, although if you're ugly, you might as well go for something that doesn't care how you look.
That's pretty creepy and I would hate to think if something went wrong. Say you're in the middle of "doing something" with it. Something inside goes haywire and the place you happen to be at(or in) clamps shut. I think steel/electronics/hydrolics will win out over flesh/muscle/blood any day of the week. :eek:
Oh, man. Maybe N.Korea would win if they just mass produced sexbots instead of Nukes...

Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?
That's not... Dr. Who... is it? :O
Who's the chick in that photo from A.I. ? She's hawt :naughty:
Just buy yourself a whore. That's cheaper and more entertaining.
now to sort the real losers from the posers...
seriously, if you can afford that, you can afford a real gf, although if you're ugly, you might as well go for something that doesn't care how you look.

Inherent flaw in your argument: if you have money, doesn't matter if you look like a deformed radiation exposed freak, you'll still find bimbos willing to sleep with you. :LOL:
I assume the sex robot would be very static and dare I say.. robotic in the process of "love" makeing.
Now everybody is going to start having sex with robots... this shall lead to the extiction of humanity. Good job korea :LOL:

And im not kiding, people will start buying robots because it would be alot easier then getting a girl friend. Also just like in Futurama their going to have to put a ban on it so we all dont die out...
Err, this looks like one of those sites that take pictures and make up their own story. I've seen that robot lady before and I'm pretty sure it is NOT a sex bot. Notice how there are no sources what-so-ever. (the story they do link does not mention "sex bots" at all in any form)

In all seriousness though, One of my life goals is to work for a robotics company that puts household comsumer robots in every home. (and no, not sexbots :O )

I think that Honda's ASIMO is certainly the most promising. even if it costs you 160 thousand dollars per month to rent right now. Toyota's robots also look commercially viable, but they're a little less advanced than ASIMO. This is the first time I have seen the korean robot.

I also miss Sony's QRIO, but alas, we'll never see that in production.
