wtf? low fps?


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
i have a 2.27ghz 512mb ram 9800pro, and settings are 1023x800 with everything on low, and i get average of 40s wtf???!!!

EDIT:i have aa and filter off and i still get average of 40s
yeah thats not right :O
is it stuck on 40 fps or does it also get much lower?
try turning off v-sync in options

try updating ur drivers etc etc blabla.

it could be a lot of things :rolling: .
drivers should fix it, I have a 2ghz processor and the same ram and card and I get 60 on all high with 2x aa and filter.
ok, i got v sinc off, and second, i cant update drivers, because whenever i do, my comp just doesnt start, it goes to the part were it says welcome, but its blank, and it just restarts, and i have to use the option to go back the to last known good config
well i think if u cant update ur drivers theres really something wrong with ur pc.

thats also why u would be getting low fps then,
so u would need to completly reinstall windows.

or try different versions of the driver maybe?

(but i would try some other things b4 i would completly reinstall :D )

good luck i have had A LOT of trouble with my pc to ;(
Do what i do. First i virus scan my computer using format c: , then i reinstall.
The framerate shouldn't bother you above 24 or even 20
Milo 7 said:
20-24fps is REALLY crappy

40+ is ok but 60+ fps is perfect :)

Why is it crappy?
I could hardly tell the difference.
It doesn't make any difference in the game.

IMO 30+ is completely perfect.
because u are used to low fps maybe???

the difference between 60 and 30 fps is huge
umm, guys, i tried reformatting, i tried reinstalling, i tried omega drivers, all different kind of driffers, froamted manytimes, nothing, the only driver that works is the cd that comes with the 9800pro, lame
did u install all the motherboard drivers etc and all windows updates?
ktimekiller said:
i have a 2.27ghz 512mb ram 9800pro, and settings are 1023x800 with everything on low, and i get average of 40s wtf???!!!

Were you expecting 90fps average? your processor is two years old. Just try to find the settings that give you smooth framerates.
well, i guess ur right about my processor, and about the updates and drivers, i got every single driver except for my card and motherboard, i already told u y i cant update my card, and i cant update my motherboard because it is so old, there is no drivers for it :P