


Currently has the release date as Sept. 30th. Still no sku divisions or anything (just on item for $50.00 US). Just FYI.
Availability: This item will be released on October 30, 2003. You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives.

I got that from the link you gave.
Sorry, I mis-typed. It is Oct. 30th. Again, draw you own conclusions.

[crosses fingers that its wrong]
I don't believe it. Not until a) real confirmation, or b) Sept. 30 comes around and there's still no HL2.
why does it still Say seirra i thout HL2 isnt part of sierra anymore.
Originally posted by not28
I don't believe it. Not until a) real confirmation, or b) Sept. 30 comes around and there's still no HL2.

Amen to that! :bounce:
Originally posted by Estevan
why does it still Say seirra i thout HL2 isnt part of sierra anymore.

Sierra is part of Vivendi... lol
Originally posted by Estevan
why does it still Say seirra i thout HL2 isnt part of sierra anymore.

I think Vivendi is owned by Sierra. Correct me if I'm wrong.

(edit) nevermind I was beaten to it:eek:
Originally posted by Goombatommy
It's 9/30 it'll be released man. Get over it.

It would be so nice if Vivendi came along and said Half Life 2 will be in stores September 30th 2003.... just for all those who dont beleive... and those who have little faith :)
dont post retailer's release dates.. maybe if suddenly every retailer switched to september 30th then it would mean something.. but right now it is complete rubbish
Not only that, but look @ UT2K3. They were makin up release dates left and right for that game. And surprisingly, it went gold unexpected, and it shipped less than a week later. EBX and all them were surprised. So DONT follow any dates other than 9/30. If you dont hear the game going gold by 9/22 the latest, then consider it delayed.
Originally posted by not28
I think Vivendi is owned by Sierra. Correct me if I'm wrong.

(edit) nevermind I was beaten to it:eek:

Actually I do think that Sierra is owned by Vivendi.
heh Amazon is horrible about release dates. They the date for morrowind at febuary 20. it was like that until march 5. then it changed.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Are you sure it's not Febtober?
Feptober is the best month. Its the one that the commoners dont know about.
The Amazon.co.uk release date for Freelancer (UK) was 18th of April. the real date was 11th of April and Amazon only changed it a week before the release.

In short, retailers make dates up, and rarely correct them until the last moment.
The fact is, even if it was delayed, there is no way anyone could have an alternate release date. If it's NOT Sept. 30, then there is no specific date: it would be FALL 03 or something like that.