www.halfliferadio.com Interview Transcript


Jul 13, 2003
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For those of you that are still interested, I took the time to record the "interview" life. I tried to cut through all the unneeded B.S., but there was just so much of it!


What a huge night. We have about 500 people in our chat room in irc.gamesnet...

We met with Gabe newell today. We are still waiting for the guys to get back from valve. They were with valve all afternoon. Due to internet security restrictions at Valve Software they cannot run an audio stream, but we have much to tell! Gabe confirmed a lotta' things, and we have a lotta stuff to talk about

rebel_diver is actually getting film developed right now so he can show you all some pictures, but he'll be on within about 10-15 minutes to talk about what Gabe Newell told them and what he had to say. He also met with Greg Coomar from Steam, so, apparently Gabe Newell and Greg Coomar of Valve... and there's some interesting stuff that I'm not gonna' blow out. I want them to tell you about what happened today.

*Discussing servers to connect to*


Are you form CS Nation?


Yes, I'm from csnation.com and I'm the operator of steampowered.com.


Yes, so tonight along with all the stuff... I mean we have some interesting guests tonight. A lot of guests. We have efficient from CS Nation, and they're on their way back, so...

We're running about 30 minutes late tonight, so, just hang in there. Grab some popcorn if you have to. This is Half-Life Radio, and we will be right back.

*Music break*

*Eerie silence that refuses to end*

*Music suddenly continues again*

Half-Life Radio! And, my name is Andy Hodges from www.**************.com. Tonight we have a lotta' different people on the radio. We have efficient from CS Nation; we have Argylle from Operation Co-in; we have comkilla; we have fatal x from Half-Life 2 Renaissance; we have max, we have ranger, etc. (various people who mean nothing to me).

Basically, we apologize for the delay. We know you've waited 50 minutes... if you can't listen to the radio show tonight, we will be replaying the broadcast all day tomorrow for those that have to go to bed and stuff like that. Um, we are waiting on our staff. Our staff left Valve not too long ago. They've been there all afternoon. They've met with Gabe Newell. They've met with Greg Coomar from Steam. They also met with some of the other staff in the building, and they've got plenty to talk about. I've only heard bits and parts over the phone as they were actually walking out of valve headquarters. i guses i can go ahead and tell you this. i don't know what exactly i'm allowed to say, because i heard a bit from rebel_diver and he should be here any minute now. we're waiting on him. that's the hold-up. we want him to tell you first-hand of what gabe said, what others said, what he saw. according to louis, the other staffer of the radio... he said that he asked gabe is there a half-life 2 delay? gabe would not confirm that, but it appears that they are working very hard right now to get everything done, so louis's impression... his impression is they're working hard so there's not a delay. if there's gonna be a delay we're gonna hear it within a few days, but gabe would not confirm a delay. he mentioned that parts of the source were taken but not very much. and that's according to louis and i'd rather rebe_diver tell you the rest of the story. i dont' wanna be the 3rd party here telling you the whole story.

But i can tell you some things now since we're waiting for him. What else? I forgot some of the other stuff. They were able to see some new stuff.


Apparently about the leakers, he didn't pay too much attention to that?


It appears like it's business as usual right now, and I want rebel_diver to tell you about that. But he did tell me it looks like business as usual, more so than ever before, and they were working hard on getting this completed and focusing back on gaming. They, you know... I remember Louis saying it was a good feeling, because they thought they were walking into a complete tragedy, and that wasn't so! It doesn't seem to have any kind of impact according to them, as far as their business. It looks like business as usual. They said that as they were talking from everyone from room-to-room down the hallway -- everybody was working hard! There was a lotta' activity going on as far as working on the product. They thought there would be more activity going on about this network/hacker problem. There was more activity on getting this rolled out.

They're more concerned on getting this rolled out. And I just can't wait for rebel_diver to get back on the air to tell you guys what he saw! You know, it was like they were kinda' shocked because it was like business as usual. Okay, it does look like they've moved on already. They've moved on! And they didn't say this, but it looks like whatever the problem was it has been dealt with. rebel_diver told me somethings that he saw as far as the hacking goes... I don't wanna say what he said, but it just looks like it's business as usual. It happened! They didn't get all of the source code. They only got a little part of it. They're trying to get this out the door.


And apparently valve said they got the names of--


Don't say anything! There was this whiteboard that Gabe showed them of the network, and again, i want rebel_diver to tell it to you. I'll tell you it brifely. They have names on the whiteboard -- the history, date, times -- and other things that looked like file names. That was pretty much a quick issue. You know, it's done! They're on it! They look like they know who did it.


Did rebel_diver ask them about the videocard situation, because i know nVidia cards had problems with fog and stuff.


They were talking so fast on the cellphone. They were trying to tell me everything in a short amount of time, it seemed. And they were going off to get their film developed. They did take some photos. Gabe Newell had given them some pictures and photographs of the game and stuff ...And a t-shirt he signed for them. Overall, [Gabe's] a nice guy, according to rebel_diver and Louis. They were talking in a hurry and getting their film developed. They were on their way back home to go on the air.

Somebody asked, "Had they been able to play?" and, yeah, they did. They couldn't believe what they played!

Random people:

I'm so excited!


i'm just glad they didn't come back and say "man, that place is depressing! they really got 'em!" but they didn't get 'em! they only got a little bit of whatever they took. they didn't get all of it! it's good to say it!


Did they get any new multiplayer info?


They didn't say that. They just played some new maps. Some of the other stuff is far better than the E3 video!

*Random people babble*


Somebody asked how long were they at Valve. They were there all afternoon, approximately 4-5 hours. You don't know how much planning went into this broadcast!

*Continues on about planning*

*Connection lost and eventually regained*

*Cut to music*

Half-Life Radio! My name is Andy Hodges from www.**************.com.

(Repeats guest names)

And we have rebel_diver, who has just come back from completing the tour and developing pictures and stuff like that. We've been waiting for you for like 2 hours.


Yeah, well, I had to take my bike to the 1-hour photo and up to dinner, then back down here! It's been a long but fun day!


One thing I wanna' mention: There are a lotta people helping us out as far as stream servers. All eleven, and I repeat, all eleven servers are full! So, if you're trying to get on and you can't, it's because they're full! It's just been one of those days. It's been such a gloomy week since Thursday, and we're glad to know that valve is back to business as usual.


*Babbles on about lobby, describing everything down to the damn carpet!*

So, we hung out in the lobby, then Gabe came out and introduced himself. We got him to sign a bunch of stuff. Louis had 5 or 6 copies of Half-Life stuff. I just had my cd. So, we were escorted in and they showed us the E3 video. Actually, we got to see a little bit more. We saw the start-up screen which looked cool. So, we got to see the E3 video. It was just great. Also, we did see a whiteboard that had the information about the hacking thing. So, they do have that stuff. And it was confirmed that, yes, some of the source code was stolen -- not all of it, but some.

After our video thing, gabe came back out. He just started taking us through Valve. We got to meet a bunch of people. We went from office to office to office. Gabe knocked on the office doors and said he was giving a tour. Then we saw some of the art assets. The artist was working on those. Then we went to some other places and saw concept art and all that. They even have a couple clay models like... We also got to go into the room where the Team Fortress Classic and Team Fortress 2 guys were working on. Louis asked them when Team Fortress 2 was coming out, and they said "We'd like to know the same thing!"

Then we meet the guy who wrote the original Half-Life. He said there will be some interesting things if you went through Half-Life 1. There will be some plot twists coming from that. But if you didn't play the first, you'll still "get" the game.

So, then we looked at the Counter-strike room. Tt was really cool! One of the guys who was working on Counter-strike was there working... And we got to test Counter-strike: Condition Zero! That's right! We got to try out "CS:CZ." It was really cool! They basically took a lotta' the maps from Counter-strike 1.6 and reworked them. So, first, that's really cool. Second, they have this really cool "first-player" method of doing things. You have so many "fame points" and depending on the difficulty level, you start out with 3 and you have to complete objectives. Then, you unlock the next 3, and so on and so on. Each has different objectives like "kill a guy with a rifle."

Then, we got in-game. Man, it was cool! One of the things... The bots are VERY real! The old ones would run to certain waypoints. No, these bots are intelligent! They seemed life-like. They'd send over the chat, like, "#nemy is here with the bomb!". If they're in the middle of a message, and they get killed, they'd be like "Enemy is --"

*Makes death sounds*

Another thing that's funny: If you were shooting your teammates they'd tell you to stop.

*Imitates bot teammates yelling*

Also, they did not have perfect aim! They kind of started out bad, then they'd slowly get better. At first I was really sucking. I admit i'm a "n00b." But later I started killing them. So, when I'd run up to one with a shield, they'd shoot when I put the shield down. It was great fun! We even got Louis to play... So that went on for a long time. The guy behind us was taking notes. We were basically doing a playtest. Maybe our input will help.

They also had some new maps. I only saw one. They do have new maps. They're very nicely made!

So, when we were done with that, we got up. We thanked him for the tour and everything and told him about Half-Life Radio. So, I told him about an E-mail with some of our questions, because he was so busy. It's amazing he even had the time for us! He said he'd look at our questions and try to respond! It was just really great!

So, that was pretty much the Valve tour in a nutshell. It was just a lotta' fun!


What about the delay?


He didn't say much about it. We didn't really get to talk to him. We got a few questions answered from other people. We did get confirmation that it was... The technical term was "source stealing". It wasn't internal. It was THEFT.

*Talks about Steam pricing plans*


*Asks about atmosphere*


It did look like business as usual. It wasn't tense or anything. They were just working on their stuff. I think they were playtesting in one room.


Any info on Counter-strike 2?


I didn't see anything. I only got to see "CS:CZ."


Did you get around to asking when Team Fortress 2 will be done? Will it be based on Half-Life 2?


I didn't see much on Team Fortress 2. I only got to see a few screens. Oh, and one of the guys showed us the new Hammer editor. It blows my mind away! You can do this sorta' bump mapping... And you can change the map completely! You can change curves easily and it renders instantly! It looks complex, but it renders fast!


Did you talk about the nVidia cards [and the fog issues]?


Um, we didn't talk about nVidia cards and their problems. We asked Greg Coomar about it, and nVidia is working on that apparently.


Did you talk about multiplayer in Half-Life 2?


I didn't see anything except about tf2 and playing cs:cz


*Talks about PMs complementing interview and the show's success*

The new information is different from what's already been put out. Only part of the source code has been leaked.


The picture status: My virus scanner likes to scan everything. It'll be uploaded as soon as I give them to Andy.


Any SDK info?


No, I didn't really talk to Gabe all that much. We just talked to various people. He did tell me to E-mail a list of questions. I'm just waiting for a response, like, about the SDK, etc.


How many people are working at Valve?


About 80, according to Gabe.


Did you see Louis before today?


No, I didn't meet him. It was interesting. He's quite the character. He's probably still on the road and will be uploading pictures when he gets back.


Was he frightening?


It was interesting. I had seen pictures before [of Louis].


What kind of [computers] do they have at Valve?


The only PC I took a look at... I know they had the Dell XPS. I remember seeing an Alienware, but I didn' t look too much. Most of them do use Windows XP. I do know that.


Did they talk about what was stolen exactly? Like the Havok engine? What about lawsuits?


They did say some of the source was taken. They're working on how MUCH was taken. We didn't ask about lawsuits.


Do you know if there's any new modes of play in Half-Life 2 besides standard "DM"?


I don't know, sorry.


*Pimps IRC channel*


Well, at least we know the truth. Only a small part was taken.


Did you get information on the story?


The only info was that if you've played Half-Life 1 there will be some twists that will make it "interesting."


Any mention of Day of Defeat for Half-Life 2?


I didn't see definite evidence, but I do suspect there will be. We did get to see a Day of Defeat section, but we didn't bother them.

*Interview is essentially over as far as I'm concerned*
Vending machine commentary? That must've been when my connection to the Shoutcast server blissfully cut out.

I didn't hear the show due to the fact I couldn't connect to one of the servers ( too full ) but after reading that transcript it looks to me like rebel_diver forgot to ask a lot of the questions the team had told him to ask. I'm glad he had a good time though.
Damn. Thanks for the interview transcript, Sirrah.

However...eh...nothing new.

They should have brought SpitCodFry with them. At least he knows how to gather information.
Originally posted by D33
<snip> I'm glad he had a good time though.

LOL! You're being passive-aggressive, admit it! :LOL:

Nah, j/k, I thinks it's great that you're keeping your cool.

edit: apparantly so. I guess someone isn't keeping as cool as D33 :)

But that seems a bit much
*crosses fingers that we'll get some good details from the 'electronic interview' Gabe is hopefully going to answer.

Man we need some good news! :)
We need to send Geraldo Rivera for some hard hitting reporting. :) They were there four to five hours and didn't find out diddly squat.
Originally posted by MrMethane
LOL! You're being passive-aggressive, admit it! :LOL:

Nah, j/k, I thinks it's great that you're keeping your cool.

I won't deny there's been some "harsh words" between halflifesource.com and halflife2.net. Earlier today myself and Andy exchanged several long emails while on bad terms but with what's happened on their radio show I do feel quite gutted for them. I feel they did deserve better.

I sent him an email telling him I felt they deserved better for the work they put into tonights broadcast but I've received no reply as yet. I assume he's still busy on air. I'd of told him in IRC but he G-Lined me for asking a question.
Its pretty cool that they didnt get all of the source code. Reassuring a little bit.
Agreed Dimitri, interesting too. I'm not wholly suprised, however, for instance, there seems to be a lot of AI missing for various enemies, even KNOWN enemies!
Well let's hope Gabe gives us more information in the email hlradio sent him. More than that crap that went on air anyways.
Nice transcript, seems like alls normal on the front. We'll be playing HL2 by christmas!
That sucked imo.
I thought it was actually going to be a Interview with gabe....
Nice write up, Scott. So basically.. this interview was a whole lot of hype and a whole lot of nothin'.
tried to cut through all the unneeded B.S., but there was just so much of it!
Sounds about right, heh.
This is Efficient, I was in the chat, you made a mistake in the beggining. I said Moderator, not operator. I also represented Counter-Hack. Rbl_diver wasn't the only guy who visited. Another staff, Louis_Cyphier, also went with him. I also laugh at the fact that you don't even mention www.**************.com, who the guys that visited Valve are part of. If it wasn't for Half-Life Source, there wouldn't be no visit. You should atleast give them some credit. That site even wanted to truce with you, but you guys refused.

That was a waste of an hour listening to these guys who could barely get out a clear sentence. It was more fun on IRC when everyone was flaming ************** for not asking any questions. :bonce:
Originally posted by Efficient
This is Efficient, I was in the chat, you made a mistake in the beggining. I said Moderator, not operator. I also represented Counter-Hack.

I saw you there! I got banned late into the fun :cheese:
D33, may I recommend removing the censor on halflifesource.com?
That was a waste of an hour listening to these guys who could barely get out a clear sentence.
Welcome to HL Radio. :p I kid... but really.. it is. :cheese:
this 'interview' was a massive waste of time.

they had little new info that actually shows they were there just that "not all the source was stolen". ok. maybe not all of it was but 32mb zipped is certainly not a small amount by any stretch of the imagination. they claim valve has names and files and everything on the "whiteboard". it makes me question whether or not they even went to valve. why would valve have this info? dont you think the authorities investigating would have this and not valve? seriously now.
(and if someone else has said something like this then i'm sorry, i didn't take the time to read the whole thread)
Originally posted by Efficient
This is Efficient, I was in the chat, you made a mistake in the beggining. I said Moderator, not operator. I also represented Counter-Hack. Rbl_diver wasn't the only guy who visited. Another staff, Louis_Cyphier, also went with him. I also laugh at the fact that you don't even mention www.**************.com, who the guys that visited Valve are part of. If it wasn't for Half-Life Source, there wouldn't be no visit. You should atleast give them some credit. That site even wanted to truce with you, but you guys refused.

Sigh. Please research things before you say them in public.

Both websites have agreed to a peaceful "ignore each other" status however we both hope we can work together sometime in the future.

They don't mention our name in news or radio and we don't mention theres. I feel relations are slowly coming back to normal but until such a time both websites are satisfied with this "blackout".

Please find out the truth next time, I'm fed up of correcting ill-informed posts.
I'm sure they were there, that's not the issue really (and if they weren't, that's coming to come out fast, just you watch). What is relevant though is how bad this interview was compared to how much hype it got beforehand.
Originally posted by Efficient
This is Efficient, I was in the chat, you made a mistake in the beggining. I said Moderator, not operator. I also represented Counter-Hack. Rbl_diver wasn't the only guy who visited. Another staff, Louis_Cyphier, also went with him. I also laugh at the fact that you don't even mention www.**************.com, who the guys that visited Valve are part of. If it wasn't for Half-Life Source, there wouldn't be no visit. You should atleast give them some credit. That site even wanted to truce with you, but you guys refused.

i read you aren't a mod anymore on steampowered... and it doesn't really matter about hl source making a visit... spidcodfry did the same thing already.
Originally posted by filthy_mcnasty
this 'interview' was a massive waste of time.

they had little new info that actually shows they were there just that "not all the source was stolen". ok. maybe not all of it was but 32mb zipped is certainly not a small amount by any stretch of the imagination. they claim valve has names and files and everything on the "whiteboard". it makes me question whether or not they even went to valve. why would valve have this info? dont you think the authorities investigating would have this and not valve? seriously now.
(and if someone else has said something like this then i'm sorry, i didn't take the time to read the whole thread)

Of course they went to valve.
When I talked to Andy, apparently, they asked for truce, and you accepted, but you always ended off saying something rude. He implied that you'd say something like, "Yeah, we'll truce, but we'll always be a better site than you", or "we're the best Half-Life 2 site in the Universe". When you said that, he banned you, because he didn't want to do anything about u. And that's when you started sending emails, bothering him.
Originally posted by RoyGBiv
i read you aren't a mod anymore on steampowered... and it doesn't really matter about hl source making a visit... spidcodfry did the same thing already.

I was inactive for 3 weeks, that's why. I'm going to be re-added when I'm active.