Wwwaaaaahhh Its Almost Here!!! Party In Here (Explode when it releases here)

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This thread is silent now :D. Yay Just finished decrypting w00t. I got out of school early today at 1:20. hooray.
I've totally missed everything about Episode 1. I'll prolly pop by the store and buy it tomorrow, if I remember.

To those that have played it; without giving away spoilers, what's your first impression?
The game keeps crashing, mainly when i make screenshots. Just now nothing happened, Alyx ran to the computer terminal and absolutely nothing happened, I could just walk around and after a few minutes I got an error. HMmm.

Here some screens for ya;



It is Sooo FREAKING fun!!!!oneone There are more puzzels so far (I've only started :P) It's great action and the beginning is GREAT to watch.
A few shots for you guys .. I keep forgetting to take screenshots so this is the most I have :P



Whoa, working but terrible swapping... Running outta Ram... 1gb is not enough :o
Ok the game keeps crashing, I have to turn the computer off completely to get back on.

This is really gay :(
it wetn fine for me thank gawd!!

my 6200 Tc managed it at low everything, cnat wait for my new gfx card now! gunna be so purty
I managed to keep it on high everything, but vsync was disabled..

Where was the "new video card setting" that Robin Walker was talking about?
1 GB is more than enough, wtf?

Im running the game at highest settings HDR Full, 4x AA, 4x AF, 1024x768, vsync off with 1gb ram, amd64 3200+ and a X700 Pro for pci-e....@ 90-100 fps..

No crashes so at all..so far
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