X-Box 360: Geometry Wars



Best game for XBL Arcade without a doubt. It is so much fun, and here is a video of me playing to convince you.

Geometry Wars
The visual style on that game just flairs with awesomeness. Reminds me of a mix between the classic Robotron and Asteroids. Very fun.
Well, that is only up to 175,000 points, imagine 4,000,000 points.
Give that graphics designer a medal. Nay, the Nobel frickin' Peace Prize.
losermeetsworld said:
(there is no jaw-dropping emoticon. Fix that.)

The emoticon list leaves a lot to be desired :(

A jaw dropping smiley would be good right about now, as well as a drooling one, a seizure one, and a monkey...oh wait :monkee:
Ya thats such a cool game. I love all the colors exploding on the screen and the fasteness of the game. It rocks.
I got up to ~1,995,000 the other night. Try playing to music that really gets you pumped up. I find that it helps me a lot. :)
Haha "One Winged Angel" playing in the background (but then again...screw the Advent Children remix!). Looks insane fun :)

EDIT: Is it just me, or was there an absolute massive amount of lag in some places :O
The best music I find with that game is dragonforce. It's such a rush with that.
There is a homebrew game for the PSP thats very similar to this. Its the only homebrew app aside from the emulators that I actually like.
Did Putfile block the whole of Asia or something? Can't access from here or a Taiwanese proxy, had to use a german proxy to load the page.
The lag was caused by my computers inability to process so much action while capturing the video. lol.
Game is lag free and very enjoyable

My high score is 655,500 or something around there...

Watch the videos of people that get like 2 million points for tips and tricks on how to beat certain enemies :) It's helped me a lot.
Emn1ty said:
The lag was caused by my computers inability to process so much action while capturing the video. lol.

Hehehe, I think the xbox360 is fine in that department :p
Hmm, looks interesting, think i'll start paying more attention to live arcarde rather then just me average 360 live games :p