X3 Reunion - Big and beautiful

I can answer the first one for you Ren, it's a single-player game.:)
Wow, looks tremendous. Reminds me much about EVE...
wow, why is this game getting little press? where are the reviews?
I can't find one review anywhere, just previews :|
Is the gameplay any good in this game? It looks really interesting. Can i build my own trade station, or fleet, and all that.
Doesn't help that my mom just gave me a £5 voucher for HMV... I want to go buy it so badly.
Ren, I'm assuming it is like in X-2, meaning that you can build an entire economic trade empire, same for fleet, in X-2 I had a trade empire composed of like 4 stations and a huge battleship with a tons of small fighters.:)
Gargantou said:
Ren, I'm assuming it is like in X-2, meaning that you can build an entire economic trade empire, same for fleet, in X-2 I had a trade empire composed of like 4 stations and a huge battleship with a tons of small fighters.:)

sdhgbsdjhas *spazzes*
I never played X2... but if X3 is really like that i'll love it. Plus the pretty graphics make me drool :P
Might go out and buy it in a bit :)
Can you guys give me some more cool features on this please and some opinions on it :)
Thank youuu! :)
Gargantou said:
Ren, I'm assuming it is like in X-2, meaning that you can build an entire economic trade empire, same for fleet, in X-2 I had a trade empire composed of like 4 stations and a huge battleship with a tons of small fighters.:)

Holy hell, seriously? Okay, I SERIOUSLY need to read up on this game today. Ebgames has it for only 40 bucks preorder!
Ren.182 said:
I can't find one review anywhere, just previews :|
Is the gameplay any good in this game? It looks really interesting. Can i build my own trade station, or fleet, and all that.
Doesn't help that my mom just gave me a £5 voucher for HMV... I want to go buy it so badly.
Yes to trade stations, fleets etc. Heck, you can build factories and link them with tunnels, creating self-serving supercomplexes.
Sounds like i would like this...
Windowed mode... is it possible? Because i can see myself playing this game way too much and not talking to people anymore :P
Ren.182 said:
Sounds like i would like this...
Windowed mode... is it possible? Because i can see myself playing this game way too much and not talking to people anymore :P
Yup, it's in the options menu before the game loads.
Thats cool. Thanks, Axyon. :)
Another Impulse buy for me :| I gotta stop this :D
Any other opinions?
Oh, could anyone recommend me a joystick to get for this?
I'm definitely buying this seeing as I thoroughly enjoyed X-2.:)
Axyon said:

I just creamed my pants. Looks absolutely brilliant. Everything looks immense. It isn't out in the Netherlands yet ..... :hmph:
X-3 is immersive but not as immersive as Elite 2/3..=(
I wish you could land on the planets and watch the day/night cycles go by ala Elite 3..:( Sniff sniff..
I got it, along with the FireFly series on DVD. Good game so far, chose to start of on the normal story mode thingy, destroyed a few "cocks" :P. You were right about the dodgey name.

Just gotta figure out how to do all the stuff, like 3rd person, firing missles and what not. Think i'm going to enjoy this :)
Ren.182 said:
I got it, along with the FireFly series on DVD. Good game so far, chose to start of on the normal story mode thingy, destroyed a few "cocks" :P. You were right about the dodgey name.

Just gotta figure out how to do all the stuff, like 3rd person, firing missles and what not. Think i'm going to enjoy this :)
Absolutely read the manual, it explains a huge amount of stuff that really should have been done in the game.
Axyon said:
Absolutely read the manual, it explains a huge amount of stuff that really should have been done in the game.

Yeah, i'll give it a read when i have more time. Would have been nice if they had some sort of training program or something... the simulations dont really help :)
I really enjoyed freelancer, although I felt it was somewhat limited (other than the story, all I could do was kill people and buy / trade some boring crates). Is X3 more immersive, more open ended than Freelancer? Also, does it play well without a joystick? I'm really not into joysticks...
Freelancer is an action game. X3 is a space sim.

You can use an analog joypad instead of a joystick if you want.
StardogChampion said:
Freelancer is an action game. X3 is a space sim.

You can use an analog joypad instead of a joystick if you want.

What about a mouse and keyboard?
i have a joystick but i'd like this to be as easy to play as Freenlacer on a mouse+keyboard but seeing as this is a "space" sim i doubt the gameplay is that good with mouse+keyboard.

Really not a problem, i own a decent joystick just not sure if it's still good for this game.
Suicide42 said:
What about a mouse and keyboard?
It supports it but I doubt it's much fun. Using the mouse for Freelancer was easy, but for X3 it won't work as well.
Ren.182 said:
I got it, along with the FireFly series on DVD.

Same here, liking both.

I like the fact that I'm getting the hang of the supply and demand system, all I need is a bigger ship and then I'm set.
To all you people that have the game:
Don't hesitate to show screenshots. I am loving it!
You can use the mouse and keyboard. I've tried flying with the mouse and its a bit rugged... though, i did find it easier to shoot and aim when firing from a turrent.
I still use the mouse with my joystick to lock onto ships and deal with communications and all of that.
I haven't really tried much trading at all, i will do. Just finishing off this mission, just lost what i just did though, i alt+tabbed out, when i tabbed back in the game crashed :( (advice: dont alt+tab when in full screen mode)
Anyone found any decent trading routes yet?

I keep seeing on message boards at various Argon space stations, something about Delexian wheat being profitable in Boron space but so far i've only managed to find a 7 credit profit (buy 28 - sell 35) which is just the same as you can get with Energy cells for alot less travelling.
looks beautiful to be honest. when im through with civ 4 ill see about picking it up.
Can you pilot bigger ships than just fighters? I hate space games that only give you the smaller ship options. I wanna be able to pilot some pretty large cruisers or capital ships, even if just to have the abilityt o save up and build my own large fleet with them. I *LOVE* capital ships!

EDIT: Oh, and about the planets. You cant navigate down on them? But in the first trailer, it shows the ship flying down through a city and on a planet. Or was that cut out? <frowns>

1. Yes you can, atleast if it's like in X-2, I had -2- large cruisers with a ton of smaller AI controlled wingmen inside'em.

2. No, you can't, they're still just for looks.



Oh guys, if anyone wants to try one of the best space sims ever made.


Download FRONTIER: FIRST ENCOUNTERS - shareware version (v1.06).

Install it into "firstenc" on C:.:)

Go to http://jaj22.org.uk/jjffe/.

Download the latest DirectX 5 vers, install it to the "Game" folder within the firstenc one, run the NEW executable from that package, and voila, you can now without problems play one of the best space sims ever made.:)

Also, if you have any troubles with learning it etc(Like I did), you can get the manual of HOTU.


You won't regret it, I promise.:)
Sweet. Umm, I didnt hear anybody ask. Does the game have any form of multiplayer? I'd love to be able to play in the same world as my brother, even if its just me and him. IT'd be cool.
Nah, theres no multiplayer.
And about the ship going down to a planet on that trailer... thats part of an FMV... second mission into the game.
I hope i'm not the only one who has been looking to try to find a bittorrent for the game... I feel so evil. But seriously, I have a preorder in with ebgames, just sucks to wait until the 4th until I get it.
Raziaar, I too am guilty as charged, anyway, try the game I linked to, I promise it'll keep you entertained til your copy arrives mate!:cheers:
*Elite Fanboy*:p
Gargantou said:
Raziaar, I too am guilty as charged, anyway, try the game I linked to, I promise it'll keep you entertained til your copy arrives mate!:cheers:
*Elite Fanboy*:p

I cant seem to install it on my computer? Its MSDOS.

EDIT: Bah. the screen keeps closing out on me.
Raziaar said:
EDIT: Oh, and about the planets. You cant navigate down on them? But in the first trailer, it shows the ship flying down through a city and on a planet. Or was that cut out? <frowns>

Although you can't enter atmosphere of a planet and land on it, some missions do take place in the atmosphere (but its scripted), one of the earlier missions see you defending a ship by using its turret from a swarm of pirate vessels
Hey Axyon, have you read the official x3 boards at all? There seems to be alot of negative stuff being said, per usual for any game being released... but seriously, is there any of that stuff that needs to be addressed? Its worrying me.
Raziaar said:
Hey Axyon, have you read the official x3 boards at all? There seems to be alot of negative stuff being said, per usual for any game being released... but seriously, is there any of that stuff that needs to be addressed? Its worrying me.
The largest problem really is the performance. I said earlier that things were running fine on my system, but it seems I underestimated the situation. It gets pretty choppy in larger sectors, and the only real remedy at the moment is to turn the HUD off, which improves things significantly. Unfortunately, that also removes the reticule - there's patch 1.3 coming in a few weeks which will hopefully either remedy the bad performance or allow the reticule into the no-HUD situation, so you might want to wait until then.

Edit: Let me just reiterate though - I f*cking love this game.
I hope its a good purchase. I am reading SO many complaints on the official boards. Things that unnerve me.
Raziaar said:
I hope its a good purchase. I am reading SO many complaints on the official boards. Things that unnerve me.

Like what? I am thinking about buying this game too .....